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Ibon Galarraga

- Cargo:
Professor - Principal línea de investigación:
Public policies, policy instruments and environmental and resource economics - BC3 Research Line:
Low Carbon,4. Research Line Adaptation Lab - Información de contacto:
Email: ibon.galarraga@bc3research.org
Teléfono: +34 94-401 46 90 ext. 133 - Scopus Author ID: 6504712018
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2683-9360
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Curriculum Ibon-ES_2022
Short CV
Ph.D. in Economics (Environmental Economics) from the University of Bath (UK), M.A. Economics at the University of Essex (UK) and B.A. Economics (speciality of International Economics and Development) at the University of Basque Country.
He has worked as an environmental consultant for many years for both public and private clients such as the World Bank, the Department for International Development of the British Government or the Basque Government. He was co-founder of a consultancy company.
Ibon taught microeconomics and macroeconomics at the University of Bath and Economic Policy at the University of Deusto.
During July 2005 and May 2009, he was the Deputy Minister for the Environment of the Basque Government, Vicepresident of IHOBE and member of the board of the Ente Vasco de la Energía (EVE). Regarding the International sphere, he was the Deputy Co-Chair of the Network of Regional Governments on Sustainable Development (nrg4sd) from 2005-2008 and has actively participated in several CoP-s.
During 2013-2015 he was the Deputy Director of BC3. Former President of the Spanish Association for Energy Economics (2019-2021).
Included in the Ranking of the World Top 2% Scientists by the Stanford University in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Ibon received the "Ekonomistak Saria 2022" from the Colegio Vasco de Economistas as recognition of his contributions to research in environmental economics, public policy analysis and practice as well as entrepreneurship.
Journal Articles
- 2024
- Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Standfuss, T., Ruiz-Gauna, I., Goicoechea, N. 2024. An approximation of flights, delays and costs for different forecast scenarios: A backcasting exercise. Heliyon. 10. (4) DOI (10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26480).
- Thomas Standfuss, Ibon Galarraga, Itziar Ruiz de Gauna, Matthias Whittome and Michael Schultz. 2024. Traffic Forecasts and their Influence on the Environment. Journal of Aviation Science & Technology.
- Txapartegi, A., Cazcarro, I., Galarraga, I. 2024. Short-haul flights ban in France: Relevant potential but yet modest effects of GHG emissions reduction. Ecological Economics. 224. DOI (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108289).
- 2023
- Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Standfuss, T., Ruiz de Gauna, I., Goicoechea, N. 2023. Estimating the Volatility of Flights and Risk of Saturation of Airspaces in the European Core Area: A Methodological Proposal. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 13. (23) DOI (10.3390/app132312576).
- Solà, M.d.M., Escapa, M., Galarraga, I. 2023. Effectiveness of monetary information in promoting the purchase of energy-efficient appliances: Evidence from a field experiment in Spain. Energy Research and Social Science. 95. DOI (10.1016/j.erss.2022.102887).
- 2022
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Ruiz-Gauna, I. 2022. Flight delays in Germany: a model for evaluation of future cost risk. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 22. (1) 93-117. DOI (10.18757/ejtir.2022.22.1.5936).
- Galarraga, I., López-Bernabé, E., Ojeda, C., Solà, M.M. y de Ayala, A. 2022. La importancia de la eficiencia energética: evidencia reciente para España. Papeles de Economía Española. 174.
- Longo, A., Mitchell, E., Markandya, A., Galarraga, I. 2022. One Size Does Not Fit All: Financial Incentives Needed to Change Physical Exercise Levels for Different Groups. Medical Decision Making. 42. (1) 68-79. DOI (10.1177/0272989X211011606).
- López-Bernabé, E., Linares, P., Galarraga, I. 2022. Energy-efficiency policies for decarbonising residential heating in Spain: A fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. Energy Policy. 171. DOI (10.1016/j.enpol.2022.113211).
- Markanday, A., Kallbekken, S., Galarraga, I. 2022. The power of impact framing and experience for determining acceptable levels of climate change-induced flood risk: a lab experiment. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 27. (2) DOI (10.1007/s11027-021-09989-8).
- Silvestri, A., Foudi, S., Galarraga, I. 2022. How to get commuters out of private cars? Exploring the role of perceived social impacts in mode choice in five European countries. Energy Research and Social Science. 92. DOI (10.1016/j.erss.2022.102811).
- 2021
- de Ayala, A., Foudi, S., Solà, M.d.M., López-Bernabé, E., Galarraga, I. 2021. Consumers’ preferences regarding energy efficiency: a qualitative analysis based on the household and services sectors in Spain. Energy Efficiency. 14. (1) DOI (10.1007/s12053-020-09921-0).
