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Entre los diferentes impactos del cambio climático, en la CAPV se prevé que, para finales de este siglo haya un aumento importante de temperatura tanto del aire como del océano, una reducción anual de la precipitación y un aumento del nivel del mar (Gobierno Vasco, 2011).

En relación con la temperatura, se estiman aumentos de 1-3°C de la temperatura mínima en invierno y una disminución del 50% en el número de días con temperaturas mínimas por debajo de 0°C (Gobierno Vasco, 2011)2. Se esperan también aumentos significativos de las temperaturas máximas, especialmente durante la época estival, que podrían alcanzar los 3°C a finales de siglo. Concretamente, se estima que la media de las temperaturas máximas para el periodo 2071-2100 se acercará a 39°C, lo que supone una diferencia de 4°C respecto al periodo 1978-2000. En consecuencia, se espera un aumento en la intensidad, frecuencia y duración olas de calor durante este siglo.

Entre otras consecuencias, estos cambios de temperatura pueden tener efectos sobre la salud humana. Por un lado, los inviernos más suaves contribuirían a reducir el pico de mortalidad invernal. Por otro lado, se estima que las temperaturas más elevadas contribuirán al aumento de determinadas enfermedades infecciosas, la propagación de vectores de las mismas (como mosquitos o garrapatas), así como el aumento de determinadas enfermedades de origen alimentario ligadas al incremento de temperatura (por ejemplo, salmonelosis). Además, las olas de calor pueden implicar un aumento de las cardiopatías y ciertas enfermedades respiratorias como asma y rinitis, que afectarán principalmente a los segmentos más vulnerables de la población (ancianos y niños) así como a los que padecen ya alguna enfermedad de este tipo






Olas de calor y salud: impactos y adaptación en Euskadi  Logo klima2050

El objetivo principal del proyecto OSATU es desarrollar una metodología con elementos clave para ayudar a la toma de decisiones en materia de prevención de los efectos de las olas de calor sobre la salud en Euskadi en un contexto de cambio climático. Además, se espera poder obtener resultados que resulten relevantes para adaptar los planes de alerta temprana a los cambios esperados en el futuro.




INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions Inherit logotagline rgb

The overarching aim of INHERIT is to define effective inter-sectoral policies and interventions that promote health and well-being across the social gradient by tackling key environmental stressors and related inequalities in the areas of living, consuming and moving.

INHERIT will bring together relevant stakeholders from different sectors, including the private sector.




Analysing cobenefits among ECOsystems and HEALTH to cope with climate change risks

In the setting of the 2nd PNACC workprogramme, ECOHEALTH addresses the need to identify measures which could bring multiple co- benefits in health and ecosystems protection, in a context of adaptation to climate change, while mobilizing key stakeholders. The project relates to and expand some of the objectives stated in the Cost Action TObeWELL (Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services, 2012-2016, Cost Action IS1204), which aims at bringing together principles of ecosystem services (ES), focusing on life support systems, with more non-material services such as culture, health and wellbeing. The project is also linked with the EU Project BASE (Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe, 2012-2016, FP7 ENV.2012.6.1-3), and specifically to the case study where BC3 and UPM are involved to assess co- benefits of adaptation measures in water and health to face droughts and heat waves in the area of Madrid.

Within this context, we aim to link research on wellbeing provided by ecosystems and the implications on human health. The idea is to explore how and in what way it is possible to improve human health and wellbeing, by using in a sustainable way natural resources and ecosystem services, while addressing adaptation to climate change. For example, in urban contexts, green spaces can be good adaptation options as they can provide a localized cooling effect (of 1°C - 2°C), while decreasing the risk of flooding. At the same time, they provide other co-benefits, such as improving air quality, cutting particulate pollution, reducing traffic noise, improving human health (both physical and psychological).




calculatinG heaLth impActs of atmospheric pollutioN in a Changing climatE Glance

Current annual global estimates of premature deaths from poor air quality are estimated in the range of 2.6-4.4 million, and 2050 projections are expected to double against 2010 levels. In Europe, annual economic burdens are estimated at around 750 bn €. Climate change will further exacerbate air pollution burdens; therefore, a better understanding of the economic impacts on human societies has become an area of intense investigation. European research efforts are being carried out within the MACC project series, which started in 2005. The outcome of this work has been integrated into a European capacity for Earth Observation, the Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS). In MACC/CAMS, key pollutant concentrations are computed at the European scale and globally by employing chemically-driven advanced transport models. In GLANCE,  an  integrated assessment model is developed for calculating the health impacts and damage costs of air pollution at different physical scales. It combines MACC/CAMS (assimilated Earth Observations, an ensemble of chemical transport models and state of the art ECWMF weather forecasting) with downscaling based on in-situ network measurements. 

The strengthening of modeled projections through integration with empirical evidence therefore reduces errors and uncertainties in the health impact projections. In addition, GLANCE will yield improved data accuracy at different time resolutions. This project is a multidisciplinary approach which brings together leading experts from natural sciences and socioeconomic fields.  GLANCE benefits the European community by contributing a novel approach to assess impacts of air quality at the local and regional levels, thus benefiting to long running EU commitments, while exploring new pathways for exploiting earth observational data.



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