BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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From January 2016 onwards all the BC3 News are available at news.bc3research.org.

Please find copied below the News previous to January 2016

BC3 News

Released the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC

Friday, 27 September 2013

Released the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) today, the 27th of September 2013.

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) will provide a clear view of the current state of scientific knowledge relevant to climate change. It will comprise three Working Group (WG) reports and a Synthesis Report (SYR). The outline and content can be found in the AR5 reference document and SYR Scoping document.

The Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report provides a comprehensive assessment of the physical science basis of climate change



BC3 publica un estudio sobre la "Huella de carbono en leche producida en el País Vasco"

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Acaba de publicarse otro estudio relacionado con la huella de carbono (C) de la producción de leche de vaca.

Aunque en estos momentos es un área de estudio emergente, hasta el momento se habían hecho (o al menos publicado) un número muy limitado de análisis de huella de carbono de la leche de vaca producida en la Península Ibérica (e.g. Galicia: Hospido et al., 2003 y Portugal: Castanheira et al., 2010).

En este caso se ha planteado el análisis a partir de una muestra de 17 explotaciones de vacas de leche en estabulación (en su mayor parte del tiempo) ubicadas en la provincia de Bizkaia (País Vasco). El estudio, principalmente, ha surgido con el objetivo de plantear una metodología nueva que combine en un marco de modelización a través de un análisis de ciclo de vida  de la cuna a la granja (cradle- farm gate)...




Promoting "#KulturaZientifikoa" become a world-wide Trending Topic

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

KulturaZientifikoa  is the Basque term for "Science culture".

A group of science connected professionals (researchers, research managers, technicians, journalists, etc.) in the Basque Country, have launched a collaborative initiative with the objective of promoting the awareness of the importance of a well-educated Society . The initiative entitled KulturaZientifikoa, aims to get their hashtag (hopefully worlwide) trending topic in Twitter on September 25th. Jon Mattin Matxain, a researcher at the UPV/EHU is leading the initiative.

BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, is collaborating with the initiative.

Please collaborate with us achieving this goal!


New publication in SCIENCE reveals the true cost of farming in the context of climate change

Friday, 05 July 2013

New research published in the journal SCIENCE by a team of scientists including Ikerbasque Professor Unai Pascual from BC3 reveals the true cost of farming in the context of climate change. 



BC3 2012ko Europako Klima Aldaketaren Ekonomia eta Politikako “Think Tank”-en sailkapenean irabazlea

Tuesday, 02 July 2013

ICCG - International Center for Climate Governance zentruak BC3a Europa mailako irabazle izendatu du eta Harvard Unibertsitateko Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (AEB) mundu mailako irabazle.



BC3 encabeza el Ranking Europeo de los “Think Tank” en Economía y Política del Cambio Climático

Tuesday, 02 July 2013

El centro ICCG - International Center for Climate Governance, otorga el premio a BC3 en la categoría europea y al centro americano Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs de la Universidad de Harvard (EE. UU.) en la categoría global.



BC3 rated first in the 2012 Climate Think Tank Ranking in the European category

Tuesday, 02 July 2013

The International Center for Climate Governance (ICGG) recognized BC3 as the winner in the European category and the Belfer Center from Harvard University (USA) in the Global category. 



Presentación. STOP CO2 Euskadi. En acción contra el cambio climático 14 de enero de 2009

Thursday, 15 January 2009


BC3 Christmas Conference

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Bilbao, 22nd December 2008



African Green Revolution Workshop.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Tokyo, Japan,7th-8th December 2008.



Meeting with the China Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) to prepare a work plan with BC3.

Monday, 15 December 2008

Beijing, China, 15th-16th December 2008.


Results 22 - 42 of 46

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