BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Seminario / Mintegia
"Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values"

Nos complace invitarle al Seminario ofrecido por Aline Chiabai que se celebrará el viernes 19 de junio, a las 12:00 de la mañana en el Aula B0.2 de la UPV en Sarriko. (Lehendakari Aguirre, 83)

Atseginez gonbidatzen zaitugu ekainaren 19an goizeko 12:00etan EHUko Sarrikon B0.2 gelan  Aline Chiabaiek emango duen mintegira. (Lehendakari Aguirre, 83)


"Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values"

Ecosystem services are expected to be strongly affected in the near future stressed by climate change. Far from being a mere accountability issue, the crucial issue under debate is the impact of this loss on the welfare of current and future populations, as well as wider ethical questions on the role of humans in the stewardship of the planet’s natural resources. The seminar will present the methodological framework for economic valuation of selected ecosystem services for world forest biomes and the potential total economic losses from policy inaction. Results suggest that any attempt to provide a monetary estimation of the services provided by the ecosystem still represents a very challenging task for researchers. On the one hand this task is made difficult due to the partial lack of original valuation studies that provide reliable estimates of the WTP for forest ecosystem values. On the other hand, the worldwide approach adopted here will need to be reinforced by taking into consideration uncertainty and a lack of information on local ecosystem conditions.


Aline Chiabai:
Research Professor - BC3

* El seminario se realizará en inglés. / Mintegia ingelesez burutuko da.


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