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Inmaculada Batalla

Inmaculada Batalla

Short CV

Inma Batalla is a postdoc at BC3. She holds a PhD in Sustainability of Livestock Systems at Universidad del País Vasco, a MsC in Rural Development (Agricultural economics and rural sociology) at the University of Córdoba and a BCs in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Extremadura.

Her scientific career has focused on the sustainability assessment of agrifood systems with a multicriteria perspective. She has wide experience in holistic analysis of farming systems using economic, social and environmental indicators to give a better comprehension of the situation of primary sector through a systematic vision. She has worked with special emphasis on exploring synergy and trade-offs among the different impacts of agrifood systems, taking special attention to livestock systems using different approaches (sustainability frameworks, LCA, one health perspective, participatory processes, policy analysis…).
She has collaborated in some research projects related to sustainability assessment, in one of them, she got a PhD fellowship from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INIA) to develop her PhD in Neiker Tecnalia.

Nowadays she is participating with BC3 in european project SWITCH ( Switching European food systems for a just, healthy and sustainable dietary transition through knowledge and innovation) .

She is member of RED REMEDIA-Spanish Network for Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases Emissions from the Spanish Agroforestry Sector. She also takes part in the working group: CAP, Food, Land Use in the context of the Think Sustainable Europe .

She is really interested on exploring the interactions amount different indicators and its implications in different contexts to enhance sustainable agriculture practices able to empower rural areas and agriculture communities in the context of sustainable food systems.

Journal Articles

  • 2022
  • Jebari, A., Álvaro-Fuentes, J., Pardo, G., Batalla, I., Martín, J.A.R., Del Prado, A. 2022. Effect of dairy cattle production systems on sustaining soil organic carbon storage in grasslands of northern Spain. Regional Environmental Change. 22. (2) DOI (10.1007/s10113-022-01927-x).
  • 2020
  • Del Prado, A., Galán, E., Batalla, I., Pardo, G. 2020. Impacts and adaptations to climate change in ruminants. ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria. 116. (5) 461-482-482. DOI (10.12706/itea.2020.038).
  • 2019
  • Gutiérrez-Peña, R., Mena, Y., Batalla, I., Mancilla-Leytón, J.M. 2019. Carbon footprint of dairy goat production systems: A comparison of three contrasting grazing levels in the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park (Southern Spain). Journal of Environmental Management. 232. 993-998-998. DOI (10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.005).

Affiliation previous to BC3

Batalla, I., Knudsen, M. T., Mogensen, L., Hierro, Ó. d., Pinto, M., & Hermansen, J. E. (2015). Carbon footprint of milk from sheep farming systems in Northern Spain including soil carbon sequestration in grasslands. Journal of Cleaner Production, 104(0), 121-129.

Book chapters

  • 2022
  • Del Prado A, Pardo G, Batalla I, Manzano P. 2022 La huella ambiental de la producción lechera española en el contexto internacional. In: Edelmiro López Iglesias | Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Manuel Lainez Andrés | Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar. In: Sector lácteo en España. Monografías cajamar .
  • 2021
  • Del Prado A, Pardo G, Batalla I, Manzano P. 2021 El análisis del ciclo de vida en las actividades ganaderas. Sostenibilidad en la Producción Ganadera. Monografias cajamar.

Affiliation previous to BC3

Mena, Y.; Gutiérrez-Peña, R.; Pérez-Neira, D.; Damián, M.; Batalla, I; del Hierro, O. (2014) Impacto de la ganadería ecológica sobre el medio ambiente y su papel en el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad. Junta de Andalucía

Other Publications

  • 2023
  • David Baldock (dbaldock@ieep.eu) & Harriet Bradley (hbradley@ieep.eu). 2023. Transforming EU land use and the CAP: a post-2024 vision.
  • 2022
  • David Baldock, IEEP Pierre-Marie Aubert, IDDRI Estelle Midler, IEEP Juliette Pagnon, IEEP Nathalie Bolduc, IDDRI Inmaculada Batalla, BC3 Ana Frelih-Larsen, Ecologic Institute María-José Sanz Sánchez, BC3 Aaron Scheid, Ecologic Institute Cleo Verkuijl, SEI. 2022. Towards a Transformative Sustainable Food System Legislative Framework.
  • Itziar Alkorta; Maria Jose Sanz; Lucía Gallego; Sandra Sánchez; Aline Chiabai; Estíbaliz Baroja; Inmaculada Batalla; Tiziana Giambra. 2022. La resistencia a los antibióticos bajo el enfoque One Health . ECODES.
  • Sanz, M.J, Chiabai A., Batalla I., Baroja E. 2022. El papel del recurso natural del agua en la resistencia a antibióticos desde un enfoque holístico One Health. Ecodes. DOI (https://ecodes.org/hacemos/cultura-para-la-sostenibilidad/salud-y-medioambiente/el-papel-del-recurso-natural-del-agua-en-la-resistencia-a-antibioticos-desde-un-enfoque-holistico-one-health).
  • 2020
  • Agustin del Prado, Inmaculada Batalla, Guillermo Pardo, Elena Galán, Cled Thomas, Athanasios Ragkos, Alexandros Theodoridis and Georgios Arsenos. 2020. New trajectories towards innovative sheep and goat production systems .
  • Batalla I, G Pardo, del Prado A. 2020. Gases de efecto invernadero y producción caprina:¿ qué debemos tener en cuenta? . Tierras Caprino.
  • Batalla, I., Pardo, G., delPrado, A. 2020. Gases de efecto invernadero y producción caprina: ¿qué debemos tener en cuenta? . Tierras caprino, 30, pp 10-17. 10-17.
  • Del Prado A. Batalla I, G Pardo . 2020. Reduciendo el efecto de ovejas y cabras sobre el cambio climático a nivel europeo . Revista Alimentaria.
  • 2019
  • Guillermo Pardo, Agustin del Prado, Inmaculada Batalla, Maria Jesús Carabaño, Manuel Ramón, Alejandro Belanche. 2019. D 3.2. Report on development of meta-models on the effect of climate parameters on animal productivity and welfare. H2020 Project.
The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).