BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Journal Articles

  • 2023
  • Droz, L., Brugnach, M., Pascual, U. 2023. Multilingualism for pluralising knowledge and decision making about people and nature relationships. People and Nature. 5 (3) 874-884. DOI (10.1002/pan3.10468).
  • Flores-Rentería, D., Delgado-Balbuena, J., Campuzano, E.F., Curiel Yuste, J. 2023. Seasonal controlling factors of CO2 exchange in a semiarid shrubland in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico. Science of the Total Environment. 858. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159918).
  • Foudi, S., McCartney, M., Markandya, A., Pascual, U. 2023. The impact of multipurpose dams on the values of nature's contributions to people under a water-energy-food nexus framing. Ecological Economics. 206. DOI (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107758).
  • Frietsch, M., Zafra-Calvo, N., Ghoddousi, A., Loos, J. 2023. Advancing protected area effectiveness assessments by disentangling social-ecological interactions: A case study from the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Conservation Science and Practice. 5 (8) DOI (10.1111/csp2.12974).
  • Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Standfuss, T., Ruiz de Gauna, I., Goicoechea, N. 2023. Estimating the Volatility of Flights and Risk of Saturation of Airspaces in the European Core Area: A Methodological Proposal. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 13. (23) DOI (10.3390/app132312576).
  • García-Artola, A., Cearreta, A., Monge-Ganuzas, M., Nikitina, D., Li, T., Horton, B.P. 2023. Holocene environmental evolution and relative sea-level change in the Oka estuary (Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve, northern Spain). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 286. DOI (10.1016/j.ecss.2023.108310).
  • Gardner, A., Jiang, M., Ellsworth, D.S., MacKenzie, A.R., Pritchard, J., Bader, M.K.F., Barton, C.V.M., Bernacchi, C., Calfapietra, C., Crous, K.Y., Dusenge, M.E., Gimeno, T.E., Hall, M., Lamba, S., Leuzinger, S., Uddling, J., Warren, J., Wallin, G., Medlyn, B.E. 2023. Optimal stomatal theory predicts CO2 responses of stomatal conductance in both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees. New Phytologist. 237. (4) 1229-1241. DOI (10.1111/nph.18618).
  • Gill, D.A., Blythe, J., Bennett, N., Evans, L., Brown, K., Turner, R.A., Baggio, J.A., Baker, D., Ban, N.C., Brun, V., Claudet, J., Darling, E., Di Franco, A., Epstein, G., Estradivari, ; Gray, N.J., Gurney, G.G., Horan, R.P., Jupiter, S.D., Lau, J.D., Lazzari, N., Lestari, P., Mahajan, S.L., Mangubhai, S., Naggea, J., Selig, E.R., Whitney, C.K., Zafra-Calvo, N., Muthiga, N.A. 2023. Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities. One Earth. 6 (2) 118-130. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2023.01.010).
  • Giménez-García, A., Allen-Perkins, A., Bartomeus, I., Balbi, S., Knapp, J.L., Hevia, V., Woodcock, B.A., Smagghe, G., Miñarro, M., Eeraerts, M., Colville, J.F., Hipólito, J., Cavigliasso, P., Nates-Parra, G., Herrera, J.M., Cusser, S., Simmons, B.I., Wolters, V., Jha, S., Freitas, B.M., Horgan, F.G., Artz, D.R., Sidhu, C.S., Otieno, M., Boreux, V., Biddinger, D.J., Klein, A.M., Joshi, N.K., Stewart, R.I.A., Albrecht, M., Nicholson, C.C., O'Reilly, A.D., Crowder, D.W., Burns, K.L.W., Nabaes Jodar, D.N., Garibaldi, L.A., Sutter, L., Dupont, Y.L., Dalsgaard, B., Da Encarnação Coutinho, J.G., Lázaro, A., Andersson, G.K.S., Raine, N.E., Krishnan, S., Dainese, M., Van Der Werf, W., Smith, H.G., Magrach, A. 2023. Pollination supply models from a local to global scale. Web Ecology. 23. (2) 99-129. DOI (10.5194/we-23-99-2023).
  • González-Santacruz, N., Muñoz-Marzagon, P., Bartolomé, M., Moreno, A., Huidobro, J., Faria, S.H. 2023. Effects of impurities on the ice microstructure of Monte Perdido Glacier, Central Pyrenees, NE Spain. Annals of Glaciology. DOI (10.1017/aog.2023.66).