- del Mar Solà, M., de Ayala, A., Galarraga, I. 2021. The Effect of Providing Monetary Information on Energy Savings for Household Appliances: A Field Trial in Spain. Journal of Consumer Policy. 44. (2) 279-310-310. DOI (10.1007/s10603-021-09483-3).
- Goicoechea, N., Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Pümpel, H., de Gauna, I.R. 2021. Insights on the economic estimates of the climate costs of the aviation sector due to air management in 2018-19. Dyna (Spain). 96. (6) DOI (10.6036/10238).
- Kontogianni, A., Damigos, D., Skourtos, M., Tourkolias, C., Denny, E., Galarraga, I., Kallbekken, S., Lakić, E. 2021. Model validity and transferability informing behavioral energy policies. Energies. 14. (11) DOI (10.3390/en14113122).
- López-Bernabé, E., Foudi, S., Linares, P., Galarraga, I. 2021. Factors affecting energy-efficiency investment in the hotel industry: survey results from Spain. Energy Efficiency. 14. (4) DOI (10.1007/s12053-021-09936-1).
- Markanday, A., Galarraga, I. 2021. The cognitive and experiential effects of flood risk framings and experience, and their influence on adaptation investment behaviour. Climate Risk Management. 34. DOI (10.1016/j.crm.2021.100359).
- Markanday, A., Markandya, A., De Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I. 2021. Accounting for the effects of employment, equity, and risk aversion in cost-benefit analysis: An application to an adaptation project. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis. 12. (2) 313-334-334. DOI (10.1017/bca.2020.32).
- Sainz de Murieta, E., Galarraga, I., Olazabal, M. 2021. How well do climate adaptation policies align with risk-based approaches? An assessment framework for cities. Cities. 109. DOI (10.1016/j.cities.2020.103018).
- Silvestri, A., Foudi, S., Galarraga, I., Ansuategi, A. 2021. The contribution of carsharing to low carbon mobility: Complementarity and substitution with other modes. Research in Transportation Economics. 85. DOI (10.1016/j.retrec.2020.100968).
- Solà, M.d.M., de Ayala, A., Galarraga, I., Escapa, M. 2021. Promoting energy efficiency at household level: a literature review. Energy Efficiency. 14. (1) DOI (10.1007/s12053-020-09918-9).
- Tepes, A., Galarraga, I., Markandya, A., Sánchez, M.J.S. 2021. Costs and benefits of soil protection and sustainable land management practices in selected European countries: Towards multidisciplinary insights. Science of the Total Environment. 756. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143925).
- 2020
- Abadie, L.M., de Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I. 2020. The costs of sea-level rise: Coastal adaptation investments vs. inaction in Iberian coastal cities. Water (Switzerland). 12. (4) DOI (10.3390/W12041220).
- Abadie, L.M., Jackson, L.P., Sainz de Murieta, E., Jevrejeva, S., Galarraga, I. 2020. Comparing urban coastal flood risk in 136 cities under two alternative sea-level projections: RCP 8.5 and an expert opinion-based high-end scenario. Ocean and Coastal Management. 193. DOI (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105249).
- de Murieta E.S., Galarraga I. 2020. Presentación. Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca De Economía. 97. (1) 7-19.
- Galarraga, I., Kallbekken, S., Silvestri, A. 2020. Consumer purchases of energy-efficient cars: How different labelling schemes could affect consumer response to price changes. Energy Policy. 137. DOI (10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111181).
- Goicoechea, N., Eguiraun, H., Galarraga, I., Solaberrieta, E., Abadie, L.M. 2020. Nola aurre egin itsas garraioak eragindako klima-aldaketari? Estrategia berriak. Ekaia. DOI (10.1387/ekaia.21188).
- López-Bernabé, E., Foudi, S., Galarraga, I. 2020. Mind the map? Mapping the academic, citizen and professional stakeholder views on buildings and heating behaviour in Spain. Energy Research and Social Science. 69. DOI (10.1016/j.erss.2020.101587).
- Martinez-Juarez, P., Foudi, S., Galarraga, I., Osés-Eraso, N., Cerdá, E. 2020. Climate change, flood risk and adaptation measures: Challenges in assessing damage and evaluating of measures. Ekonomiaz. 97. (1) 191-211-211.
- Román, M.V., Arto, I., Ansuategi, A., Galarraga, I. 2020. THE ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS of TIED AID and LOCAL CONTENT REQUIREMENTS for CLIMATE FINANCE. Climate Change Economics. 11. (1) DOI (10.1142/S2010007820500025).
- Ruiz-Gauna, I., Galarraga, I., Greño, P. 2020. Financing climate and sustainability policies: The impact of sustainability bonds on the Basque country. Ekonomiaz. 97. (1) 83-111-111.
