Governance of climate change adaptation and risk management | ||
Governadapt is a 1-year pilot project funded by the Basque Cooperation Agency whose main goal is assessing climate-induced coastal risks in the city of Dakar and determining, in a co-creation process with stakeholders, acceptable levels of risk that will guide the identification of different adaptation pathways. |
The project is led by the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), in collaboration with IHCantabria, a research institute specialised in delivering science-based innovative solutions related to the water cycle. For further information, please, check the brief brochures below: |
Start date: 01/12/2019 |
End date:31/01/2021 |
Partners in GOVERNADAPT: |
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change-Klima Aldaketa Ikergai Fundación Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de Cantabria, IHCantabria
Key people involved in BC3: |