BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Ignacio Palomo


Antiguo investigador BC3 . Current BC3 Associate Researcher

Ignacio Palomo

Principal línea de investigación:
Climate change, Nature-Based Adaptation, Nature Contributions to People, Transformative Change, Mountain Environments.

Was employee in BC3 from 2014-03-10 to 2020-02-25

Short CV

Ignacio is Laureate of the Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) Research Program at CNRS, based at the Laboratoire d’écologie alpine, Université Grenoble Alps, France. His research focuses on human-nature interactions, nature-based adaptation to climate change and transformative adaptation. He has specialized in socio-ecological systems in mountain areas. He is interested in transdisciplinary science and its impact towards policy relevant targets such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ignacio is Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) and founding member of the Spanish Young Academy. In addition, Ignacio is part of the protected areas commission of the United Nations International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). He has published more than 45 scientific articles in academic journals, as well as several books and informative articles. He received the PhD Award at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2013 for his PhD on a social-ecological approach in protected areas.

Journal Articles

  • 2025
  • Palomo, I., González-García, A., Ferraro, P.J., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Arboledas, M., Bullock, J.M., Bruley, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Lavorel, S. 2025. Business-as-usual trends will largely miss 2030 global conservation targets. Ambio. 54. (2) 212-224. DOI (10.1007/s13280-024-02085-6).
  • Palomo, I., González-García, A., Ferraro, P.J., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Arboledas, M., Bullock, J.M., Bruley, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Lavorel, S. 2025. Correction to: Business-as-usual trends will largely miss 2030 global conservation targets (Ambio, (2025), 54, 2, (212-224), 10.1007/s13280-024-02085-6). Ambio. 54. (2) 225. DOI (10.1007/s13280-024-02114-4).
  • 2023
  • Mathys, A.S., van Vianen, J., Rowland, D., Narulita, S., Palomo, I., Pascual, U., Sutherland, I.J., Ahammad, R., Sunderland, T. 2023. Participatory mapping of ecosystem services across a gradient of agricultural intensification in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Ecosystems and People. 19. (1) DOI (10.1080/26395916.2023.2174685).
  • Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Anderson, C.B., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Christie, M., González-Jiménez, D., Martin, A., Raymond, C.M., Termansen, M., Vatn, A., Athayde, S., Baptiste, B., Barton, D.N., Jacobs, S., Kelemen, E., Kumar, R., Lazos, E., Mwampamba, T.H., Nakangu, B., O’Farrell, P., Subramanian, S.M., van Noordwijk, M., Ahn, S.E., Amaruzaman, S., Amin, A.M., Arias-Arévalo, P., Arroyo-Robles, G., Cantú-Fernández, M., Castro, A.J., Contreras, V., De Vos, A., Dendoncker, N., Engel, S., Eser, U., Faith, D.P., Filyushkina, A., Ghazi, H., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gould, R.K., Guibrunet, L., Gundimeda, H., Hahn, T., Harmáčková, Z.V., Hernández-Blanco, M., Horcea-Milcu, A.I., Huambachano, M., Wicher, N.L.H., Aydın, C.İ., Islar, M., Koessler, A.K., Kenter, J.O., Kosmus, M., Lee, H., Leimona, B., Lele, S., Lenzi, D., Lliso, B., Mannetti, L.M., Merçon, J., Monroy-Sais, A.S., Mukherjee, N., Muraca, B., Muradian, R., Murali, R., Nelson, S.H., Nemogá-Soto, G.R., Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J., Niamir, A., Nuesiri, E., Nyumba, T.O., Özkaynak, B., Palomo, I., Pandit, R., Pawłowska-Mainville, A., Porter-Bolland, L., Quaas, M., Rode, J., Rozzi, R., Sachdeva, S., Samakov, A., Schaafsma, M., Sitas, N., Ungar, P., Yiu, E., Yoshida, Y., Zent, E. 2023. Diverse values of nature for sustainability. Nature. 620. (7975) 813-823. DOI (10.1038/s41586-023-06406-9).
