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- Personas
Alessio Bulckaen

- Cargo:
Technical Officer - Principal línea de investigación:
Natural Capital Accounting integration within ARIES - BC3 Research Line:
5. Research Line Integrated Modelling of Coupled Human-natural Systems - Información de contacto:
Email: alessio.bulckaen@bc3research.org
Teléfono: +34 944 014 690 - Scopus Author ID: 57915516600
- Download CV:
Alessio Bulckaen - CV
Short CV
I graduated in Economics and worked as a Financial Analyst in the Energy and Sustainability sectors for about 4 years before joining BC3.
Journal Articles
- 2023
- Boschetto, R.G., Capriolo, A., Mascolo, R.A., Arrigotti, J., Racevich, S., Bulckaen, A., Balbi, S., Villa, F. 2023. Analysis of Changes over Time in Four Provisioning Ecosystem Services in Italy. Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management. 11. (1) 91-114. DOI (10.5890/JEAM.2023.03.007).
- 2022
- Capriolo, A., Boschetto, R.G., Mascolo, R.A., Bulckaen, A., Balbi, S., Villla, F. 2022. How regulating and cultural services of ecosystems have changed over time in Italy. One Ecosystem. 7 DOI (10.3897/ONEECO.7.E83214).
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2024
- [PB 2024-02] Nigeria Natural Capital Accounting Compilation of Pilot Ecosystem Accounts for Nasarawa and Kaduna States Alessio Bulckaen, Caterina Gilli, Matias Piaggio, Drita Drade
- 2023
- [2023-02] An interoperability strategy for the next generation of SEEA accounting Ferdinando Villa, Stefano Balbi, Ken Bagstad, Alessio Bulckaen
- 2021
- [PB 2021-06] An interoperability strategy for the next generation of SEEA accounting Ferdinando Villa, Stefano Balbi, Alessio Bulckaen
- [PB 2021-04] Artificial Intelligence technology for rapid natural capital accounting: The ARIES for SEEA explorer Ferdinando Villa, Stefano Balbi, Alessio Bulckaen, Amelia Ochoa
The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).