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- 2025
- Arrizabalaga-Iriarte, J., Lejonagoitia-Garmendia, L., Hvidberg, C.S., Grinsted, A., Rathmann, N.M. 2025. Firn densification in two dimensions: modelling the collapse of snow caves and enhanced densification in ice-stream shear margins. Journal of Glaciology. DOI (10.1017/jog.2025.6).
- Cuni-Sanchez, A., Aneseyee, A.B., Baderha, G.K.R., Batumike, R., Bitariho, R., Imani, G., Jha, N., Kaganzi, K.R., Kaplin, B.A., Klein, J.A., Leite, A., Marchant, R.A., Martin, E.H., Mcharazo, F., Mwangi, B., Ngute, A.S.K., Nkengurutse, J., Nkurunziza, A., Olaka, L., Soromessa, T., Tchoffo, R.O.K., Thorn, J.P.R., Twinomuhangi, I., Sullivan, M.J.P., Zafra-Calvo, N. 2025. Perceived climate change impacts and adaptation responses in ten African mountain regions. Nature Climate Change. DOI (10.1038/s41558-024-02221-w).
- Daniel Cortés, Z., Alexander Gutiérrez, G. 2025. Periodic and subharmonic solutions in the motion of a bead on a rotating circular hoop. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications. 81. DOI (10.1016/j.nonrwa.2024.104189).
- del Prado, A., Vibart, R.E., Bilotto, F.M., Faverin, C., Garcia, F., Henrique, F.L., Leite, F.F.G.D., Mazzetto, A.M., Ridoutt, B.G., Yáñez-Ruiz, D.R., Bannink, A. 2025. Feed additives for methane mitigation: Assessment of feed additives as a strategy to mitigate enteric methane from ruminants—Accounting; How to quantify the mitigating potential of using antimethanogenic feed additives. Journal of Dairy Science. 108. (1) 411-429. DOI (10.3168/jds.2024-25044).
- Dutta, M., Herreros-Cantis, P., McPhearson, T., Mustafa, A., Palmer, M.I., Tosca, M., Ventrella, J., Cook, E.M. 2025. New York City 2100: Environmental justice implications of future scenarios for addressing extreme heat. Landscape and Urban Planning. 254. DOI (10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105249).
- Egidazu-de la Parte, B., Balbi, S., Villa, F., Bengochea, D., Curcio, A.C., Galván, C., González, C.J., Juanes, J.A., Ondiviela, B., Peralta, G., Puente, A., Ramos, E., Rodríguez-Rojo, C.N., Pascual, M. 2025. Eco-geomorphic modelling response of tidal marshes to sea level rise and changes in suspended sediment supply. Science of the Total Environment. 958. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178164).
- Escobar, N., Valin, H., Frank, S., Galperin, D., Wade, C.M., Ringwald, L., Tanner, D., Hinkel, N., Havlík, P., Baker, J.S., Lie, S., Ramig, C. 2025. Understanding Uncertainty in Market-Mediated Responses to US Oilseed Biodiesel Demand: Sensitivity of ILUC Emission Estimates to GLOBIOM Parametric Uncertainty. Environmental Science and Technology. 59. (1) 302-314. DOI (10.1021/acs.est.3c09944).
- Galende-Sánchez, E. 2025. The EU’s depoliticized approach to deliberative democracy and its implications for climate policy: The case of the Conference on the Future of Europe. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. DOI (10.1080/14782804.2025.2457662).
- González-Santacruz, N., Fernandoy, F., Goto-Azuma, K., Hirabayashi, M., Cordero, R., Feron, S., Faria, S.H. 2025. Black carbon effects and seasonal isotope records in the Godwin‑Austen snowpack and K2 high-altitude camps. Journal of Glaciology. DOI (10.1017/jog.2024.111).
- Gutiérrez G., A., Castro G., D.A., Cortés Z., D. 2025. Chaotic dynamics of a bead on a rotating circular hoop. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 545. (1) DOI (10.1016/j.jmaa.2024.129123).
- Kim, M.H., Dankel, D.J. 2025. Are we ready to be wrong? Extended peer community for quality science-advice in uncertainty. Futures. 166. DOI (10.1016/j.futures.2024.103520).
- Lanuza, J.B., Knight, T.M., Montes-Perez, N., Glenny, W., Acuña, P., Albrecht, M., Artamendi, M., Badenhausser, I., Bennett, J.M., Biella, P., Bommarco, R., Cappellari, A., Castro, S., Clough, Y., Colom, P., Costa, J., Cyrille, N., de Manincor, N., Dominguez-Lapido, P., Dominik, C., Dupont, Y.L., Feldmann, R., Felten, E., Ferrero, V., Fiordaliso, W., Fisogni, A., Fitzpatrick, Ú., Galloni, M., Gaspar, H., Gazzea, E., Goia, I., Gómez-Martínez, C., González-Estévez, M.A., González-Varo, J.P., Grass, I., Hadrava, J., Hautekèete, N., Hederström, V., Heleno, R., Hervias-Parejo, S., Heuschele, J.M., Hoiss, B., Holzschuh, A., Hopfenmüller, S., Iriondo, J.M., Jauker, B., Jauker, F., Jersáková, J., Kallnik, K., Karise, R., Kleijn, D., Klotz, S., Krausl, T., Kühn, E., Lara-Romero, C., Larkin, M., Laurent, E., Lázaro, A., Librán-Embid, F., Liu, Y., Lopes, S., López-Núñez, F., Loureiro, J., Magrach, A., Mänd, M., Marini, L., Mas, R.B., Massol, F., Maurer, C., Michez, D., Molina, F.P., Morente-López, J., Mullen, S., Nakas, G., Neuenkamp, L., Nowak, A., O'Connor, C.J., O'Rourke, A., Öckinger, E., Olesen, J.M., Opedal, Ø.H., Petanidou, T., Piquot, Y., Potts, S.G., Power, E.F., Proesmans, W., Rakosy, D., Reverté, S., Roberts, S.P.M., Rundlöf, M., Russo, L., Schatz, B., Scheper, J., Schweiger, O., Serra, P.E., Siopa, C., Smith, H.G., Stanley, D., Ştefan, V., Steffan-Dewenter, I. 2025. EuPPollNet: A European Database of Plant-Pollinator Networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 34. (2) DOI (10.1111/geb.70000).
