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Jaione Ortiz de Zarate

Jaione Ortiz de Zarate

  • Position:
    Technical Officer
  • Main Research Field:
    Climate adaptation and mitigation plans, urban planning and health.
  • BC3 Research Line:
    4. Research Line Adaptation Lab
  • Contact information:
    Email address: jaione.ortizdezarate@bc3research.org
    Contact phone: +34 944 014 690

Short CV

Jaione works on the field of urban planning and its link to climate adaptation and public health.

With a background on Architecture (Bsc + Msc 2016, Universitat Politecnica de Cataluinya, Barcelona - TEC de Monterrey, Mexico DF - Beijing Jiaotong Daxue, Beijing) and a specialization Urban Planning, sustainability and climate change (2019, UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona), she spent more than 5 years working as an architectural and urban planner and designer in different offices in Barcelona, Mexico DF and Beijing China. She developed several smart city plans and specialized in coordinating big scale urban projects in different fields and locations.

In 2018 started her masters on Urban Planning, Sustainability and Climate Change specialization at UPC foundation, where she developed a Master Thesis in which she focused to find the link between the actual pandemic diseases, urban planning and climate change adaptation plans.

She is currently working at BC3 analyzing climate adaptation plans, and their link to urban planning policies that directly or indirectly affect on human health, equity and wellbeing. She is also involved in European projects related to the implementation of local climate adaptation policies.

Book chapters

  • 2023
  • Aitor Zulueta, Estibaliz Sanz, Jaione Ortiz de Zárate,Violeta Cabello. 2023 Retos medioambientales de Euskadi. In: Editorial Catarata. In: La mirada larga retos del futuro para la ciudadanía vasca. Editorial Catarata Fuencarral, 70 Madrid. 155-171. ISBN 978-84-1352-800-7.

Other Publications

  • 2024
  • Estibaliz Sanz, Jaione Ortíz de Zárate. 2024. Adaptation Repository. OECC. (View in PDF)
  • 2023
  • Estibaliz Sanz, Jaione Ortíz de Zárate. 2023. How can local governments boost their climate emergency policies integrating the health perspective?. Elsevier. DOI (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sctalk.2023.100252).
  • 2022
  • Estibaliz Sanz, Jaione Ortíz de Zárate. 2022. Gobiernos locales y su gran desafío ante la emergencia climática. Ciudad Sostenible. 46. 37-42.
The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).

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