BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


Nurturing a Shift towards Equitable Valuation of Nature in the Anthropocene Equival logo berria

In order to secure more ethical and more effective approaches for nature conservation, social equity needs to be integrated as a key aspect in environmental governance. This involves recognizing and creating transparent and participatory mechanisms that can explicitly include the voices of the diversity of stakes and worldviews about human-nature relations. This necessarily requires that valuation of biodiversity (a shorthand for nature or any biotic system as seen by modern science, or other knowledge systems) is also an equitable process. Equitable valuation requires: recognition of diversity of worldviews on human-nature relations, guaranteeing transparent participation of stakeholders, and being mindful of the distribution of benefits and burdens of valuation-based decisions.

EQUIVAL provides the seed for a transdisciplinary (integration of multiple disciplines together with involvement of stakeholders) vision of the role of equity in the valuation of nature. It seeks to identify and analyze on-the ground cases with varying degrees and understandings of equitable valuation-led decision-making processes. By so doing it aims to demonstrate the impacts of equitable valuation on nature conservation, as well as the opportunities and challenges that equitable valuation faces under varying social-ecological conditions. EQUIVAL will select and document about 30 case studies from the Global South and come up with a set of robust indicators that can connect equity in valuation and the level of conservation effectiveness. EQUIVAL will establish a network of scientists, and other stakeholders, such as NGOs, end-users, including indigenous peoples, policy makers focused on nature conservation-poverty reduction nexus, across administrative scales and intergovernmental science-policy organizations such as the Intergovernmental Platform of Nature and Ecosystem Services (IPBES).


Start date: November 2017

End date: October 2018

Call: Future Earth Program for Early-stage Grants Advancing Sustainability Science (PEGASuS). Future Earth Colorado Hub at Colorado State University, the University of Colorado Boulder, and the CSU Global Biodiversity Center

Partners in EQUIVAL:

BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) - Coordinator 

Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Key people involved in BC3:

Dr. Unai Pascual

Dr. Noelia Zafra


  Equival website: https://equival.bc3research.org/

 Twitter: @EQUIVAL_FE

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