  • Sutherland, I.J., Van Vianen, J., Rowland, D., Palomo, I., Pascual, U., Mathys, A., Narulita, S., Sunderland, T. 2023. Use, value, and desire: ecosystem services under agricultural intensification in a changing landscape in West Kalimantan (Indonesia). Regional Environmental Change. 23. (4) DOI (10.1007/s10113-023-02134-y).
  • 2022
  • González-García, A., Palomo, I., González, J.A., García-Díez, V., García-Llorente, M., Montes, C. 2022. Biodiversity and ecosystem services mapping: Can it reconcile urban and protected area planning?. Science of the Total Environment. 803. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150048).
  • 2021
  • Lynch, A.J., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Palomo, I., Jaureguiberry, P., Amano, T., Basher, Z., Lim, M., Mwampamba, T.H., Samakov, A., Selomane, O. 2021. Culturally diverse expert teams have yet to bring comprehensive linguistic diversity to intergovernmental ecosystem assessments. One Earth. 4 (2) 269-278-278. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2021.01.002).
  • Palliwoda, J., Fischer, J., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Palomo, I., Neugarten, R., Büermann, A., Price, M.F., Torralba, M., Eigenbrod, F., Mitchell, M.G.E., Beckmann, M., Seppelt, R., Schröter, M. 2021. Ecosystem service coproduction across the zones of biosphere reserves in Europe. Ecosystems and People. 17. (1) 491-506-506. DOI (10.1080/26395916.2021.1968501).
  • Palomo, I., Locatelli, B., Otero, I., Colloff, M., Crouzat, E., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Gómez-Baggethun, E., González-García, A., Grêt-Regamey, A., Jiménez-Aceituno, A., Martín-López, B., Pascual, U., Zafra-Calvo, N., Bruley, E., Fischborn, M., Metz, R., Lavorel, S. 2021. Assessing nature-based solutions for transformative change. One Earth. 4 (5) 730-741-741. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2021.04.013).
  • 2020
  • Arneth, A., Shin, Y.J., Leadley, P., Rondinini, C., Bukvareva, E., Kolb, M., Midgley, G.F., Oberdorff, T., Palomo, I., Saito, O. 2020. Post-2020 biodiversity targets need to embrace climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 117. (49) 30882-30891-30891. DOI (10.1073/pnas.2009584117).
  • Chan, K.M.A., Boyd, D.R., Gould, R.K., Jetzkowitz, J., Liu, J., Muraca, B., Naidoo, R., Olmsted, P., Satterfield, T., Selomane, O., Singh, G.G., Sumaila, R., Ngo, H.T., Boedhihartono, A.K., Agard, J., de Aguiar, A.P.D., Armenteras, D., Balint, L., Barrington-Leigh, C., Cheung, W.W.L., Díaz, S., Driscoll, J., Esler, K., Eyster, H., Gregr, E.J., Hashimoto, S., Hernández Pedraza, G.C., Hickler, T., Kok, M., Lazarova, T., Mohamed, A.A.A., Murray-Hudson, M., O'Farrell, P., Palomo, I., Saysel, A.K., Seppelt, R., Settele, J., Strassburg, B., Xue, D., Brondízio, E.S. 2020. Levers and leverage points for pathways to sustainability. People and Nature. 2 (3) 693-717-717. DOI (10.1002/pan3.10124).
  • Colloff, M.J., Wise, R.M., Palomo, I., Lavorel, S., Pascual, U. 2020. Nature’s contribution to adaptation: insights from examples of the transformation of social-ecological systems. Ecosystems and People. 16. (1) 137-150-150. DOI (10.1080/26395916.2020.1754919).
  • Coscieme, L., da Silva Hyldmo, H., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Palomo, I., Mwampamba, T.H., Selomane, O., Sitas, N., Jaureguiberry, P., Takahashi, Y., Lim, M., Barral, M.P., Farinaci, J.S., Diaz-José, J., Ghosh, S., Ojino, J., Alassaf, A., Baatuuwie, B.N., Balint, L., Basher, Z., Boeraeve, F., Budiharta, S., Chen, R., Desrousseaux, M., Dowo, G., Febria, C., Ghazi, H., Harmáčková, Z.V., Jaffe, R., Kalemba, M.M., Lambini, C.K., Lasmana, F.P.S., Mohamed, A.A.A., Niamir, A., Pliscoff, P., Sabyrbekov, R., Shrestha, U.B., Samakov, A., Sidorovich, A.A., Thompson, L., Valle, M. 2020. Multiple conceptualizations of nature are key to inclusivity and legitimacy in global environmental governance. Environmental Science and Policy. 104. 36-42-42. DOI (10.1016/j.envsci.2019.10.018).