- Setzer, J., de Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I., Rei, F., Lomba Pinho, M.M. 2020. Transnationalization of climate adaptation by regional governments and the RegionsAdapt initiative. Global Sustainability. 3 DOI (10.1017/sus.2020.6).
- SILVESTRI, ALESSANDRO; FOUDI, SEBASTIEN; Galarraga, Ibon. 2020. Determinants of travel mode choice in Europe: Results from a survey on routine mobility. Papeles de energía.
- 2019
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Markandya, A., Sainz De Murieta, E. 2019. Risk measures and the distribution of damage curves for 600 European coastal cities. Environmental Research Letters. 14. (6) DOI (10.1088/1748-9326/ab185c).
- Gadani, G., Galarraga, I., De Murieta, E.S. 2019. Regional climate change policies: An analysis of commitments, policy instruments and targets. Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment. (2) 49-74-74. DOI (10.3280/EFE2019-002003).
- Markanday, A., Galarraga, I., Chiabai, A., Sainz de Murieta, E., Lliso, B., Markandya, A. 2019. Determining discount rates for the evaluation of natural assets in land-use planning: An application of the Equivalency Principle. Journal of Cleaner Production. 230. 672-684-684. DOI (10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.05.107).
- Markanday, A., Galarraga, I., Markandya, A. 2019. A CRITICAL REVIEW of COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS for CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION in CITIES. Climate Change Economics. 10. (4) DOI (10.1142/S2010007819500143).
- Olazabal, M., Galarraga, I., Ford, J., Sainz De Murieta, E., Lesnikowski, A. 2019. Are local climate adaptation policies credible? A conceptual and operational assessment framework. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. 11. (3) 277-296-296. DOI (10.1080/19463138.2019.1583234).
- 2018
- De Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I., Sanz, M.J. 2018. COP23: Technical profile with relevant political support. Dyna (Spain). 93. (1) 22-24-24. DOI (10.6036/8685).
- Galarraga, I., Sainz De Murieta, E., Markandya, A., Abadie, L.M. 2018. Addendum to 'Understanding risks in the light of uncertainty: Low-probability, high-impact coastal events in cities'. Environmental Research Letters. 13. (2) DOI (10.1088/1748-9326/aaa513).
- Larrea, I., Galarraga, I., Solaun, K. 2018. Climate finances. A review. Ekonomiaz. 93. (1) 246-266-266.
- Sainz de Murieta, E., Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I. 2018. Sea-level rise in the Basque coast, A probabilistic approach. Ekonomiaz. 94. (2) 324-344-344.
- 2017
- Abadie, L.M., de Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I. 2017. Corrigendum: Climate risk assessment under uncertainty: An application to main European coastal cities. [Front. Mar. Sci,(2016),(265),3] DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00265. Frontiers in Marine Science. 4 (JUL) DOI (10.3389/fmars.2017.00211).
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., De Murieta, E.S. 2017. Understanding risks in the light of uncertainty: Low-probability, high-impact coastal events in cities. Environmental Research Letters. 12. (1) DOI (10.1088/1748-9326/aa5254).
- Abadie, L.M., Goicoechea, N., Galarraga, I. 2017. Adapting the shipping sector to stricter emissions regulations: Fuel switching or installing a scrubber?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. 57. 237-250-250. DOI (10.1016/j.trd.2017.09.017).
- Abadie, L.M., Goicoechea, N., Galarraga, I. 2017. Carbon risk and optimal retrofitting in cement plants: An application of stochastic modelling, MonteCarlo simulation and Real Options Analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 142. 3117-3130-3130. DOI (10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.155).
- Abadie, L.M., Sainz de Murieta, E., Galarraga, I. 2017. Investing in adaptation: Flood risk and real option application to Bilbao. Environmental Modelling and Software. 95. 76-89-89. DOI (10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.03.038).
- Foudi, S., Osés-Eraso, N., Galarraga, I. 2017. The effect of flooding on mental health: Lessons learned for building resilience. Water Resources Research. 53. (7) 5831-5844-5844. DOI (10.1002/2017WR020435).
- Heres, D.R., Kallbekken, S., Galarraga, I. 2017. The Role of Budgetary Information in the Preference for Externality-Correcting Subsidies over Taxes: A Lab Experiment on Public Support. Environmental and Resource Economics. 66. (1) 1-15. DOI (10.1007/s10640-015-9929-6).
- Román-De-Lara, M.V., Sanz-Sánchez, M.J., Galarraga-Gallastegui, I. 2017. COP22 in Marrakech confirms worldwide commitment to fighting climate change. Dyna (Spain). 92. (2) 133-135-135. DOI (10.6036/8273).
- 2016
- Abadie, L.M., de Murieta, E.S., Galarraga, I. 2016. Climate risk assessment under uncertainty: An application to main European coastal cities. Frontiers in Marine Science. 3 (DEC) DOI (10.3389/fmars.2016.00265).
