BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

Seminario/Mintegia 15th May

Seminar / Mintegia / Seminario
Direct and Indirect CO2 Emissions of Households: A Dynamic Consumption Model in an Input-Output Framework

Lecturer: Prof. Kurt Kratena
Austrian Institute of Economic Research - WIFO.


This seminar will deal with the total CO2 impact of households in an input-output model for Austria with endogenous private consumption. The consumption model describes the demand for different durables and nondurables, derived from intertemporal optimisation and has been estimated econometrically. Energy demand of households in addition to economic variables also depends on the energy-efficiency as well as the level of energy-using durables. Total CO2 emissions are the sum of direct emissions from households (heating, vehicle use) and indirect CO2 emissions of production for households.
Policies with incentives to switch towards a more energy-efficient durable stock have a direct impact on energy consumption, as well as on the demand for other nondurables and durables and therefore cause indirect energy and emission effects. An ambitious scrappage policy scheme for heating appliances with a doubling of durable stock turnover might induce significant short-run indirect CO2 emission increases.

Referenced paper of the Seminar: http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/wfowpaper/y_3a2010_3ai_3a382.htm   

Curriculum Vitae Prof. Kurt Kratena
Kurt Kratena is an economics graduate of the University of Economics and Business (1985) in Vienna, where in 1988 he also finished his PhD-Studies. From 1986 to 1992 he worked as an economic expert at the Federal Chamber of Labour of Austria. He spent visiting scholarships at the universities of Madrid and Valladolid (Spain) in 1990-93, at the MIT and at FEEM (Italy) in 2006 and at Harvard (2011). In 2008 he defended his habilitation thesis at IFF (social ecology), University of Klagenfurt. At WIFO (since 1993), his main focus has been on quantitative methods (input-output and econometrics) used in economic modelling. Recently, he has published the description of a dynamic econometric input-output model for the EU 27 (FIDELIO) which is to be applied for economy/energy/environment policy analysis at the JRC/IPTS (Joint Research Centre/Institute of Prospective Technology Studies) of the EU Commission
Visit the  personal website of Prof. Kratena here http://www.wifo.ac.at/jart/prj3/wifo/main.jart?rel=en&content-id=1223629830161&personen_id=245




If you are interested in attending the Seminar, please register yourself clicking here

15th May, 12:00, UPV (Faculty of Sarriko), Room: B0.2

* The Seminar will be in English. / Mintegia ingelesez burutuko da. / El seminario se realizará en inglés.


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