  • García-Llorente, M., Castro, A.J., Quintas-Soriano, C., Oteros-Rozas, E., Iniesta-Arandia, I., González, J.A., del Amo, D.G., Hernández-Arroyo, M., Casado-Arzuaga, I., Palomo, I., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Onaindia, M., Montes, C., Martín-López, B. 2020. Local perceptions of ecosystem services across multiple ecosystem types in Spain. Land. 9 (9) DOI (10.3390/LAND9090330).
  • González-García, A., Palomo, I., González, J.A., López, C.A., Montes, C. 2020. Quantifying spatial supply-demand mismatches in ecosystem services provides insights for land-use planning. Land Use Policy. 94. DOI (10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104493).
  • 2019
  • García-Nieto, A.P., Huland, E., Quintas-Soriano, C., Iniesta-Arandia, I., García-Llorente, M., Palomo, I., Martín-López, B. 2019. Evaluating social learning in participatory mapping of ecosystem services. Ecosystems and People. 15. (1) 257-268-268. DOI (10.1080/26395916.2019.1667875).
  • Juanita, A.D., Ignacio, P., Jorgelina, G.A., Cecilia, A.S., Carlos, M., Francisco, N. 2019. Assessing the effects of past and future land cover changes in ecosystem services, disservices and biodiversity: A case study in Barranquilla Metropolitan Area (BMA), Colombia. Ecosystem Services. 37. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100915).
  • Martín-López, B., Leister, I., Cruz, P.L., Palomo, I., Grêt-Regamey, A., Harrison, P.A., Lavorel, S., Locatelli, B., Luque, S., Walz, A. 2019. Nature’s contributions to people in mountains: A review. PLoS ONE. 14. (6) DOI (10.1371/journal.pone.0217847).
  • Palomo, I., Dujardin, Y., Midler, E., Robin, M., Sanz, M.J., Pascual, U. 2019. Modeling trade-offs across carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and equity in the distribution of global REDD+ funds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116. (45) 22645-22650-22650. DOI (10.1073/pnas.1908683116).
  • Santos-Martín, F., Zorrilla-Miras, P., Palomo, I., Montes, C., Benayas, J., Maes, J. 2019. Protecting nature is necessary but not sufficient for conserving ecosystem services: A comprehensive assessment along a gradient of land-use intensity in Spain. Ecosystem Services. 35. 43-51-51. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.11.006).
  • Sitas, N., Harmáčková, Z.V., Anticamara, J.A., Arneth, A., Badola, R., Biggs, R., Blanchard, R., Brotons, L., Cantele, M., Coetzer, K., Dasgupta, R., Den Belder, E., Ghosh, S., Guisan, A., Gundimeda, H., Hamann, M., Harrison, P.A., Hashimoto, S., Hauck, J., Klatt, B.J., Kok, K., Krug, R.M., Niamir, A., O'farrell, P.J., Okayasu, S., Palomo, I., Pereira, L.M., Riordan, P., Santos-Martín, F., Selomane, O., Shin, Y.J., Valle, M. 2019. Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: Experience across IPBES assessments. Ecology and Society. 24. (3) DOI (10.5751/ES-11039-240335).
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Garmendia, E., Pascual, U., Palomo, I., Gross-Camp, N., Brockington, D., Cortes-Vazquez, J.A., Coolsaet, B., Burgess, N.D. 2019. Progress toward Equitably Managed Protected Areas in Aichi Target 11: A Global Survey. BioScience. 69. (3) 191-197-197. DOI (10.1093/biosci/biy143).
  • 2018
  • Barton, D.N., Kelemen, E., Dick, J., Martin-Lopez, B., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Jacobs, S., Hendriks, C.M.A., Termansen, M., García-Llorente, M., Primmer, E., Dunford, R., Harrison, P.A., Turkelboom, F., Saarikoski, H., van Dijk, J., Rusch, G.M., Palomo, I., Yli-Pelkonen, V.J., Carvalho, L., Baró, F., Langemeyer, J., van der Wal, J.T., Mederly, P., Priess, J.A., Luque, S., Berry, P., Santos, R., Odee, D., Pastur, G.M., García Blanco, G., Saarela, S.R., Silaghi, D., Pataki, G., Masi, F., Vădineanu, A., Mukhopadhyay, R., Lapola, D.M. 2018. (Dis) integrated valuation – Assessing the information gaps in ecosystem service appraisals for governance support. Ecosystem Services. 29. 529-541-541. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.021).
