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Melanie Heugues
Antiguo investigador BC3
Principal línea de investigación:
International cooperation on climate change, Incentives to participate in an agreement, Strategic interactions, Non cooperative game theory
Was employee in BC3 from 2010-06-09 to 2011-10-31
Short CV
Mélanie Heugues holds a PhD in economics from the University of Montpellier (France). She defended her dissertation entitled “A new prospect on global environmental problems in the case of climate change: the impacts of strategic complementarities between countries– in June 2009.
She has started her career as a researcher in Montpellier as a member of the LAMETA and then has integrated the LERNA in Toulouse (France).
As an economist, her main researches and expertise deal with international cooperation on climate change, non-cooperative game theory and strategic complementarities. More generally she also has an interest in public economics, environmental and resource economics and experimental economics.
Before joining the bc3 in September 2010, Mélanie has been lecturer at the University of Toulouse. She holds a strong teaching experience going from the fundamentals of the economic discipline (Macro and Microeconomics) to more technical fields (game theory, economics of risk and information) and with various audiences (undergraduates as well as postgraduates).
She also had the opportunity to present her researches in various seminars in France (Paris-Nanterre: EconomiX, Clermont-Ferrand: CERDI, Toulouse: LERNA and Montpellier: LAMETA) and in international conferences (WCERE 2010; ADRES 2010; PET 2009; PGPPE Workshop 2008).
Journal Articles
- 2014
- Heugues M. 2014. International environmental cooperation: A new eye on the greenhouse gas emissions' control. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 220. (1) 239-262. DOI (10.1007/s10479-012-1156-8).
- 2012
- Heugues, Melanie. 2012. Endogenous Timing in Pollution Control: Stackelberg versus Cournot-Nash Equilibria. Strategic Behavior And The Environment. 2 (2) 133-158. DOI (10.1561/102.00000014).
- 2011
- Desaigues B., Ami D., Bartczak A., Braun-Kohlová M., Chilton S., Czajkowski M., Farreras V., Hunt A., Hutchison M., Jeanrenaud C., Kaderjak P., MácA V., Markiewicz O., Markowska A., Metcalf H., Navrud S., Nielsen J.S., Ortiz R., Pellegrini S., Rabl A., Riera R., Scasny M., Stoeckel M.-E., Szántó R., Urban J. 2011. Economic valuation of air pollution mortality: A 9-country contingent valuation survey of value of a life year (VOLY). ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 11. (3) 902-910. DOI (10.1016/j.ecolind.2010.12.006).
BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings
- 2011
- [2011-03] Endogenous Timing in Pollution Control: Stackelberg versus Cournot-Nash Equilibria Melanie Heugues