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Milford, A.B., Gustavsen, G.W. 2016. Using food taxes and subsidies to achieve emission reduction targets in Norway. Journal of Cleaner Production. 134. 280-297-297. DOI (10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.09.054).
- De Ayala, A., Galarraga, I., Spadaro, J.V. 2016. The price of energy efficiency in the Spanish housing market. Energy Policy. 94. 16-24-24. DOI (10.1016/j.enpol.2016.03.032).
- Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Kallbekken, S. 2016. Designing incentive schemes for promoting energy-efficient appliances: A new methodology and a case study for Spain. Energy Policy. 90. 24-36-36. DOI (10.1016/j.enpol.2015.12.010).
- Galarraga, I., Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Rübbelke, D.T.G. 2016. Environmental Economics, Climate Change Policy and Beyond: A Tribute to Anil Markandya. Environmental and Resource Economics. 63. (2) 219-224-224. DOI (10.1007/s10640-015-9959-0).
- Lucas, Josu; Escapa, Marta; Galarraga, Ibon. 2016. ADAPTECC: Un juego de Rol sobre la Adaptación al Cambio Climático. E-Pública: Revista Electrónica Sobre La Enseñanza De La Economía Pública. 19.
- Markandya, A., Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Lucas, J., Spadaro, J.V. 2016. What role can taxes and subsidies play in changing diets?. FinanzArchiv. 72. (2) 175-210-210. DOI (10.1628/001522116X14581329755499).
- Roman de Lara, Maria Victoria; Galarraga, Ibon. 2016. The Paris Summit: The Beginning of the End of The Carbon Economy. Dyna Energía Y Sostenibilidad. 5 (1) 41-44. DOI (10.6036/ES7954).
- Román, M.V., Galarraga, I. 2016. The Paris summit: A historical result?. Dyna (Spain). 91. (2) 131. DOI (10.6036/7958).
- 2015
- Galarraga Gallastegui, Ibon; Delgado, Juan; Gonzalez Eguino, Mikel. 2015. IMPACTO ECONÓMICO Y AMBIENTAL DEL PLAN DE EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA DE LA CIUDAD DE BILBAO. Dyna Energía Y Sostenibilidad. 4 (3) 1-8. DOI (10.6036/ES7254).
- Lucas, J., Galarraga, I. 2015. Green energy labelling. Green Energy and Technology. 164. 133-164. DOI (10.1007/978-3-319-03632-8_6).
- Nyamwanza, A., Kayhan, A.K., Pandit, M.K., Haque, A., Riedy, C., Doherty-Bigara, J., Galarraga, I., Dingman, E. 2015. The Big Question: Climate’s Biggest Losers: Who has the most to lose from climate change in your country?. World Policy Journal. 32. (2) 3-7. DOI (10.1177/0740277515591535).
- 2014
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Rübbelke, D. 2014. Evaluation of two alternative carbon capture and storage technologies: A stochastic model. Environmental Modelling and Software. 54. 182-195-195. DOI (10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.01.002).
- Ansuategi, Alberto; Escapa, Marta; Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel. 2014. Impacto económico de la eco-innovación en Euskadi. Una aproximación cuantitativa. Ekonomiaz. 86. (02) 246-273.
- Galarraga, I., Ramos, A., Lucas, J., Labandeira, X. 2014. The price of energy efficiency in the Spanish car market. Transport Policy. 36. 272-282-282. DOI (10.1016/j.tranpol.2014.09.003).
- 2013
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I., Rübbelke, D. 2013. An analysis of the causes of the mitigation bias in international climate finance. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 18. (7) 943-955-955. DOI (10.1007/s11027-012-9401-7).
- Chiabai, A., Galarraga, I., Markandya, A., Pascual, U. 2013. The Equivalency Principle for Discounting the Value of Natural Assets: An Application to an Investment Project in the Basque Coast. Environmental and Resource Economics. 56. (4) 535-550-550. DOI (10.1007/s10640-012-9589-8).
- Galarraga, I., Abadie, L.M., Ansuategi, A. 2013. Efficiency, effectiveness and implementation feasibility of energy efficiency rebates: The "Renove" plan in Spain. Energy Economics. 40. DOI (10.1016/j.eneco.2013.09.012).
- 2012
- Abadie, L.M., Ortiz, R.A., Galarraga, I. 2012. Determinants of energy efficiency investments in the US. Energy Policy. 45. 551-566-566. DOI (10.1016/j.enpol.2012.03.002).
- Galarraga, Ibon; Lucas, Josu; González-Eguino, Mikel. 2012. Evaluación económica del etiquetado de eficiencia energética: el caso de las lavadoras en España. Papeles De Economía Española. (134) 211-221.
