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Villamor, G.B., Palomo, I., López-Santiago, C.A., Oteros-Rozas, E., Hill, J.
Assessing stakeholders' perceptions and values towards social-ecological systems using participatory methods
Ecological processes
Montagnat, M., O. Castelnau, P. Bons, S. H. Faria, O. Gagliardini, F. Gillet-Chaulet, A. Griera, R. Lebensohn, J. Roessiger
Multiscale modeling of ice deformation behavior
Journal of Structural Geology
Albizua, A. and Zografos, C.
A values-based approach to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Applying Q methodology in the Ebro Delta, Spain
Environmental Policy and Governance
Ansuategi, A., Escapa, M., Galarraga, I. and González-Eguino, M.
Impacto económico de la eco-innovación en Euskadi: una aproximación quantitativa
Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca de Economía
Sérgio H. Faria, Ilka Weikusat, Nobuhiko Azuma
The microstructure of polar ice. Part I: highlights from ice core research
Journal of Structural Geology
Lassaletta, L., Aguilera, E., Sanz-Cobena, A., Pardo, G., Billen, G., Garnier, J., and Grizzetti, B.
Leakage of nitrous oxide emissions within the Spanish agro-food system in 1961–2009
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Cosenza, A; Mannina, G; Vanrolleghem, PA; Neumann, MB
Global sensitivity analysis in wastewater applications: A comprehensive comparison of different methods
Environmental Modelling & Software
Shipman, PD; Faria, SH; Strickland, C
Towards a continuous population model for natural language vowel shift
Refsgaard, JC; Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K; Drews, M; Halsnaes, K; Jeppesen, E; Madsen, H; Markandya, A; Olesen, JE; Porter, JR; Christensen, JH
The role of uncertainty in climate change adaptation strategies-A Danish water management example
Mitigation And Adaptation Strategies For Global Change
Stefano Balbi, Sabindra Bhandari, Animesh K. Gain, Carlo Giupponi
Multi-agent agro-economic simulation of irrigation water demand with climate services for climate change adaptation
Italian Journal of Agronomy
Heres, D.R.; Ortiz, R.A.; Markandya, A.
Deforestation in private lands in Brazil and policy implications for REDD programs: an empirical assessment of land use changes within farms using an econometric model
International Forestry Review
Petersen, SO; Blanchard, M; Chadwick, D; Del Prado, A; Edouard, N; Mosquera, J; Sommer, SG
Manure management for greenhouse gas mitigation
Phelps, J; Carrasco, LR; Webb, EL; Koh, LP; Pascual, U
Agricultural intensification escalates future conservation costs
Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America
Bagstad, K.J., Johnson, G.W., Voigt, B., Villa, F
Spatial dynamics of ecosystem service flows: A comprehensive approach to quantifying actual services
Ecosystem Services
Del Prado, A; Mas, K; Pardo, G; Gallejones, P
Modelling the interactions between C and N farm balances and GHG emissions from confinement dairy farms in northern Spain
Science Of The Total Environment
Galparsoro, I; Borja, A; Kostylev, VE; Rodriguez, JG; Pascual, M; Muxika, I
A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science
Ruiz, AR; Pascual, U; Romero, M
An exploratory spatial analysis of illegal coca cultivation in Colombia using local indicators of spatial association and socioecological variables
Ecological Indicators
Pascual, M; Borja, A; Galparsoro, I; Ruiz, J; Mugerza, E; Quincoces, I; Murillas, A; Arregi, L
Total fishing pressure produced by artisanal fisheries, from a Marine Spatial Planning perspective: A case study from the Basque Country (Bay of Biscay)
Fisheries Research
Mundaca, L; Markandya, A; Norgaard, J
Walking away from a low-carbon economy? Recent and historical trends using a regional decomposition analysis
Energy Policy
Misselbrook, T; del Prado, A; Chadwick, D
Opportunities for reducing environmental emissions from forage-based dairy farms
Agricultural And Food Science