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William Lewis

- Position:
Technical Officer - Main Research Field:
IMAGINE Adaptation - BC3 Research Line:
4. Research Line Adaptation Lab - Contact information:
Email address: william.lewis@bc3research.org
Contact phone: +34 94 401 46 90
Short CV
William Lewis is the Project Manager for the European Research Council project IMAGINE Adaptation. Prior to BC3 he completed an internship at UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) in the Climate Change and Urban Environment team. During his internship he researched climate finance opportunities for intermediary cities. William holds a Master's of Science in Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation from Lund University in Sweden. His Master's thesis focused on tracking urban adaptation in UK urban areas and included a research stay at the Basque Centre for Climate Change where he looked at the experiences of six global cities in tracking urban adaptation. Prior to his Master´s he worked as a project manager in a housing association (a provider of social housing) in the UK. Alongside the role he investigated the inequitable access to green infrastructure for social housing residents and completed the Charityworks Graduate scheme. William holds a Bachelor's of Science in Geography from the University of Exeter and completed a year abroad at the University of Wollongong in Australia, where he investigated urbanisation processes in Bali. William is particularly interested in the evaluation, governance, and learning mechanisms for urban adaptation.
Journal Articles
- 2024
- Olazabal, M., Loroño-Leturiondo, M., Amorim-Maia, A.T., Lewis, W., Urrutia, J. 2024. Integrating science and the arts to deglobalise climate change adaptation. Nature Communications. 15. (1) DOI (10.1038/s41467-024-47400-7).
Affiliation previous to BC3
Lewis, W. (2023). Tracking Climate Change Adaptation Outcomes: Analysis of adaptation planning in UK. Master's Thesis, Lund University. http://lup.lub.lu.se/student-papers/record/9114411.Lewis, W. & Olazabal, M. (2021). Learning How to Learn: The experiences of 6 global cities in tracking urban adaptation. Basque Centre for Climate Change – BC3 Policy Briefings. https://www.bc3research.org/index.php?option=com_pbriefings&task=showdetails&idpbriefings=60&Itemid=292&lang=en_EN.
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2024
- [PB 2024-01] Innovative Climate Adaptation Measurement Strategies in 13 Global Cities Amanda Marino, William Lewis, Ana Terra Amorim-Maia and Marta Olazabal
- 2023
- [PB 2023-02] Evaluating adaptation: an analysis of policy progress in coastal cities and regions Marta Olazabal, William Lewis, Kayin Venner, María Ruiz de Gopegui Aramburu, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Sascha Mahawelatanne Goonesekera, Ibon Galarraga