BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


Water Infrastructure Solutions from Ecosystem Services Underpinning Climate Resilient Policies and Programmes

(WISE-UP to Climate)

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WISE-UP project brochure (PDF, 3MB)

Major new climate financing for adaptation is coming on stream with water infrastructure as a priority. Ecosystem services need to be linked more directly and clearly into water infrastructure development, for climate change adaptation and integration into water, food and energy security. If river basins themselves are treated as natural infrastructure, based on the ecosystems services they provide, then infrastructure planning and investment can consider alternate ‘portfolios’ of built and natural infrastructure. This project will develop, test and demonstrate approaches to using portfolios of built and natural water infrastructure development to achieve more optimal outcomes for the multiple goals of poverty reduction, water-food-energy security, biodiversity conservation and climate resil-ience. WISE-UP will demonstrate the application of natural infrastructure as a ‘nature-based solution’ for climate change adaptation and more sustainable development in the Volta and Tana river basins of West and East Africa respectively.



The project will increase adaptive capacity for climate change in the Volta and Tana basins through identification of optimised portfolios of built and natural water infrastructure in decision making and consensus building. The project will collect and synthesise hydrological, ecological and economic data, enabling development and testing of innovative applications of cutting edge optimisation of multiple objectives for basin infrastructure. New evidence and tools will be tailored through participatory learning to end user needs, supported by analysis of political, institutional and stakeholder dynamics in decision making. Capacity building and communications will disseminate results, lessons, skills and rec-ommendations from the project regionally and globally.

The project will contribute directly to realising the ‘nexus opportunities’ identified at the Bonn 2011 Conference on water, food and energy security, while facilitating action on the Aichi targets for biodiversity. An open-source platform will make evidence and tools from the project available to national experts and consultants to support development of new national and regional knowledge-based business.


Start date: August 2013

End date: July 2017

Call: International Climate Initiative 2012 (German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety)

Partners in the WISE-UP consortium:

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (UICN) - Coordinator
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, University of Nairobi
International Water Management Institute
University College London, Overseas Development Institute

Key people involved in BC3:

Prof. Anil Markandya

Dr. Marc Neumann

Dr. Amaia de Ayala

Dr. Sebastien Foudi

Laetitia Pettinotti

Objectives and concepts:

‘WISE-UP to Climate’ will support enhanced action on adaptation as called for in the Can-cun Adaptation Framework. The project will focus on adaptation to water-related impacts of climate change and specifically strengthening of decision making, negotiation and investment relating to water infrastructure as an adaptation measure. In particular, the project will address the call in the Cancun Adaptation Framework for: strengthening insti-tutional capacities; building resilience of socio-economic and ecological systems; re-search, development, demonstration and transfer of technologies; capacity building for adaptation; strengthening of data, information and knowledge systems; and providing decision makers at national and regional levels with improved climate-related data and information.

The project is designed to build capacity and catalyse action in response to this call in support of the national climate strategies of Burkina Faso, Ghana and Kenya, namely: the prioritisation in the Burkina Faso NAPA (2007) of improved management of water bodies and conservation of water resources; objectives in the Ghana National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (in prep.) to conserve water resources, build capacities for water resource management and increase the water availability; and the identified need in the Kenya National Climate Change Response Strategy (2010) for capture of water, develop-ment and maintenance of an appropriate stock of water infrastructure, and protection of water catchments from degradation.


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Supported by the Federal Ministry for the 
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear 
Safety, based on a decision of the Parliament 
of the Federal Republic of Germany.


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