  • Dick, J., Turkelboom, F., Woods, H., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Primmer, E., Saarela, S.R., Bezák, P., Mederly, P., Leone, M., Verheyden, W., Kelemen, E., Hauck, J., Andrews, C., Antunes, P., Aszalós, R., Baró, F., Barton, D.N., Berry, P., Bugter, R., Carvalho, L., Czúcz, B., Dunford, R., Garcia Blanco, G., Geamănă, N., Giucă, R., Grizzetti, B., Izakovičová, Z., Kertész, M., Kopperoinen, L., Langemeyer, J., Montenegro Lapola, D., Liquete, C., Luque, S., Martínez Pastur, G., Martin-Lopez, B., Mukhopadhyay, R., Niemela, J., Odee, D., Peri, P.L., Pinho, P., Patrício-Roberto, G.B., Preda, E., Priess, J., Röckmann, C., Santos, R., Silaghi, D., Smith, R., Vădineanu, A., van der Wal, J.T., Arany, I., Badea, O., Bela, G., Boros, E., Bucur, M., Blumentrath, S., Calvache, M., Carmen, E., Clemente, P., Fernandes, J., Ferraz, D., Fongar, C., García-Llorente, M., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Gundersen, V., Haavardsholm, O., Kalóczkai, Á., Khalalwe, T., Kiss, G., Köhler, B., Lazányi, O., Lellei-Kovács, E., Lichungu, R., Lindhjem, H., Magare, C., Mustajoki, J., Ndege, C., Nowell, M., Nuss Girona, S., Ochieng, J., Often, A., Palomo, I., Pataki, G., Reinvang, R., Rusch, G., Saarikoski, H., Smith, A., Soy Massoni, E., Stange, E., Vågnes Traaholt, N., Vári, Á., Verweij, P., Vikström, S., Yli-Pelkonen, V., Zulian, G. 2018. Stakeholders’ perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies. Ecosystem Services. 29. 552-565-565. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.09.015).
  • Dunford, R., Harrison, P., Smith, A., Dick, J., Barton, D.N., Martin-Lopez, B., Kelemen, E., Jacobs, S., Saarikoski, H., Turkelboom, F., Verheyden, W., Hauck, J., Antunes, P., Aszalós, R., Badea, O., Baró, F., Berry, P., Carvalho, L., Conte, G., Czúcz, B., Garcia Blanco, G., Howard, D., Giuca, R., Gomez-Baggethun, E., Grizetti, B., Izakovicova, Z., Kopperoinen, L., Langemeyer, J., Luque, S., Lapola, D.M., Martinez-Pastur, G., Mukhopadhyay, R., Roy, S.B., Niemelä, J., Norton, L., Ochieng, J., Odee, D., Palomo, I., Pinho, P., Priess, J., Rusch, G., Saarela, S.R., Santos, R., van der Wal, J.T., Vadineanu, A., Vári, Á., Woods, H., Yli-Pelkonen, V. 2018. Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations. Ecosystem Services. 29. 499-514-514. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.014).
  • García-Llorente, M., Harrison, P.A., Berry, P., Palomo, I., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Montes, C., García del Amo, D., Martín-López, B. 2018. What can conservation strategies learn from the ecosystem services approach? Insights from ecosystem assessments in two Spanish protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation. 27. (7) 1575-1597-1597. DOI (10.1007/s10531-016-1152-4).
  • Jacobs, S., Martín-López, B., Barton, D.N., Dunford, R., Harrison, P.A., Kelemen, E., Saarikoski, H., Termansen, M., García-Llorente, M., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Kopperoinen, L., Luque, S., Palomo, I., Priess, J.A., Rusch, G.M., Tenerelli, P., Turkelboom, F., Demeyer, R., Hauck, J., Keune, H., Smith, R. 2018. The means determine the end – Pursuing integrated valuation in practice. Ecosystem Services. 29. 515-528-528. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.07.011).
  • Langemeyer, J., Palomo, I., Baraibar, S., Gómez-Baggethun, E. 2018. Participatory multi-criteria decision aid: Operationalizing an integrated assessment of ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 30. 49-60-60. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.01.012).
  • Palomo, I. 2018. Test climate targets using fragile ecosystems. Nature. 553. (7687) 155. DOI (10.1038/d41586-018-00402-0).
