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Low carbon: Ongoing research projects
DECCMA - DEltas, vulnerability and Climate Change; Migration as an Adaptation
Migration is a complex process which is already occurring in all deltas, largely independent of climate change. Most research on deltas and migration tends to focus on individual system elements and issues rather than taking a systems-level perspective. This fails to consider the wider consequences of climate change and the interdependence between these phenomena and people’s behaviour. In contrast to previous research, this programme of research will take a systemic and multi-scale analytical perspective to understand gendered vulnerability and adaptation in deltas under a changing climate by analysing four contrasting populous delta systems in South Asia and Africa where there is significant potential for migration.. |
The CECILIA2050 project has been set up to understand how policy
instruments work in interaction, what factors determine their
performance, and how the European climate policy instrument mix should
evolve to guide the transformation to a low-carbon economy. The project
will describe ways to improve the economic efficiency and environmental
effectiveness of the instrument mix, and to address constraints that
limit their performance or feasibility. These include public acceptance,
availability of finance and the physical infrastructure, but also the
administrative and legal framework. |
PURGE - Public health impacts in urban environments of greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies The project will examine the health impacts of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction policies in urban settings in Europe, China and India, using case studies of 3-4 large urban centres and three smaller urban centres. Sets of realistic interventions will be proposed, tailored to local needs, to meet published abatement goals for GHG Emissions for 2020, 2030 and 2050. |
The UPV/EHU and the BC3, with the support of the Repsol Foundation, aim to help create new knowledge, taking into consideration the relationship that exists between climate change and the functioning of economic systems. |
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FLAGSHIP - Forward Looking Analysis of Grand Societal cHallenges and Innovative Policies The objectives of FLAGSHIP are: i) Understanding and assessing the state of the art of forward looking methodologies in relation to Grand Societal Challenges (GSC) and developing tools and modelling frameworks beyond state of the art; ii) Applying an enhanced set of forward looking methods and tools to support EU policies, by analysing reference and alternative scenarios of long-term demographic, legal, economic, social and political evolutions of Europe, in a world context, and assessing potential progress in technological and socialinnovation; iii) Driving change, producing a set of EU-relevant policy recommendations on the potential of the EU for transition and change. |
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COMPLEX - Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy Current models of climate change and carbon emission assume the immediate past is a reasonable guide to the future. They struggle to represent the complex causal structures and time-asymmetries of many socio-natural systems. COMPLEX will integrate the quasi-classic models of meso-scale processes with our best understanding of fine-grained space-time patterns and the system-flips that are likely to occur in the long interval between now and 2050. |
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COBELOC - Consumer behaviour for a low carbon economy This project focuses on understanding the factors that drive consumption patterns. This is done in order to improve the policies designed and implemented to promote more sustainable and low carbon consumption patterns. COBELOC especially focuses on policies designed to improve energy efficiency in households. |
PAEE - Políticas de apoyo a la eficiencia energética: impuestos vs subvenciones El objetivo principal de este proyecto se centra en la comprensión de los factores que explican las pautas de consumo desde la óptica de mejorar las políticas para la promoción de hábitos de consumo más sostenible y bajos en carbono; con una atención especial a las políticas de promoción de la eficiencia energética en el consumo residencial. Para ello se procederá a analizar las siguientes cuestiones: el papel de las eco-etiquetas en las decisiones del consumidor, el sobreprecio que actualmente se paga en el mercado por bienesambientalmente superiores y la sensibilidad (elasticidad precio de la demanda) de sustitutivos cercanos ambientalmente superiores y bajos en carbono. |