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BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Traveling for happiness, moving to adapt: An agent-based perspective on population mobility

Palabras clave: agent-based modeling, population mobility, global environmental change, adaptation, tourism, migration.

Autor(es): Stefano Balbi

Fecha: 2017-19-09

Número: 2017-03

  Descargar este Working Paper (PDF) (527 KB.)

Tourism and human migration research are gradually converging towards agent-based simulations as a methodology for exploring the complex feedbacks between human and natural components within social-ecological systems. Growing attention is given to the causes and effects of global environmental change and the study of social phenomena, as identity, lifestyle and attribution of value, in conjunction with sustainability analysis. Both tourism and migration are related to population mobility, relational values and to the pursuit of happiness, at the individual or at the household scale. Both are deeply affected by the globalization process, which increasingly blurs the distinction between the various classes of spatial-temporal movements. This article attempts to consider tourism and human migration under a unitary research framework, more compatible with the analysis of adaptation to shifting opportunities and social conflict prevention. We touch on the main methodological and thematic elements that indicate the mutual benefits of a combined agent-based perspective.

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