BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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BC3 Working papers

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Hunting spectro-temporal information in unevenly spaced paleoclimate time series

Gako-hitzak: wavelet spectral analysis, continuous wavelet transform, Morlet Weighted Wavelet Z-Transform, unvenly spaced paleoclimate time series, non-stationarity, multi-scale phenomena.

Autorea(k): Josué M. Polanco-Martínez and Sérgio H. Faria

Data: 2014-06-11

Alea: 2014-07

  Behera kargatu working paper hau (PDF) (1 MB.)

Here we present some preliminary results of a statistical–computational implementation to estimate the wavelet spectrum of unevenly spaced paleoclimate time series by means of the Morlet Weighted Wavelet Z-Transform (MWWZ). A statistical significance test is performed against an ensemble of first-order auto-regressive models (AR1) by means of Monte Carlo simulations. In order to demonstrate the capabilities of this implementation, we apply it to the oxygen isotope ratio (?18O) data of the GISP2 deep ice core (Greenland).

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