Sexual Traditions of Ancient Egypt
Whether you are a sex freak, or just curious about ancient Egyptian sex culture, you'll learn a lot about the culture of sex in Ancient Egypt. In this article, you'll learn about the Disdain for the "passive" role of a lover, and how Incestuous relationships led to serious genetic defects. We'll also learn about the Sacred nature of sex.
Disdained partner in "passive" role
The word cinaedus is a commonly used term to describe a passive male sexual partner. It has the same meaning in Greek and has been surveyed from Jewish and other sources. We'll look at how the word is used in 1 Corinthians 6:8-10. Arsenokoitai will be discussed in the same way. In Ancient Egypt, men disdained a partner in a passive role.
Incestuous relationships led to serious genetic defects
In ancient Egypt, incestuous relationships were not only common among the ruling class, but also among the population. Today, many Western countries are more lenient about this practice, which has been linked to serious genetic defects. For instance, incestuous marriages between first cousins and siblings are often acceptable, despite the fact that this type of relationship poses a number of health risks.
The attitude toward incest was quite different in ancient Greece. Oedipus, the Greek mythical character, epitomized the anti-incest attitude. In addition to ruining reputation, accusation of incest was frowned upon. The Greeks didn't know about the genetic consequences of incest, but believed that children of two related relatives would be weak and unfit for society. In a nutshell, if two people had an incestous relationship, their offspring would be weak, sick, or have other serious problems. For more infromation, please click here.
Among the consequences of incestous relationships are increased risk of pregnancy complications, infertility, and low birth weight. Additionally, inbreeding leads to an increased incidence of recessive traits, which may cause serious genetic defects in offspring. Although it's unknown exactly why incestuous relationships occurred in ancient Egypt, scientists know that they resulted in genetic defects in offspring.
Sacred nature of sex
Egyptians were very devoted to the 'Sacred nature' of sex. They believed that sex is an act of creation, and they regarded it as a sacred act. The first god, Atum, lived alone and created the world through masturbation. The first gods were twins created through ejaculation, and semen was the earliest evidence of life. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt viewed sex as a sacred act, and they viewed it as an essential part of their spiritual life.
The 'Sacred nature' of sex in ancient Egypt is often attributed to its importance in creating society. For instance, the Negative Confessions in the Book of the Dead contain an expression of homosexual desire. This means that ancient Egyptians were well aware of and practiced homosexuality. The male sex is referred to as the 'nkw','sexually passive'.