  • Palomo, I., Willemen, L., Drakou, E., Burkhard, B., Crossman, N., Bellamy, C., Burkhard, K., Sylvie Campagne, C., Dangol, A., Franke, J., Kulczyk, S., Le Clec’h, S., Abdul Malak, D., Muñoz, L., Narusevicius, V., Ottoy, S., Roelens, J., Sing, L., Thomas, A., Van Meerbeek, K., Verweij, P. 2018. Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping. One Ecosystem. 3 DOI (10.3897/oneeco.3.e20713).
  • Palomo-Campesino, S., Palomo, I., Moreno, J., González, J.A. 2018. Characterising the rural-urban gradient through the participatory mapping of ecosystem services: Insights for landscape planning. One Ecosystem. 3 DOI (10.3897/oneeco.3.e24487).
  • Saarikoski, H., Primmer, E., Saarela, S.R., Antunes, P., Aszalós, R., Baró, F., Berry, P., Blanko, G.G., Goméz-Baggethun, E., Carvalho, L., Dick, J., Dunford, R., Hanzu, M., Harrison, P.A., Izakovicova, Z., Kertész, M., Kopperoinen, L., Köhler, B., Langemeyer, J., Lapola, D., Liquete, C., Luque, S., Mederly, P., Niemelä, J., Palomo, I., Pastur, G.M., Peri, P.L., Preda, E., Priess, J.A., Santos, R., Schleyer, C., Turkelboom, F., Vadineanu, A., Verheyden, W., Vikström, S., Young, J. 2018. Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice. Ecosystem Services. 29. 579-598-598. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.07.019).
  • Turkelboom, F., Leone, M., Jacobs, S., Kelemen, E., García-Llorente, M., Baró, F., Termansen, M., Barton, D.N., Berry, P., Stange, E., Thoonen, M., Kalóczkai, Á., Vadineanu, A., Castro, A.J., Czúcz, B., Röckmann, C., Wurbs, D., Odee, D., Preda, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Rusch, G.M., Pastur, G.M., Palomo, I., Dick, J., Casaer, J., van Dijk, J., Priess, J.A., Langemeyer, J., Mustajoki, J., Kopperoinen, L., Baptist, M.J., Peri, P.L., Mukhopadhyay, R., Aszalós, R., Roy, S.B., Luque, S., Rusch, V. 2018. When we cannot have it all: Ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning. Ecosystem Services. 29. 566-578-578. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.10.011).
  • 2017
  • Gaitán-Cremaschi, D., Palomo, I., Baraibar Molina, S., De Groot, R., Gómez-Baggethun, E. 2017. Applicability of economic instruments for protecting ecosystem services from cultural agrarian landscapes in Doñana, SW Spain. Land Use Policy. 61. 185-195-195. DOI (10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.11.011).
  • Lim, M., Lynch, A.J., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Balint, L., Basher, Z., Chan, I., Jaureguiberry, P., Mohamed, A.A.A., Mwampamba, T.H., Palomo, I., Pliscoff, P., Salimov, R.A., Samakov, A., Selomane, O., Shrestha, U.B., Sidorovich, A.A. 2017. Early-career experts essential for planetary sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 29. 151-157-157. DOI (10.1016/j.cosust.2018.02.004).
  • Martín-López, B., Palomo, I., García-Llorente, M., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Castro, A.J., García Del Amo, D., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Montes, C. 2017. Delineating boundaries of social-ecological systems for landscape planning: A comprehensive spatial approach. Land Use Policy. 66. 90-104-104. DOI (10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.04.040).
  • Palomo, I. 2017. Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystem Services in High Mountain Areas: A Literature Review. Mountain Research and Development. 37. (2) 179-187-187. DOI (10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00110.1).
  • Palomo, I., Múgica, M., Piñeiro, C., Martín-López, B., Atauri, J., Montes, C. 2017. Envisioning protected areas through participatory scenario planning: Navigating coverage and effectiveness challenges ahead. Parks. 23. (1) 29-44-44. DOI (10.2305/IUCN.CH.2017.PARKS-23-1IP.en).
  • Pascual, U., Palomo, I., Adams, W.M., Chan, K.M.A., Daw, T.M., Garmendia, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., De Groot, R.S., Mace, G.M., Martín-López, B., Phelps, J. 2017. Off-stage ecosystem service burdens: A blind spot for global sustainability. Environmental Research Letters. 12. (7) DOI (10.1088/1748-9326/aa7392).