  • Goodwin, S., Olazabal, M., Castro, A.J., Pascual, U. 2023. Global mapping of urban nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation. Nature Sustainability. 6 (4) 458-469. DOI (10.1038/s41893-022-01036-x).
  • Hidalgo-Triana, N., Picornell, A., Reyes, S., Circella, G., Ribeiro, H., Bates, A.E., Rojo, J., Pearman, P.B., Vivancos, J.M.A., Nautiyal, S., Brearley, F.Q., Pereña, J., Ferragud, M., Monroy-Colín, A., Maya-Manzano, J.M., Ouachinou, J.M.A.S., Salvo-Tierra, A.E., Antunes, C., Trigo-Pérez, M., Navarro, T., Jaramillo, P., Oteros, J., Charalampopoulos, A., Kalantzi, O.I., Freitas, H., Ščevková, J., Zanolla, M., Marrano, A., Comino, O., Roldán, J.J., Alcántara, A.F., Damialis, A. 2023. Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for environmental policy. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 99. DOI (10.1016/j.eiar.2022.107013).
  • Hood, A.S.C., Shackelford, G.E., Christie, A.P., Usieta, H.O., Martin, P.A., Sutherland, W.J. 2023. A systematic map of cassava farming practices and their agricultural and environmental impacts using new ontologies: Agri-ontologies 1.0. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. 4 (2) DOI (10.1002/2688-8319.12249).
  • Huang, X., Hayashi, K., Fujii, M., Villa, F., Yamazaki, Y., Okazawa, H. 2023. Identification of potential locations for small hydropower plant based on resources time footprint: A case study in Dan River Basin, China. Renewable Energy. 205. 293-304. DOI (10.1016/j.renene.2023.01.079).
  • Huclin, S., Ramos, A., Chaves, J.P., Matanza, J., González-Eguino, M. 2023. A methodological approach for assessing flexibility and capacity value in renewable-dominated power systems: A Spanish case study in 2030. Energy. 285. DOI (10.1016/j.energy.2023.129491).
  • Inglis, D., Pascual, U. 2023. On the links between nature's values and language. People and Nature. 5 (2) 326-342. DOI (10.1002/pan3.10205).
  • Jebari, A., Del Prado, A., Pardo, G., Álvaro-Fuentes, J. 2023. Climate change effects on northern Spanish grassland-based dairy livestock systems. Plant and Soil. DOI (10.1007/s11104-023-05936-5).
  • Kennedy, C.A., Sers, M., Westphal, M.I. 2023. Avoiding investment in fossil fuel assets. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 27. (4) 1184-1196. DOI (10.1111/jiec.13401).
  • Korosuo, A., Pilli, R., Abad Viñas, R., Blujdea, V.N.B., Colditz, R.R., Fiorese, G., Rossi, S., Vizzarri, M., Grassi, G. 2023. The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track?. Carbon Balance and Management. 18. (1) DOI (10.1186/s13021-023-00234-0).
  • Langhans, S.D., Schallenberg, M. 2023. Accounting for diverse cultural values in freshwater management plans by using a transparent and collaborative decision support system based on multi-criteria decision analysis. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 57. (3) 309-335. DOI (10.1080/00288330.2021.1987932).
  • Lenzi, D., Balvanera, P., Arias-Arévalo, P., Eser, U., Guibrunet, L., Martin, A., Muraca, B., Pascual, U. 2023. Justice, sustainability, and the diverse values of nature: why they matter for biodiversity conservation. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 64. DOI (10.1016/j.cosust.2023.101353).
  • López-Ballesteros, A., Rodríguez-Caballero, E., Moreno, G., Escribano, P., Hereş, A.M., Yuste, J.C. 2023. Topography modulates climate sensitivity of multidecadal trends of holm oak decline. Global Change Biology. 29. (22) 6336-6349. DOI (10.1111/gcb.16927).
  • Magrach, A. 2023. The importance of a holistic approach to the factors determining population abundances. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92. (2) 229-231. DOI (10.1111/1365-2656.13876).
  • Magrach, A., Artamendi, M., Lapido, P.D., Parejo, C., Rubio, E. 2023. Indirect interactions between pollinators drive interaction rewiring through space. Ecosphere. 14. (6) DOI (10.1002/ecs2.4521).
  • Magrach, A., Giménez-García, A., Allen-Perkins, A., Garibaldi, L.A., Bartomeus, I. 2023. Increasing crop richness and reducing field sizes provide higher yields to pollinator-dependent crops. Journal of Applied Ecology. 60. (1) 77-90. DOI (10.1111/1365-2664.14305).