- Gallastegui, M.C., González-Eguino, M., Galarraga, I. 2012. Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: A quantitative approach for Spain. SERIEs. 3 (1-2) 111-132-132. DOI (10.1007/s13209-011-0054-7).
- González-Eguino, M., Galarraga, I., Ansuategi, A. 2012. The future of old industrial regions in a carbon-constrained world. Climate Policy. 12. (2) 164-186-186. DOI (10.1080/14693062.2011.605707).
- 2011
- Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I. 2011. The European Emission Trading Scheme: Implications for Long-Term Investment Valuation. Climate Change Economics. 2 (2) 129-148-148. DOI (10.1142/S2010007811000243).
- Galarraga, I., González-Eguino, M. 2011. Introduction. Handbook of Sustainable Energy. 1-5.
- Galarraga, I., Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Markandya, A. 2011. The role of regional governments in climate change policy. Environmental Policy and Governance. 21. (3) 164-182-182. DOI (10.1002/eet.572).
- Galarraga, I., González-Eguino, M., Markandya, A. 2011. Willingness to pay and price elasticities of demand for energy-efficient appliances: Combining the hedonic approach and demand systems. Energy Economics. 33. (SUPPL. 1) DOI (10.1016/j.eneco.2011.07.028).
- Galarraga, I., Heres, D.R., Gonzalez-Eguino, M. 2011. Price premium for high-efficiency refrigerators and calculation of price-elasticities for close-substitutes: A methodology using hedonic pricing and demand systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 19. (17-18) 2075-2081-2081. DOI (10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.06.025).
- Galarraga, I., Osés, N., Markandya, A., Chiabai, A., Khatun, K. 2011. Contributions from economics of adaptation to decision making: An example for the autonomous community of the Basque Country. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales. 11. (1) 113-142-142. DOI (10.7201/earn.2011.01.06).
- Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel; Markandya, Anil. 2011. De Cancún a Durban en un largo camino contra el cambio climático. Economistas. 29. (127) 61-64.
- 2010
- Galarraga, I., Markandya, A. 2010. The Road to Copenhagen-COP 15. Elhuyar Aldizkaria.
- 2009
- Ansuategui, Alberto; Galarraga, Ibon. 2009. Carbon Pricing as an Effective Instrument of Climate Policy:: searching for an optimal policy instrument. Rivista Di Politica Economica. 99. (3) 147-169.
- Galarraga, I., Markandya, A. 2009. El cambio climático y su importancia socioeconómica. Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca De Economía. 71. 14-39.
- Galarraga, Ibon; González, Mikel. 2009. La ciencia del cambio climático: una visión general. Papeles De Economía Española. 121. 2-13.
Books and Specials
- 2016
- Markandya, A., Galarraga, I. and Rübbelke, D. 2016 In: Markandya, A., Galarraga, I. and Rübbelke, D. In: Climate Finance: Theory and Practice. Singapore. World Scientific Series on the Economics of Climate Change. 300. ISBN 978-981-4641-80-7.
- 2015
- Ansuategi, A., Delgado, J and Galarraga, I. 2015 In: Ansuategi, A., Delgado, J and Galarraga, I. (eds). In: Green Energy and Efficiency. 1st ed. Switzerland. Springer. 428. ISBN 978-3-319-03631-1.
- 2014
- Markandya, A., Galarraga, I and Sainz de Murieta, E. (eds). 2014 In: Markandya, A., Galarraga, I and Sainz de Murieta, E. (eds). In: Routledge Handbook on Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change. 1st ed. London. Routledge. 464. ISBN 978-0-415-63311-6.
- 2011
- Ebinger, J. and Vergara, W. 2011 --. Climate Impacts on Energy Systems: Key issues for energy sector adaptation. Washington. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank. 178. ISBN 10.1596/978-0-8213-8697.
- Galarraga, I., Gonzalez-Eguino, Markandya, A. 2011 --. In: Galarraga, I., Gonzalez-Eguino, Markandya, A. In: Handbook of Sustainable Energy. 1st ed. Cheltenham. Edward Elgard. 640. ISBN 9781849801157.
Book chapters
- 2017
- Ibon Galarraga, Elisa Sainz de Murieta and Joan França. 2017 Climate policy at the sub-national level. In: Averchenkova, A., Fankhauser S. and Nachmany, M. In: Trends in Climate Change Legislation. London. Edward Elgar. 232. ISBN 9781786435774.
- 2016
- Abadie, L.M and Galarraga, I. 2016 The Use of Real Option Approach for the Evaluation of Climate Investments . In: Markandya, A., Galarraga, I and Rübbelke, D. In: Climate Finance: Theory and Practice. Singapore. World Scientific Series on the Economics of Climate Change. 600. ISBN 978-981-4641-80-7.
