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Marta Pascual

- Cargo:
Postdoctoral Researcher - Principal línea de investigación:
Marine Ecosystem Services & Marine Spatial Planning - BC3 Research Line:
5. Research Line Integrated Modelling of Coupled Human-natural Systems - Información de contacto:
Email: marta.pascual@bc3research.org
Teléfono: +34 94-401 46 90 - Scopus Author ID: 37102280600
- ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2204-7745
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Short CV
Dr. Marta Pascual is an Ikerbasque Post-Doctoral Researcher. She has 6 years of professional experience in different lines of marine and coastal research applied to Marine Spatial Planning (MSP); Ecosystem Services Mapping and Modelling; Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM); Biological Valuation (BV) and Ecosystem Services Valuation (ESV). Participated as researcher in the following projects: FP7-OCEAN-2009 MESMA (Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas); BIZKAIZET (Catalogación de las áreas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el golfo de Bizkaia); FP7-OCEAN- 2011-3 PERSEUS (Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for the Southern European Seas); FP7-OCEAN-2011 CoCoNET (Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas); GEF project: Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean; DG-MARE Call for Tenders No MARE/2013/11: Assistance Mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan – Spanish Focal Point. Her current research interests are focused on ecosystem services mapping, modelling and evaluation using the ARIES; as well as in spatial planning management, socio-economics’, equity, governance, decision-support tools and the implementation of European directives (WFD, MSP and MSFD). Her work has also succeeded in publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Pascual has extensive knowledge using: Databases management; Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS; Idrisi Kilimanjaro, QuantumGIS, GVSIG); Statistical Analysis (univariate and multivariate); Software for Biological Analysis (Statgraphics, Statistica, Surfer, PRIMER, R); Remote Sensing analysis software (BILKO, BEAM); Interactions models simulations (Vensim; hunt-prey; climatic; environmental, etc.); Starting in Bayesian modelling (Genie, Bayesia) and Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services modelling (ARIES, Thinklab, Thinkcap); Marxan user; Biological Valuation Teacher; Spatial Multicriteria Analysis (SMCA). She has undertaken several internship stays as part of her research and excellence training: the University of Tasmania (Australia, 2005-2006); the Oceanlab (Scotland, 2007); the University of Southampton (UK, 2007-2009); the University of Ghent (Belgium, 2009); the University of Hull (UK, 2010); the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence on Environmental Decisions (ARC-CEED) of the University of Queensland (Australia, 2014-2015). She has also been (twice) chairperson at International conferences, as well as reviewer for Journal of Environmental Management, Ecological Economics, Ecological Processes, Journal of Sea Research, Ocean & Coastal Management, Ecosystem Services and Journal of Environmental Conservation. She has also been part of an Advisory Experts Panel for the FP7 call ENV.2013 second stage call at the EU Commission and for the Symfonia grant of the National Science Centre of Poland. Acting as expert at these panels has allowed her to further develop her knowledge in research proposal´s writing and funding requirements. She is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Coastal Development since 2013 and member of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET) since 2014.
Journal Articles
- 2021
- Gissi, E., Manea, E., Mazaris, A.D., Fraschetti, S., Almpanidou, V., Bevilacqua, S., Coll, M., Guarnieri, G., Lloret-Lloret, E., Pascual, M., Petza, D., Rilov, G., Schonwald, M., Stelzenmüller, V., Katsanevakis, S. 2021. A review of the combined effects of climate change and other local human stressors on the marine environment. Science of the Total Environment. 755. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142564).
- 2020
- Stelzenmüller, V., Coll, M., Cormier, R., Mazaris, A.D., Pascual, M., Loiseau, C., Claudet, J., Katsanevakis, S., Gissi, E., Evagelopoulos, A., Rumes, B., Degraer, S., Ojaveer, H., Moller, T., Giménez, J., Piroddi, C., Markantonatou, V., Dimitriadis, C. 2020. Operationalizing risk-based cumulative effect assessments in the marine environment. Science of the Total Environment. 724. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138118).
- 2019
- Martínez-López, J., Bagstad, K.J., Balbi, S., Magrach, A., Voigt, B., Athanasiadis, I., Pascual, M., Willcock, S., Villa, F. 2019. Towards globally customizable ecosystem service models. Science of the Total Environment. 650. 2325-2336-2336. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.371).
