La Unidad de Economía Ambiental de la UPV-EHU y el BC3 desarrollaron lo largo de 2009 un programa de seminarios relacionados con El Cambio Climático.
- Marzo:
“Convergence validity between revealed and stated recreation demand data: some empirical evidence" (David Hoyos)
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- Abril:
“Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in India: Methodology and Some Results"
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- Mayo:
“WTP for global and ancillary benefits of climate change mitigation” (David Hoyos)
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- Junio:
"Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values" (Aline Chiabai)
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- Octubre:
"Investments in energy efficiency under climate policy uncertainty." (Jose Manuel Chamorro)
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- Noviembre (celebrado el Octubre 27):
Global costs of climate change adaptation in the industrial and municipal water supply sector (Luke Brander)
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Los seminarios tendrán lugar en Sarriko, el último viernes de cada mes. Mensualmente se enviará la información detallada del evento correspondiente.
* Los seminarios se realizarán en inglés.
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Ingurumen Ekonomia Unitateak eta BC3 zentruak 2009 urtean zehar Klima Aldaketaren inguruko Mintegi Programa bat burutu zuten.
- Martxoa:
“Convergence validity between revealed and stated recreation demand data: some empirical evidence" (David Hoyos)
irakurri gehiago...
- Apirila:
“Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change in India: Methodology and Some Results"
irakurri gehiago...
- Maiatza:
“WTP for global and ancillary benefits of climate change mitigation” (David Hoyos)
irakurri gehiago...
- Ekaina:
"Economic Valuation of Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodology and Values" (Aline Chiabai)
irakurri gehiago...
- Urria:
"Investments in energy efficiency under climate policy uncertainty." (Jose Manuel Chamorro)
irakurri gehiago...
- Azaroa (Urriaren 27an ospatuta):
Global costs of climate change adaptation in the industrial and municipal water supply sector (Luke Brander)
irakurri gehiago...
Mintegiak hilabete bakoitzaren azken ostiralean izango dira Sarrikon. Hilabetero ekitaldi bakoitzaren informazio zehatza bidaliko da.
* Mintegiak ingelesez burutuko dira.