- Galarraga, I., Markandya A. and Rübbelke, D. 2016 Challenges in International Climate Finance. In: Markandya A., Galarraga, I. and Rübbelke, D. In: Climate Finance: Theory and Practice. World Scientific Series on the Economics of Climate Change.
- 2015
- Abadie, L.M. and Galarraga, I. 2015 Managing Energy Price Risk. In: Sharma, U.C., Kumar, S. and Prasad, R. In: Compendium of Energy Science and Technology Vol 12. 1st ed. - Studium Press LLC, USA. 827. ISBN 978-1-626990-73-9.
- Watkiss, et al. 2015 Overview of costs and benefits of adaptation at the national and regional scale . In: OECD. In: Climate Change Risks and Adaptation: Linking Policy and Economics. Paris. OECD Publishing. ISBN 9789264234604.
- 2014
- Lucas, J. and Galarraga, I. 2014 Green Energy Labelling. In: Ansuategi, A., Delgado, J and Galarraga, I. (eds). In: Green Energy and Efficiency: An Economic Perspective. 1st ed. Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-03631-1.
- Sainz de Murieta, E., Galarraga, I. and Markandya, A. 2014 Introduction to the Economics of Adaptation. In: Markandya, A., Galarraga, I. and Sainz de Murieta, E. In: Routledge Handbook of the Economics of Climate Change Adaptation. 1st ed. London. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415633116.
- 2012
- Abadie, L.M. and Galarraga. 2012 European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). In: . In: Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 9/10 : Afro-Eurasia: Assessing Sustainability. Great Barrington, MA, US. Berkshire Publishing Group. ISBN 9781933782195.
- Abadie, L.M. and Galarraga, I. 2012 Energy Efficiency. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability 8/10 : The Americas and Oceania: Assessing Sustainability. Great Barrington, MA, US. Berkshire Publishing Group. ISBN 978-1933782188.
- Abadie, L.M., Ortiz, R.A.,Galarraga, I.,Markandya A. 2012 Energy Efficiency Policy in the USA: The Impact of the Industrial Assessment Centres (IAC) Programme and State and Regional Climate Policy Actions. In: Costantini V.,Mazzanti M. In: The Dynamics of Environmental and Economic Systems. Dordrecht, Netherlands. Springer Netherlands. 61-82. ISBN 978-94-007-5088-3.
- 2011
- J.I. Hormaeche, Galarraga, I, J.L Sáenz de Ormijana. 2011 Regional Experiences: The Past, Present and Future of the Energy Policy in the Basque Region. In: Galarraga, I, González-Eguino, M and Markandya, A. In: The Handbook of Sustainable Use of Energy. Edward Elgar. ISBN 978 1 84980 115 7.
- Markandya A. and Galarraga I. 2011 Technologies for Adaptation: Perspectives and Practical Experiences. UNEP Riso centre. In: - In: Technologies for Adaptation: An Economic Perspective. Roskilde, Denmark. UNEP Risø Centre on Energy, Climate, and Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-87-550-3939-1.
- 2010
- Galarraga, I. 2010 Involving Developing Countries in Global Climate Policies (Discussion). In: Emilio Cerdá and Xavierl Labandeira. In: Climate Change Policies: Global Challenges and Future Prospects. 1st ed. UK. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978-1-84980-828-6.
- Gallastegui, M.C. and Galarraga, I. 2010 Climate Change and Knowledge Communities. In: J. Echeverria, P. Oiarzabal and A. Alonso. In: Knowledge Communities. Reno, Nev. Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, Reno. ISBN 9781877802973.
- Gallastegui, M.C. and Galarraga, I. 2010 La Union Europea frente al cambio climático: el paquete de medidas sobre cambio climático y energía (20-20-20). In: Editorial Aranzadi. In: Tratado de Energías Renovables. Madrid. Iberdrola-Thompson -Aranzadi. ISBN 978-84-9903-484-3.
Other Publications
- 2022
- Eliza Northrop, Peter Schuhmann, Lauretta Burke, Alan Fyall, Sergio Alvarez, Anna Spenceley, Susanne Becken, Kumi Kato, Joyashree Roy, Shreya Some, Joeli Veitayaki, Anil Markandya, Ibon Galarraga, Patxi Greño, Itziar Ruiz-Gauna, Matt Curnock, Megan Epler . 2022. OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMING COASTAL AND MARINE TOURISM: Towards Sustainability, Regeneration and Resilience. Ocean Panel-UN.
