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Daniel Montoya

Daniel Montoya

Short CV

I completed my PhD at the University of Alcala, Spain (2009), where I studied the spatial structure of forest communities and their responses to habitat loss and fragmentation. The main outcome of my PhD was the recognition that species interactions confer robustness to deforestation. My interest in species interaction networks and field ecology prepared me to join Jane Memmott’s laboratory at the University of Bristol (UK), where I became increasingly interested in restoration ecology. I focused on applying techniques and advances in food web theory, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, and metacommunity theory into restoration. After this first postdoc, I was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to investigate structure-function relationships in food webs that contained multiple species, and it resulted in me learning a diverse range of organisms’ life histories, sampling techniques and lab analyses. One key finding of this work was that differences in the spatial structure of food webs affect their functioning, establishing links between structure and functioning of ecosystems in space.

I moved to France in 2015 with an AgreenSkills Fellowship (Marie-Curie COFUND People Program) hosted by INRA Agroecology and the Theoretical & Experimental Ecology Station (SETE-CNRS). This collaboration with theoreticians permitted me to open up new perspectives in ecosystem multifunctionality and stability theory that I did not previously have. By using a combination of stability theory and mathematical models, I investigated the effects of spatial heterogeneity on the provision and stability of multiple ecosystem functions, and I found for the first time that ecosystem function trade-offs can affect not only the magnitude of functions, but also their stability in the long run. I subsequently worked at the SETE-CNRS (France) focusing on the effects of global change on the diversity, functioning and stability of metacommunities.

My scientific trajectory has enabled me to develop an integrative research (food webs, biodiversity-ecosystem functioning, stability, restoration, agriculture), combining basic and applied science and a diverse set of approaches: simulations and mathematical models, analysis of large datasets, field observations and experimental manipulations. The expertise and skills acquired during these years have led me to reach a permanent position in the Basque Centre of Climate Change (BC3).

Journal Articles

  • 2024
  • Allen-Perkins, A., Artamendi, M., Montoya, D., Rubio, E., Magrach, A. 2024. Untangling the plant reproductive success of changing community composition and pollinator foraging choices. Ecography. DOI (10.1111/ecog.07240).
  • Hackett, T.D., Sauve, A.M.C., Maia, K.P., Montoya, D., Davies, N., Archer, R., Potts, S.G., Tylianakis, J.M., Vaughan, I.P., Memmott, J. 2024. Multi-habitat landscapes are more diverse and stable with improved function. Nature. 633. (8028) 114-119. DOI (10.1038/s41586-024-07825-y).
  • Magrach, A., Montoya, D. 2024. Stability in plant-pollinator communities across organizational levels: present, gaps, and future. AoB PLANTS. 16. (3) DOI (10.1093/aobpla/plae026).
  • Montoya, D., Rastelli, E., Casotti, R., Manna, V., Trano, A.C., Balestra, C., Santinelli, C., Saggiomo, M., Sansone, C., Corinaldesi, C., Montoya, J.M., Brunet, C. 2024. Microplastics alter the functioning of marine microbial ecosystems. Ecology and Evolution. 14. (11) DOI (10.1002/ece3.70041).
  • 2023
  • Montoya, D. 2023. Variation in diversity–function relationships can be explained by species interactions. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92. (2) 226-228. DOI (10.1111/1365-2656.13836).
  • 2022
  • Galiana, N., Lurgi, M., Bastazini, V.A.G., Bosch, J., Cagnolo, L., Cazelles, K., Claramunt-López, B., Emer, C., Fortin, M.J., Grass, I., Hernández-Castellano, C., Jauker, F., Leroux, S.J., McCann, K., McLeod, A.M., Montoya, D., Mulder, C., Osorio-Canadas, S., Reverté, S., Rodrigo, A., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Traveset, A., Valverde, S., Vázquez, D.P., Wood, S.A., Gravel, D., Roslin, T., Thuiller, W., Montoya, J.M. 2022. Ecological network complexity scales with area. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6 (3) 307-314. DOI (10.1038/s41559-021-01644-4).
  • 2021
  • Montoya, D. 2021. Challenges and directions toward a general theory of ecological recovery dynamics: A metacommunity perspective. One Earth. 4 (8) 1083-1094. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2021.07.012).
  • Montoya, D., Haegeman, B., Gaba, S., De Mazancourt, C., Loreau, M. 2021. Habitat fragmentation and food security in crop pollination systems. Journal of Ecology. 109. (8) 2991-3006-3006. DOI (10.1111/1365-2745.13713).

Affiliation previous to BC3

Moreno-Mateos, D., Alberdi, A., Mörrien, E., van der Putten, W., Rodríguez-Uma, A., Montoya, D. (2020). The long-term restoration of ecosystem complexity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4: 676–685

Montoya, D., Gaba, S., de Mazancourt, C., Bretagnolle, V. & Loreau, M. (2020). Reconciling biodiversity conservation, food production and farmers’ demand in agricultural landscapes . Ecological Modelling 416: 108889

Hackett, T., Sauve, A., Davies, N., Montoya, D., Tylianakis, J. & Memmott, J. (2019). Reshaping our understanding of species’ roles in landscape-scale networks. Ecology Letters 22(9): 1367-1377

Montoya, D. (2019). The restoration of ecological networks: Spatial and temporal scales, stability and global change. Special issue on Restoring interactions. Ecosistemas 28(2): 11-19

