BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  4. Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 2nd seminar 30th of April, 2009.

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 2nd seminar 30th of April, 2009.

“Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in India: Methodology and Some Results".

Seminar given by Aline Chiabai, Elena Ojea and Julia Martín-Ortega from BC3, and Arabinda Mishra, Suruchi Bhadwal and Ranjan Ghosh from The Energy Research Institute (TERI).

Date: 30th of April

Location: Sarriko

Title:“Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in India: Methodology and Some Results".

The impacts of climate change are already being felt in the Indian Sub-continent and in many areas they are expected to get worse. It is crucial therefore to evaluate different adaptation options and to select those that can be justified in economic and social terms. This seminar will present a methodology for evaluating adaptation options in the areas of health, water (including flooding), agriculture and biodiversity. The aim is to estimate the costs of the programs needed, so that resources can be allocated in the short to medium term. The methodology side will be presented by BC3 researchers and the empirical side by researchers from The Energy Research Institute (TERI), a leading research centre in India.


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