- 2019
- CONSEED (2019) Galarraga,I., Foudi,S., de Ayala, A., Solà, M.M.Barreras para la inversión en Eficiencia Energética: ¿Puede la visualización de la infromación sobre los costes energéticos ayudar a acelarar la adopción de productos energéticamente eficientes? (Policy Brief) (https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-26722815/documents/1b6b78bc980f4fd4af26a37f8628ca90/CONSEED_Policy_brief_SPAIN_NOV2019_FIN.pdf)
- ENABLE.EU (2019). Sébastien Foudi, Alessandro Silvestri, Ibon Galarraga (BC3),Mária Bartek-Lesi, Alfa Diallo, Maria Csutora (REKK). D4.6 | Final report on social and cultural factors impacting energy choices and behaviour. (http://www.enable-eu.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ENABLE.EU_D4.6.pdf)
- 2018
- Gonzalez-Eguino, M., Sampedro, J., Galarraga, I. Arto, I., Pizarro- Irizar, C., Sainz de Murieta, E., Sanz-Sanchez, M.J. BC3 contribution to the report: “2018. La transición energética del País Vasco hacia un modelo sostenible” (The energy transition of the Basque Country towards a sustainable model). Ararteko (Basque Ombudsman)
- Foudi Sébastien, Ibon Galarrga, Elena Lopez. 2018. Are energy efficient appliances important for service providers?. Conseed project (Policy Briefing)
- Foudi, S., Galarraga, I., Solá, M.M. 2018. Are energy efficient appliances important for households?.Conseed project (Policy Briefing)
- Csutora,M., Harangozó,G.,Zsóka,A.(REKK),Galarraga,I., Foudi,S., López,E.(BC3), Chubyk,A., Gonchar,M. (CGS21), Magdalinski, E.(JDI), Werthschulte,M. (WWU). 2018. D4.5 |Policy paper with recommendations for ‘triple dividend’low carbon options in the field of heating and cooling. EC (Policy Briefing)
- Maria Csutora, Gábor Harangozó, Ágnes Zsóka (REKK), Madeline Werthschulte (WWU), Ibon Galarraga, Sébastien Foudi, Elena López (BC3), Andrii Chubyk, Mykhailo Gonchar (CGS21), Emilie Magdalinski (JDI). 2018. D.4.4.Synthesis report on the "heating & cooling" case study. ENABLE.EU (Enabling Energy Union).
- Ruiz de Gauna Ruiz de Loizaga, I.,Ansuategi Cobo,A.,Galarraga Gallastegui, I.,Gallastegui Zulaika, M.C.,Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, E. .2018. Crecimiento Verde gestionando la transición hacia una Economía sostenible en Bizkaia (Green Growth managing the transition towards a sustainable Economy in Bizkaia). BC3
- 2013
- Ibon Galarraga, Ana Ramos, Josu Lucas and Xavier Labandeira . 2013. Price Effects of Energy-efficiency Labels in Spanish Automobiles.
- 2010
- Galarraga I., Chiabai A., Markandya A., Oses N., Khatun K., Damm B. 2010. Insights on the economics of adaptation for decision making process in climate change policies: Inputs for K-Egokitzen Project. Adaptation to climate change.
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2023
- [PB 2023-02] Evaluating adaptation: an analysis of policy progress in coastal cities and regions Marta Olazabal, William Lewis, Kayin Venner, María Ruiz de Gopegui Aramburu, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Sascha Mahawelatanne Goonesekera, Ibon Galarraga
- [PB 2023-01] Monetary information to increase the adoption of energy-efficient options: trick or treat? María del Mar Solà, Amaia de Ayala, Ibon Galarraga, Marta Escapa
- 2022
- [2022-02] Memory effect of appliance rebate programme: evidence from a lab experiment María del Mar Solà, Amaia de Ayala, Ibon Galarraga and Marta Escapa
- [2022-01] Estimating the price premium of high energy-efficient washing-machines in Spain: A hedonic approach Elena López-Bernabé, Amaia de Ayala and Ibon Galarraga
- 2021
- [PB 2021-01] Economic estimates of the climate costs of the aviation sector due to air management: insights for 2018 and 2019 Ibon Galarraga, Herbert Pümpel, Luis María Abadie, Itziar Ruiz de Gauna and Nestor Goicoechea
- [2021-03] Effectiveness of monetary information in promoting the purchase of energy-efficient appliances: evidence from a field experiment at a major retailer in María del Mar Solà, Marta Escapa and Ibon Galarraga
- 2020
- [2020-02] Impact framing and experience for determining acceptable levels of climate change risk: A lab experiment Ambika Markanday, Steffen Kallbekken and Ibon Galarraga
- [2020-01] The effect of providing monetary information on energy savings for household appliances: a field trial in Spain María del Mar Solà, Amaia de Ayala, Ibon Galarraga
- 2018
- [2018-01] Consumer purchases of energy-efficient cars: behavioural implications for policy Ibon Galarraga, Josu Lucas and Steffen Kallbekken
- 2017
- [PB 2017-02_Special Issue] COP23: Technical profile with relevant political support Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Ibon Galarraga and Maria Jose Sanz
- [2017-01] Towards successful adaptation: a checklist for the development of climate change adaptation plans Marta Olazabal, Ibon Galarraga, James Ford, Alexandra Lesnikowski and Elisa Sainz de Murieta
- 2016
- [2016-07] COP22 in Marrakech confirms worldwide commitment to fighting climate change Maria Victoria Román, Maria José Sanz Sanchez and Ibon Galarraga.
