BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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ENERgy Efficiency POLIcies in Spain: analysing consumer choices Lacaixa


In order to combat climate change, several policies have been used in Spain to reduce the carbon intensity of the economy. However, household behavioural change has not received enough priority by the international climate debate. For these, more research is needed to keep the 1.5ºC target within reach. ENERPOLIS seeks to understand the effectiveness of market based (energy efficiency labels) and command and control instruments (Low emission zones) in Spain. This will be done through analysing the willingness to pay for energy efficiency of household appliances and study the effectiveness of the Madrid Low emission zone. The project will allow to provide useful recommendations to improve the design of policies influencing consumers’ choices of energy efficient technologies. Specifically, it will allow us to provide insights on the effectiveness of regulatory and economic instruments in the transition towards an energy efficient economy.

The promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) is an important step towards the decarbonisation of the energy sector. Several policy instruments target consumers’ choices and behaviour towards the purchase and use of energy efficient technologies. As some of these are rather new, research and feedback are needed to fine tune the instruments and ensure their effectiveness. This project will focus on two specific instruments in Spain, EE labelling for appliances and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ) regulation for transport in Madrid. The first one provides information to guide consumers to purchase more efficient appliances and is often used together with rebate schemes so can be considered as a market instrument. The second is a good example of command and control instrument as controls the number/type of vehicles entering a certain zone. The objective of this project is to evaluate the performance of these policies and explore possible design improvements. The research procedure proposed is: first, we will enhance the understanding on how EE information can be provided more efficiently adding information on monetary terms; second, the impact of LEZ on air quality and on city fleet com-position will be analysed; and third, we aim at contributing to the debate on the effectiveness of market based (EE labels) and command-and-control (LEZ) instruments. Three quantitative methodologies will be used: hedonic method, controlled lab experiment and causal inference.

Start date: 01/02/2020

End date: 31/01/2022



Key people involved in BC3:

Ibon Galarraga

Sebastien Foudi

Alessandro Silvestri

María del Mar Solà

Elena López

  Enerpolis website:https://observatoriosociallacaixa.org/es/-/convocatoria-de-investigacion-social

 Eng lcf2

“The project has received funding from “la Caixa” Banking Foundation under the project code 0435 - ENERPOLIS – ENERgy Efficiency POLIcies in Spain


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