BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  4. BC3 Seminars: Dr. Dae-Jin Lee - December 11th

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

BC3 Seminars: Dr. Dae-Jin Lee - December 11th

Seminar / Mintegia / Seminario

Environmental and ecological modeling with non-parametric smoothing techniques

Dr. Dae-Jin Lee (BCAM - Basque Center of Applied Mathematics).


Non-parametric regression or smoothing is a form of regression analysis in which the predictor does not take a predetermined form but is constructed according to information derived from the data. There is a wide range of smoothing techniques in the literature, penalized splines are a very popular tool for smoothing due to their flexibility and ability to incorporate more complex structures such as additional covariates, correlations or hierarchical structures and multidimensional settings. In this talk I will introduce some basic concepts and techniques together with several examples from environmental and ecological applications.






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If you are interested in attending the Seminar, please register yourself clicking here

11th December, 12:00-13:00 BC3 offices 

* The Seminar will be in English. / Mintegia ingelesez burutuko da. / El seminario se realizará en inglés.


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