BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  3. Policy Briefings


BC3 Working papers

BC3 Policy briefings

Effects of Climate Change on the European Nuclear Power Sector

Gako-hitzak: adaptation, climate change, critical infrastructures, energy security, nuclear power plants, vulnerability

Autorea(k): Dirk Rübbelke and Stefan Vögele

Data: 2010-23-09

Alea: 2010-03

  Behera kargatu Policy Briefings hau (PDF) (360 KB.)

Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases cause climate change and this change in turn induces various direct impacts, e.g., changes in regional weather patterns. The frequency of heat waves and droughts in Europe is likely to rise.

Yet, beyond these immediate effects of climate change, there are more indirect effects: Droughts in Europe will cause water scarcity and a lack in water supply will affect further sectors and critical infrastructures. An arising lack in water supply for cooling purposes will negatively affect the electricity generation in European nuclear power plants and this, in turn, will exert an influence on electricity exchanges between countries. In this study we analyze the influence of climate change on electricity exchanges between European countries.

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