- Lucca, E., Kofinas, D., Avellán, T., Kleemann, J., Mooren, C.E., Blicharska, M., Teutschbein, C., Sperotto, A., Sušnik, J., Milliken, S., Fader, M., Đorđević, D., Dašić, T., Vasilić, V., Taiwo, B., Baubekova, A., Pineda-Martos, R., Spyropoulou, A., Baganz, G.F.M., el Jeitany, J., Oral, H.V., Merheb, M., Castelli, G., Pagano, A., Sambo, B., Suškevičs, M., Arnold, M., Rađenović, T., Psomas, A., Masia, S., La Jeunesse, I., Amorocho-Daza, H., Das, S.S., Bresci, E., Munaretto, S., Brouwer, F., Laspidou, C. 2025. Integrating “nature” in the water-energy-food Nexus: Current perspectives and future directions. Science of the Total Environment. 966. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2025.178600).
- Markandya, A., Cavalli, L., Bhattacharya, A., Galinato, G., Farnia, L. 2025. Links between the sustainable development goals: An analysis for Italy. Sustainable Development. 33. (1) 1068-1084. DOI (10.1002/sd.3162).
- Marquez-Torres, A., Kumar, S., Aznarez, C., Jenerette, G.D. 2025. Assessing the cooling potential of green and blue infrastructure from twelve US cities with contrasting climate conditions. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. 104. DOI (10.1016/j.ufug.2024.128660).
- Palomo, I., González-García, A., Ferraro, P.J., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Arboledas, M., Bullock, J.M., Bruley, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Lavorel, S. 2025. Business-as-usual trends will largely miss 2030 global conservation targets. Ambio. 54. (2) 212-224. DOI (10.1007/s13280-024-02085-6).
- Palomo, I., González-García, A., Ferraro, P.J., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Arboledas, M., Bullock, J.M., Bruley, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Lavorel, S. 2025. Correction to: Business-as-usual trends will largely miss 2030 global conservation targets (Ambio, (2025), 54, 2, (212-224), 10.1007/s13280-024-02085-6). Ambio. 54. (2) 225. DOI (10.1007/s13280-024-02114-4).
- Torán-Pereg, P., Kyttä, V., Pardo, G., Saarinen, M. 2025. Adapting the product group-specific nutritional functional units to the Spanish context. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. DOI (10.1007/s11367-024-02422-7).
- van de Ven, D.J., Mittal, S., Nikas, A., Xexakis, G., Gambhir, A., Hermwille, L., Fragkos, P., Obergassel, W., Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Filippidou, F., Sognnaes, I., Clarke, L., Peters, G.P. 2025. Energy and socioeconomic system transformation through a decade of IPCC-assessed scenarios. Nature Climate Change. DOI (10.1038/s41558-024-02198-6).
- Zabala, A., Pascual, U., García-Barrios, L.E., Mukherjee, N. 2025. Drivers to adopt agroforestry and sustainable land-use innovations: A review and framework for policy. Land Use Policy. 151. DOI (10.1016/j.landusepol.2025.107468).
- 2024
- Adamo, G., Sperotto, A., Fumagalli, M., Mosca, A., Sales, T.P., Guizzardi, G. 2024. Unpacking the Semantics of Risk in Climate Change Discourses. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 394. 163-177. DOI (10.3233/FAIA241303).
- Albizua, A., Rahman, H.M.T., Corbera, E., Pascual, U. 2024. Rural livelihoods displacement and mal-adaptation due to large-scale modern irrigation in Navarre, Spain. Environmental Development. 50. DOI (10.1016/j.envdev.2024.100987).
- Alcorta, P., Espinosa, M.P., Pizarro-Irizar, C. 2024. Right and Duty: Investment Risk Under Different Renewable Energy Support Policies. Environmental and Resource Economics. 87. (12) 3163-3204. DOI (10.1007/s10640-024-00909-3).
- Allen-Perkins, A., Artamendi, M., Montoya, D., Rubio, E., Magrach, A. 2024. Untangling the plant reproductive success of changing community composition and pollinator foraging choices. Ecography. DOI (10.1111/ecog.07240).
- Allen-Perkins, A., Giménez-García, A., Magrach, A., Galeano, J., Tarquis, A.M., Bartomeus, I. 2024. Comment on "Pollination supply models from a local to global scale": convolutional neural networks can improve pollination supply models at a global scale. Web Ecology. 24. (2) 81-96. DOI (10.5194/we-24-81-2024).