- [2016-06] Engaging the Public with Science in the Basque Country: On scientists’ experiences and perspectives Maria Loroño and Ibon Galarraga
- [2016-04] Urban research at BC3: How climate change science can support urban policy making Marta Olazabal, Elisa Sainz de Murieta, Sébastien Foudi, Aline Chiabai, Ibon Galarraga, Stefano Balbi, Leif Vogel, Maria Victoria Román and Anil Markandya
- [2016-01] The Paris Summit: the beginning of the end of the carbon economy María Victoria Román and Ibon Galarraga
- 2015
- [2015-07] European Biofuels Policy and its Contribution to a Low Carbon Future Iñigo Capellán-Pérez, Alberto Ansuategi and Ibon Galarraga
- [2015-02] The price of energy efficiency in the Spanish housing market Amaia de Ayala, Ibon Galarraga and Joseph V. Spadaro
- [2015-01] Lima COP20: Another small step on the long road to Paris Ibon Galarraga and Mavi Román
- 2014
- [2014-06] The use of “Bonus-Malus” schemes for promoting energy-efficient household appliances: a case study for Spain Ibon Galarraga and Luis M. Abadie
- [2014-01] Discounting the value of natural resources in costbenefit analysis: a case study for policy making Aline Chiabai and Ibon Galarraga
- 2013
- [2013-08] Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Labelling in Domestic Appliances: the Spanish Market Ibon Galarraga and Josu Lucas
- [2013-07] Evaluation of Two Alternative Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies: A Stochastic Model Luis M. Abadie, Ibon Galarraga and Dirk Rübbelke
- [2013-05] Economic Efficiency, Environmental Effectiveness and Political Feasibility of Energy Efficiency Rebates: The Case of the Spanish Energy Efficiency Renove Plan Ibon Galarraga, Luis M. Abadie and Alberto Ansuategi
- [2013-04] Understanding Public Support for Externality-Correcting Taxes and Subsidies: A Lab Experiment David Heres, Steffen Kallbekken and Ibon Galarraga
- [2013-03] Evaluation of two alternative carbon capture and storage technologies Luis M. Abadie, Ibon Galarraga and Josu Lucas
- 2011
- [2011-10] The Equivalency Principle for Discounting the Value of Natural Assets: An Application to an Investment Project in the Basque Coast Aline Chiabai, Ibon Galarraga, Anil Markandya and Unai Pascual
- [2011-07] Price Premium for High-Efficiency Refrigerators and Calculation of Price-Elasticities for Close-Substitutes: Combining Hedonic Pricing and Demand Systems Ibon Galarraga, David Heres Del Valle and Mikel González-Eguino
- [2011-06] Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: a quantitative approach for Spain Gallastegui, M.C., González-Eguino, M. and Galarraga, I.
- [2011-05] Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels in the prices of household appliances: the case of refrigerators Ibon Galarraga, David R. Heres and Mikel González-Eguino
- [2011-02] The Cancun Climate Summit: a Moderate Success Ibon Galarraga, Mikel González-Eguino and Anil Markandya
- 2010
- [2010-17] The Determinants of Energy Efficiency Investments in the U.S. Luis Mari Abadie, Ramon Arigoni Ortiz and Ibon Galarraga
- [2010-06] Evaluating the Role of Energy Efficiency Labels: the Case of Dish Washers Ibon Galarraga, Mikel González-Eguino and Anil Markandya
- [2010-04] Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels: the case of Dish Washers Ibon Galarraga, Mikel González-Eguino and Anil Markandya
- [2010-02] Carbon leakage and the future of Old Industrial Regions Mikel González-Eguino, Ibon Galarraga and Alberto Ansuategi
- [2010-02] Carbon leakage and the future of Old Industrial Regions after Copenhagen Mikel González-Eguino, Ibon Galarraga and Alberto Ansuategi
- 2009
- [2009-08] Climate Change and Its Socioeconomic Importance Ibon Galarraga and Anil Markandya
- [2009-05] Climate Change and Knowledge Communities M.C. Gallastegui and Ibon Galarraga
- [2009-04] The Role of Regions in Climate Change Policy Ibon Galarraga, Mikel González-Eguino and Anil Markandya
- [2009-01] What happened during the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen 2009? Ibon Galarraga, Mikel González-Eguino and Anil Markandya