- Inicio
- Personas
Itxaso Ruiz
- Cargo:
Postdoctoral Researcher - Principal línea de investigación:
Sustainable land management; Mediterranean; Adaptation; Rural and peri-urban - BC3 Research Line:
3. Research Line Terrestrial Ecosystems - Información de contacto:
Email: itxaso.ruiz@bc3research.org
Teléfono: 94.401.46.90 - Scopus Author ID: 57207459360
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6250-3151
Short CV
Itxaso Ruiz graduated with a degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Barcelona and studied an international master in Marine Geosciences at the University of Bremen. She developed both her bachelor's and master's thesis in the field of paleoclimate (climate of the past) and got involved in several research projects at the University of Barcelona, the MARUM and AWI research centers, and the University of São Paulo.
For her PhD, she moved from developing paleoclimatic reconstructions to studying the present-day context of climate change in rural Mediterranean areas, under the PhD program “Quaternary: Environmental Change and Human Ecological Footprint” from the University of the Basque Country. During that time, she had the opportunity to collaborate on national and international projects of the UNCCD, FAO, and IHOBE organizations and the Nagaoka University of Technology.
Currently, she continues the work on integrated adaptation measures based on land management in rural areas. For this, she also explores the social and political frameworks where sustainable land management can be adopted, providing policy recommendations for effective implementation.
Journal Articles
- 2024
- Ruiz, I., Pompeu, J., Sanz, M.J. 2024. Mapping Ecosystem Services in a Mediterranean Watershed in the Context of Socio-ecological Restoration Actions, Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation. 499-502. DOI (10.1007/978-3-031-43922-3_113).
- 2023
- Orlandi, D., Galatolo, F.A., Cimino, M.C.G.A., Pagli, C., Perilli, N., Pompeu, J.A., Ruiz, I. 2023. Using Deep Learning and Radar Backscatter for Mapping River Water Surface. International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management, GISTAM - Proceedings. 2023-April. 216-221. DOI (10.5220/0011975000003473).
- Pompeu, J., Ruiz, I., Ruano, A., Sanz, M.J. 2023. Sustainable land management for addressing soil conservation under climate change in Mediterranean landscapes: perspectives from the Mijares watershed. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration. 8 (1) 41-54. DOI (10.1007/s41207-023-00355-5).
- Ruiz, I., Pompeu, J., Ruano, A., Franco, P., Balbi, S., Sanz, M.J. 2023. Combined artificial intelligence, sustainable land management, and stakeholder engagement for integrated landscape management in Mediterranean watersheds. Environmental Science and Policy. 145. 217-227. DOI (10.1016/j.envsci.2023.04.011).
- 2022
- Arto, I., Cazcarro, I., Garmendia, E., Ruiz, I., Sanz, M.J. 2022. A new accounting framework for assessing forest footprint of nations. Ecological Economics. 194. DOI (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107337).
- 2020
- Ruiz, I., Almagro, M., García de Jalón, S., Solà, M.d.M., Sanz, M.J. 2020. Assessment of sustainable land management practices in Mediterranean rural regions. Journal of Environmental Management. 276. DOI (10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111293).
- Ruiz, I., Faria, S.H., Neumann, M.B. 2020. Climate change perception: Driving forces and their interactions. Environmental Science and Policy. 108. 112-120-120. DOI (10.1016/j.envsci.2020.03.020).
- Ruiz, I., Sanz-Sánchez, M.J. 2020. Effects of historical land-use change in the Mediterranean environment. Science of the Total Environment. 732. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139315).
- 2018
- Ruiz, I., Pena, L. 2018. Neodymium and Strontium isotopes as source indicators for terrigenous sediments deposited in NE Brazil. Boletin Geologico y Minero. 129. (4) 633-646-646. DOI (10.21701/bolgeomin.129.4.003).
Books and Specials
- 2017
- M.J. Sanz, J. de Vente, J.-L. Chotte, M. Bernoux, G. Kust, I. Ruiz, M. Almagro, J.-A. Alloza, R. Vallejo, V. Castillo, A. Hebel, and M. Akhtar-Schuster. 2017 Sustainable Land Management contribution to successful land-based climate change adaptation and mitigation. A Report of the Science-Policy Interface. Bonn, Germany. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). 178. ISBN 978-92-95110-96-0 .
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2023
- [PB 2023-03] El agua en la cuenca del río Mijares: lo que aún faltaría por conocer para avanzar en la toma de decisiones y acciones hacia la sostenibilidad territorial Zafra-Calvo N.; Vivas L.D., Ruiz I., Sanz M.J., Brugnach M.
- 2022
- [PB2022-02] Gestión integrada del territorio en la cuenca del río Mijares Itxaso Ruiz, Antonio Ruano, João Pompeu and María J. Sanz
- 2021
- [2021-01] Land use and land cover databases for Mediterranean landscape analysis at the watershed scale João Pompeu, Itxaso Ruiz, Antonio Ruano, Hugo Bendini and María José Sanz
- 2019
- [PB 2019 – 02] Why sustainable land management? the case of the Mediterranean basin Ruiz,I., Sanz, M.J.
- 2017
- [2017-02] Drivers of climate change opinion Itxaso Ruiz, Sérgio Henrique Faria and Marc B. Neumann