BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  3. Working papers


BC3 Working papers

BC3 Policy briefings

Working papers also included in

Energy Supply and the Sustainability of Endogenous Growth

Gako-hitzak: endogenous growth, energy, resources, pollution, CGE-models

Autorea(k): Karen Pittel and Dirk Rübbelke

Data: 2010-13-07

Alea: 2010-10

  Behera kargatu working paper hau (PDF) (259 KB.)

The paper provides an introduction to energy and, respective resource use within the framework of endogenous growth models. We provide an overview of different modeling approaches as well as intuition with respect to the results obtained. We consider the source problem, i.e. the supply of energy, as well as the sink problem, i.e. pollution generated by the consumption of energy resources. The introduction to the theoretical framework shortly discusses the use of neoclassical versus endogenous growth models and also points to the implications of the different types of endogenous growth approaches. We additionally give an introduction to CGE-models that include energy use and present an example of a numerical solvable model in detail. The paper closes with a look at possible future research.

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