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An interoperability strategy for the next generation of SEEA accounting
Keywords: artificial intelligence, integrated modelling, interoperability, natural capital accounting, SEEA EA (System Environmental-Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting)
Author(s): Ferdinando Villa, Stefano Balbi, Alessio Bulckaen
Date: 2021-18-11
Issue: PB 2021-06
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• ARIES addresses the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) Principles for data and models and achieves high-level semantic interoperability and reusability by introducing the practice of semantically annotated content, in line with the original vision of a Semantic Web.
• The ARIES for SEEA Explorer is the practical outcome of the ARIES vision applied to SEEA accounting. This vision moves high-quality, meaningful statistical information related to ecosystem service assessments and related indicators from scientists into the hands of decision makers, the public, and the media as quickly as possible.
• Stakeholders working in the geospatial modeling community, such as data providers, modelers, and platform hosts, need to work together to achieve this vision. Concrete roles, responsibilities and quality control around SEEA-relevant data and models can foster extensive use of SEEA by countries around the world.
• Four key steps are needed to put this interoperability strategy into practice: pilot testing with selected partners; engaging key stakeholders in identifying the key areas of knowledge and corresponding communities of practice; aligning efforts across international institutions and National Statistics Offices; and developing and deploying training and instructional materials.