BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


Landscapes in transition: synthesising knowledge on trade-offs between land use changes, ecosystem services and wellbeing.


Agricultural intensification is a dominant environment and development policy intervention in landscapes characterised by shifting cultivation and/or by a mosaic of farm and forest lands. And yet recent studies from ESPA and beyond are beginning to show that the outcomes of such interventions can frequently fail in their intentions to alleviate poverty and reduce losses of forests and biodiversity. The main objective of this research is to improve our understanding of the effects of agricultural intensification, with a view to better understanding how agricultural policy and interventions can be more sustainable and pro-poor.

The specific objectives of the project are:

1. To generate insight into the evolving trade-offs between land use changes, ecosystem services, associated values and well-being in transitional landscapes at the forest-agriculture frontier in the global south, more specifically to generate:

a. Evidence of the effects of agricultural intensification on ecosystem services.

b. Evidence of the effects of agricultural intensification on human wellbeing.

c. Evidence of how cultural, institutional and governance contexts shape the evolving nexus of trade-offs between land use change, ecosystem services and well-being.

d. Evidence of how trade-offs between land use changes, ecosystem services and well-being are negotiated and managed by communities and authorities.

e. Evidence of how agricultural intensification affects ecosystem service values across key stakeholders and associated facets of wellbeing.

2. To bring about academic impact through advancing conceptual insights into relationships between agricultural intensification, ecosystem services and human wellbeing.

3. To bring about poverty alleviation impact through knowledge exchange with key policymaking and practitioner communities.

4. To produce a working paper and co-produced knowledge products (Policy brief, film) and to aim at publishing at least one academic article in a high impact journal such as PNAS or Global Environmental Change.

5. To disseminate new knowledge through workshops, conferences, online survey, and science-policy platforms

Start date: December 2016

End date: November 2017

Programme: NERC-ESPA 2016 Grants

Partners in the Consortium:

University of East Anglia
University of Edinburgh
University of Copenhagen
University of Barcelona
BC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change

Key people involved in BC3:

Dr. Unai Pascual

  Website: http://www.espa.ac.uk/


This project is funded by theUK Natural Environment 
Research Council.


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