  • Ricaurte, L.F., Olaya-Rodríguez, M.H., Cepeda-Valencia, J., Lara, D., Arroyave-Suárez, J., Max Finlayson, C., Palomo, I. 2017. Future impacts of drivers of change on wetland ecosystem services in Colombia. Global Environmental Change. 44. 158-169-169. DOI (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.04.001).
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Pascual, U., Brockington, D., Coolsaet, B., Cortes-Vazquez, J.A., Gross-Camp, N., Palomo, I., Burgess, N.D. 2017. Towards an indicator system to assess equitable management in protected areas. Biological Conservation. 211. 134-141-141. DOI (10.1016/j.biocon.2017.05.014).
  • 2016
  • Baró, F., Palomo, I., Zulian, G., Vizcaino, P., Haase, D., Gómez-Baggethun, E. 2016. Mapping ecosystem service capacity, flow and demand for landscape and urban planning: A case study in the Barcelona metropolitan region. Land Use Policy. 57. 405-417-417. DOI (10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.06.006).
  • Palomo, I., Felipe-Lucia, M.R., Bennett, E.M., Martín-López, B., Pascual, U. 2016. Disentangling the Pathways and Effects of Ecosystem Service Co-Production. Advances in Ecological Research. 54. 245-283. DOI (10.1016/bs.aecr.2015.09.003).
  • 2015
  • Drakou, E.G., Crossman, N.D., Willemen, L., Burkhard, B., Palomo, I., Maes, J., Peedell, S. 2015. A visualization and data-sharing tool for ecosystem service maps: Lessons learnt, challenges and the way forward. Ecosystem Services. 13. 134-140-140. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.12.002).
  • García-Nieto, A.P., Quintas-Soriano, C., García-Llorente, M., Palomo, I., Montes, C., Martín-López, B. 2015. Collaborative mapping of ecosystem services: The role of stakeholders' profiles. Ecosystem Services. 13. 141-152-152. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.11.006).
  • Oteros-Rozas, E., Martín-López, B., Daw, T.M., Bohensky, E.L., Butler, J.R.A., Hill, R., Martin-Ortega, J., Quinlan, A., Ravera, F., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Thyresson, M., Mistry, J., Palomo, I., Peterson, G.D., Plieninger, T., Waylen, K.A., Beach, D.M., Bohnet, I.C., Hamann, M., Hanspach, J., Hubacek, K., Lavorel, S., Vilardy, S.P. 2015. Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: Insights and experiences from 23 case studies. Ecology and Society. 20. (4) DOI (10.5751/ES-07985-200432).
  • Velasco, D., García-Llorente, M., Alonso, B., Dolera, A., Palomo, I., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Martín-López, B. 2015. Biodiversity conservation research challenges in the 21st century: A review of publishing trends in 2000 and 2011. Environmental Science and Policy. 54. 90-96-96. DOI (10.1016/j.envsci.2015.06.008).
  • Willemen, L., Burkhard, B., Crossman, N., Drakou, E.G., Palomo, I. 2015. Editorial: Best practices for mapping ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services. 13. 1-5-5. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2015.05.008).
  • 2014
  • Moreno, J., Palomo, I., Escalera, J., Martín-López, B., Montes, C. 2014. Incorporating ecosystem services into ecosystem-based management to deal with complexity: a participative mental model approach. Landscape Ecology. 29. (8) 1407-1421-1421. DOI (10.1007/s10980-014-0053-8).
  • Palomo I., Montes C., Martín-López B., González J.A., García-Llorente M., Alcorlo P., Mora M.R.G. 2014. Incorporating the social-ecological approach in protected areas in the anthropocene. BIOSCIENCE. 64. (3) 181-191. DOI (10.1093/biosci/bit033).
  • Palomo, I., Martín-López, B., Alcorlo, P., Montes, C. 2014. Limitations of Protected Areas Zoning in Mediterranean Cultural Landscapes Under the Ecosystem Services Approach. Ecosystems. 17. (7) 1202-1215. DOI (10.1007/s10021-014-9788-y).
  • Villamor, G.B., Palomo, I., Santiago, C.A.L., Oteros-Rozas, E., Hill, J. 2014. Assessing stakeholders' perceptions and values towards social-ecological systems using participatory methods. Ecological Processes. 3 (1) DOI (10.1186/s13717-014-0022-9).