McWilliams, C., Lurgi, M., Montoya, J.M., Sauve, A. & Montoya, D. (2019). The stability of multitrophic communities under habitat loss. Nature Communications 10: 2322

Jones H. P., Jones P.C., Barbier E.B., Blackburn R.C., Rey Benayas J.M., Holl K.D., McCrackin M., Meli P., Montoya D. & Moreno-Mateos D. (2019). We agree with Larkin et al. 2019: restoration is context specific. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London B 286: 20191179

Montoya D., Haegeman B., Gaba S., De Mazancourt, C., Bretagnolle V. & Loreau M. (2019). Trade-offs in provisioning and stability of ecosystem services in agroecosystems. Ecological Applications 29(2): e01853

Jones H. P., Jones P.C., Barbier E.B., Blackburn R.C., Rey Benayas J.M., Holl K.D., McCrackin M., Meli P., Montoya D. & Moreno-Mateos D. (2018). Restoration and repair of Earth’s damaged ecosystems. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London B 285: 20172577

Montoya D., Haegeman B., Gaba S., De Mazancourt, C., Bretagnolle V. & Loreau M. (2018). Trade-offs in provisioning and stability of multiple ecosystem services in agroecosystems. bioRxiv

Meli P., Holl K.D., Rey-Benayas J.M., Jones H.J., Jones P.C., Montoya D., Moreno-Mateos D. (2017). A global review of past land use, climate, and active vs. passive restoration effects on forest recovery. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171368

Moreno-Mateos D., Barbier E.B., Jones P.C., Jones .P., Aronson J., López-López J.A., McCrackin M.L.,Meli P., Montoya D. & Rey-Benayas J.M. (2017). Anthropogenic ecosystem disturbance and the recovery debt. Nature Communications 8:14163

Emer C., Memmott J., Vaughan I.P., Montoya D. & Tylianakis J.M. (2016). Species roles in plant–pollinator communities are conserved across native and alien ranges. Diversity & Distributions 22, 841-852

Lurgi M., Montoya D. & Montoya J.M. (2016) The role of space and diversity of interaction types on the stability of complex ecological networks. Special Issue: Theory of Food Webs. Theoretical Ecology 9, 3-13

Ribeiro F., Montoya D., Furtado R., Memmott J. Pizo, M.A. & Rodrigues R.R. (2015). The restoration of tropical seed dispersal networks. Restoration Ecology 23, 852-860

Montoya D., Yallop M.L. & Memmott J. (2015). Functional group diversity increases with modularity in complex food webs. Nature Communications 6:7379

Russo L., Memmott J., Montoya D., Shea K. & Buckley Y.M. (2014). Patterns of introduced species interactions affect multiple aspects of network structure in plant-pollinator communities. Ecology 95, 2953-2963

Nenzen H., Montoya D. & Varela S. (2014). The impact of 850,000 years of climate changes on the structure and dynamics of mammal food webs. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106651

Montoya D., Rogers L. & Memmott, J. (2012). Emerging perspectives in the restoration of biodiversity-based ecosystem services. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 27, 666-672

Alburqueque, F.S. Olalla-Tárraga M.A., Montoya D. & Rodríguez M.A. (2011). Environmental determinants of woody and herb plant species richness patterns in Great Britain. Ecoscience 18, 394-401

Montoya D. Alburquerque F.S., Rueda M. & Rodríguez M.A. (2010). Species response patterns to habitat fragmentation: do trees support the extinction threshold hypothesis? Oikos 119,1335-1343

Montoya D., Purves D.W., Urbieta I.R. & Zavala M.A. (2009). Do Species Distribution Models explain spatial structure within tree species ranges? Global Ecology & Biogeography 18, 662-673

Montoya D. (2009). Resistencia a la deforestación. Los beneficios de la dispersión de semillas por animales. Revista Investigación y Ciencia 390, 12-13

Bini L.M et al (Montoya as mid author) (2009). Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography 32, 1-12

Montoya D. (2008). Habitat loss, dispersal, and the probability of extinction of tree species. Communicative & Integrative Biology 1:2, 146-147

Montoya D., Zavala M. A., Rodríguez M. A. &Purves D. W. (2008). Animal versus wind dispersal and the robustness of tree species to deforestation. Science 320, 1502-1504

Montoya D., Rodríguez M. A., Zavala M. A., Hawkins B. A. (2007). Contemporary richness of Holarctic trees and the historical pattern of glacial retreat. Ecography 30, 173-182

Hawkins B.A. et al (Montoya as mid author) (2007). A global evaluation of Metabolic Theory as an explanation for terrestrial species richness gradients. Ecology 88, 1877-1888

Hawkins B. A., Montoya D., Rodríguez M. A., Olalla-Tárraga M. A. & Zavala M. A. (2007). Global models for predicting woody plant richness from climate: comment. Ecology 88, 255-259

Affiliation previous to BC3

Zavala M. A., Montoya D., Benito-Garzon M. & Purves D. W. (2011). Principales determinantes de la distribución de las especies forestales ibéricas a diferentes escalas: efectos potenciales del cambio climático. In La evolución del paisaje vegetal y el uso del fuego en la cordillera Cantábrica (Ezquerra, F.J. & Rey, E., Coord., Junta de Castilla y León)

Lomas P. L., Martin, B., Louit, C., Montoya, D., Montes, C. & Alvarez, S. (2005). Guía práctica para la valoración económica de los bienes y servicios ambientales de los ecosistemas. Fundación Interuniversitaria González Bernáldez
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