- 2018
- Furlan, E., Torresan, S., Ronco, P., Critto, A., Breil, M., Kontogianni, A., Garmendia, M., Pascual, M., Sauzade, D., Skourtos, M., Marcomini, A. 2018. Tools and methods to support adaptive policy making in marine areas: Review and implementation of the Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox. Ocean and Coastal Management. 151. 25-35-35. DOI (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.10.029).
- 2017
- Garmendia, M., Sauzade, D., Beaumont, N., Boteler, B., Pascual, M., Boudine, T., Breil, M., Furlan, E., Kontogianni, A., Krüger, I., Le Tellier, J., Gileva, E., March, D., Roeleveld, G., Ronco, P., Shivarov, A., Skourtos, M., Markandya, A. 2017. The Adaptive Marine Policy (AMP) toolbox: Supporting policy-makers developing adaptive policies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. Marine Policy. 84. 99-109-109. DOI (10.1016/j.marpol.2017.07.009).
- 2016
- Pascual, M., Miñana, E.P., Giacomello, E. 2016. Integrating knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services: Mind-mapping and Bayesian Network modelling. Ecosystem Services. 17. 112-122-122. DOI (10.1016/j.ecoser.2015.12.004).
- Pascual, M., Rossetto, M., Ojea, E., Milchakova, N., Giakoumi, S., Kark, S., Korolesova, D., Melià, P. 2016. Socioeconomic impacts of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Ocean and Coastal Management. 133. 1-10-10. DOI (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.09.001).
- 2013
- Galparsoro, I., Borja, A., Kostylev, V.E., Rodríguez, J.G., Pascual, M., Muxika, I. 2013. A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the european marine strategy framework directive. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 131. 194-205-205. DOI (10.1016/j.ecss.2013.07.007).
- Pascual, M., Borja, A., Galparsoro, I., Ruiz, J., Mugerza, E., Quincoces, I., Murillas, A., Arregi, L. 2013. Total fishing pressure produced by artisanal fisheries, from a Marine Spatial Planning perspective: A case study from the Basque Country (Bay of Biscay). Fisheries Research. 147. 240-252-252. DOI (10.1016/j.fishres.2013.06.010).
- Zorita, I., Solaun, O., Borja, A., Franco, J., Muxika, I., Pascual, M. 2013. Spatial distribution and temporal trends of soft-bottom marine benthic alien species collected during the period 1989-2008 in the Nervión estuary (southeastern Bay of Biscay). Journal of Sea Research. 83. 104-110-110. DOI (10.1016/j.seares.2013.04.009).
Book chapters
- 2017
- Ojea, E., Pascual, M., March, D., Bitetto, I., Meli, P., Breil, M., Claudet, J.,Markandya, A. 2017 Socioeconomic Impacts of Networks of Marine Protected Areas. In: Goriup, Paul D. In: Management of Marine Protected Areas. Chichester, UK. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 103-124. ISBN 978-1-119-07580-6 978-1-119-07577-6.
- 2015
- Borja A., Murillas A., Pascual M., Uyarra MC. 2015 Marine and coastal ecosystems: delivery of goods and services, through conservation. In: Chicharo L., Mueller F., Fohre N. In: Ecosystem Services and river Basin Ecohydrology. 1st ed. Netherlands. Springer. 341. ISBN 978-94-017-9845-7.
- 2014
- Markandya, A. and Pascual, M. 2014 The valuation of ecosystem services and their role in decision-making: constraints and ways forward. In: P. Nunes, P, Kumar and T. Dedeurwaerdere. In: Handbook on the Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity. Cheltenham, UK. Edward Elgar. 278-301. ISBN 9781781951507.
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2014
- [2014-05] A new adaptive marine policy toolbox to support ecosystem-based approach to management Maialen Garmendia, Ben Boteler, Margaretha Breil, Areti Kontogianni, Emily Koulouvaris, Ina Krüger, Julien Le Tellier, Emma Gileva, David March, Anil Markandya, Elena Ojea, Marta Pascual, Gerda Roeleveld, Paolo Ronco, Sophia Saravanou, Didier Sauzade, Ale