Book chapters

  • 2017
  • Drakou, E., Willemen,L., Crossman,N.D., Burkhard,B., Palomo,I., Maes,J., Conti, M. 2017 The ecosystem services partnership visualisation tool. In: Benjamin Burkhard, Joachim Maes. In: Mapping Ecosystem Services. . Pensoft Publishers. 376. ISBN 9789546428295.
  • Fagerholm, Nora ;Palomo, Ignacio. 2017 Participatory GIS Approaches For Mapping Ecosystem Services. In: Benjamin Burkhard, Joachim Maes. In: Mapping Ecosystem Services. . Pensoft Publishers. ISBN 978-9546428523.
  • Palomo, Ignacio ;Bagstad, Kenneth ;Nedkov, Stoyan ;Klug, Hermann ;Adamescu, Mihai ;Cazacu, Constantin. 2017 Tools for mapping ecosystem services. In: Benjamin Burkhard, Joachim Maes. In: Mapping Ecosystem Services. Pensoft Publishers. Pensoft. ISBN 9789546428523.
  • 2015
  • Montes, C., Palomo, I. 2015 Áreas protegidas y planificación socio-ecológica del territorio. In: Gino Zúñiga. In: Planificación en áreas protegidas. Territorio y cambio climático. Peru. Cooperación Alemana al desarrollo. 33. ISBN 2015-04953.

Other Publications

  • 2015
  • Palomo, I. 2015. CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO ¿En qué nos afecta a escaladores y alpinistas?. Desnivel. 347. 80-82.
  • 2014
  • Palomo, I. 2014. Protección de la Montaña y la Carta Española de las Montañas. Peñalara. 548. 100-101.
The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).

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