UPV & BC3 Seminars Programme 2014
The aim of this program jointly promoted by EHU-UPV (University of Basque Country) and BC3, is to contribute to climate change knowledge through a series of lectures led by recognized academics in the field.
We will celebrate around 10 seminars during 2014 and the program will be updated with more detailed information about them.
- November 12th
"Emission Tax, Health Insurance and Crowding out of Energy Conservation Behavior: An Experiment"
Lecturer: Dr. Pallab Mozumder
Department of Earth & Environment, Department of Economics and Social Science Laboratory, International Hurricane Research Center, Florida read more...
- September 25th
"Social learning through economic experiments: an intervention in three rural water systems"
Lecturer: Prof. Juan Camilo Cárdenas, School of Economics, Universidad de los Andes , Bogotá, (Colombia). read more...
- June 13th
"On Fraud and Certification of Corporate Social Responsibility"
Lecturer: Dr. Dr. Carmen Arguedas, Departamento de Análisis Económico: Teoría Económica e Historia Económica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. read more...
- June 5th
"Implications of risk perceptions for long term future of nuclear energy in India: A sensitivity analysis around nuclear energy cost within an integrated assessment modeling framework"
Lecturer: Dr. Vaibhav Chaturvedi,Research Fellow, at Council on Energy, Environment and Water, New Delhi, India read more...
- May 30th
"How nuclear power plants in Spain have reacted to the introduction of renewable energy"
Lecturer: Dr. Margaret Armstrong, Cerna, Centre d'Economie Industrielle MINES, ParisTech read more...
- May 28th
"How to write scientific articles?"
Lecturer: Prof. Erik Dietzenbacher, Full Professor in Interindustry Economics at the University of Groningen read more...
- May 27th
"Assessment climate change adaptation policies for surface water availability in Mediterranean Europe"
Lecturer: Prof. Luis Maria Garrote,Full Professor at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Dept. of Civil Engineering; Hydraulic and Energy read more...
- May 15th
"Direct and Indirect CO2 Emissions of Households: A Dynamic Consumption Model in an Input-Output Framework."
Lecturer: Prof. Kurt Kratena
- March 19th
"Putting the break on belching ruminants: strategies to reduce methane emissions."
Lecturer: Dr. David R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Animal Nutrition Institute (CSIC)
