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Noelia Zafra Calvo

Noelia Zafra Calvo

Short CV

I am a conservation social scientist who aims to understand the human and social dimensions that enhance or hamper nature conservation. With a PhD in Global Change and Sustainable Development (FORECO, University of Alcala) I work as a Research Fellow at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (bc3) in Spain; co-producing knowledge to advance towards a credible, salient and legitimate governance frame for coastal adaption in Senegal, water management in the Mediterranean and forest management in the Basque country (Spain). Previously (2020-2022) I worked as a Scientific Officer at the Earth Commission (Future Earth), synthesizing and advancing the scientific evidence that will inform the development of a just post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and future conservation targets for planet, cities and businesses. I also worked as a postdoc in the EQUIVAL project (2018-2020) assessing how including plural people`s values in decision-making processes about nature conservation can widen the options to more socially equitable and ecologically sustainable futures. Before, I held two postdoctoral fellowships: A Marie Curie Individual Fellowship at Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (2015-2017; Denmark) and a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; United Nations University (2012-2014; Japan). The aim of my research is to understand the role of knowledge in transforming nature conservation and to identify the key justice, power, diversity and values related factors that could lead to tackle the current biodiversity crisis.

Previously, I worked ten years in African countries as Program Coordinator in the Central Africa Regional Project for the Environment (CARPE) and supporting Via Campesina.

I have also passed thought a long-term illness that brought to my life one year and a half of leave and reflection, and which produced in myself the inner transformation needed to understand, navigate and deeply pursuit the purpose to contribute to the broad transformation of human-nature relations to achieve nature (and life) conservation.

Journal Articles

  • 2024
  • Baderha, G.K.R., Tchoffo, R.O.K., Ngute, A.S.K., Imani, G., Batumike, R., Zafra-Calvo, N., Cuni-Sanchez, A. 2024. Comparative Study of Climate Change Adaptation Practices in Conflict-Affected Mountain Areas of Africa. Mountain Research and Development. 44. (2) R20-R27. DOI (10.1659/mrd.2023.00014).
  • Claudet, J., Blythe, J., Gill, D.A., Bennett, N.J., Gurney, G.G., Evans, L., Mahajan, S.L., Turner, R.A., Ahmadia, G.N., Ban, N.C., Epstein, G., Jupiter, S.D., Lau, J., Mangubhai, S., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lazzari, N., Baggio, J.A., Bernard, M.L., Brun, V., D’Agata, S., Di Franco, A., Horan, R., Naggea, J. 2024. Advancing ocean equity at the nexus of development, climate and conservation policy. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 8 (7) 1205-1208. DOI (10.1038/s41559-024-02417-5).
  • Gupta, J., Bai, X., Liverman, D.M., Rockström, J., Qin, D., Stewart-Koster, B., Rocha, J.C., Jacobson, L., Abrams, J.F., Andersen, L.S., Armstrong McKay, D.I., Bala, G., Bunn, S.E., Ciobanu, D., DeClerck, F., Ebi, K.L., Gifford, L., Gordon, C., Hasan, S., Kanie, N., Lenton, T.M., Loriani, S., Mohamed, A., Nakicenovic, N., Obura, D., Ospina, D., Prodani, K., Rammelt, C., Sakschewski, B., Scholtens, J., Tharammal, T., van Vuuren, D., Verburg, P.H., Winkelmann, R., Zimm, C., Bennett, E., Bjørn, A., Bringezu, S., Broadgate, W.J., Bulkeley, H., Crona, B., Green, P.A., Hoff, H., Huang, L., Hurlbert, M., Inoue, C.Y.A., Kılkış, Ş., Lade, S.J., Liu, J., Nadeem, I., Ndehedehe, C., Okereke, C., Otto, I.M., Pedde, S., Pereira, L., Schulte-Uebbing, L., Tàbara, J.D., de Vries, W., Whiteman, G., Xiao, C., Xu, X., Zafra-Calvo, N., Zhang, X., Fezzigna, P., Gentile, G. 2024. A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health. 8 (10) e813-e873. DOI (10.1016/S2542-5196(24)00042-1).
  • Mattalia, G., McAlvay, A., Teixidor-Toneu, I., Lukawiecki, J., Moola, F., Asfaw, Z., Cámara-Leret, R., Díaz, S., Franco, F.M., Halpern, B.S., O'Hara, C., Renard, D., Uprety, Y., Wall, J., Zafra-Calvo, N., Reyes-García, V. 2024. Cultural keystone species as a tool for biocultural stewardship. A global review. People and Nature. DOI (10.1002/pan3.10653).
  • Mohamed, A., DeClerck, F., Verburg, P.H., Obura, D., Abrams, J.F., Zafra-Calvo, N., Rocha, J., Estrada-Carmona, N., Fremier, A., Jones, S.K., Meier, I.C., Stewart-Koster, B. 2024. Securing Nature's Contributions to People requires at least 20%–25% (semi-)natural habitat in human-modified landscapes. One Earth. 7 (1) 59-71. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2023.12.008).
  • Ruiz, I., Alloza, J.A., Sanz, M.J., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lliso, B., Brugnach, M. 2024. Recycling the rain: Exploring forest management practices in a western Mediterranean watershed to recouple the atmospheric and terrestrial water cycle. Science of the Total Environment. 954. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176212).
  • 2023
  • Frietsch, M., Zafra-Calvo, N., Ghoddousi, A., Loos, J. 2023. Advancing protected area effectiveness assessments by disentangling social-ecological interactions: A case study from the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Conservation Science and Practice. 5 (8) DOI (10.1111/csp2.12974).
  • Gill, D.A., Blythe, J., Bennett, N., Evans, L., Brown, K., Turner, R.A., Baggio, J.A., Baker, D., Ban, N.C., Brun, V., Claudet, J., Darling, E., Di Franco, A., Epstein, G., Estradivari, ; Gray, N.J., Gurney, G.G., Horan, R.P., Jupiter, S.D., Lau, J.D., Lazzari, N., Lestari, P., Mahajan, S.L., Mangubhai, S., Naggea, J., Selig, E.R., Whitney, C.K., Zafra-Calvo, N., Muthiga, N.A. 2023. Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities. One Earth. 6 (2) 118-130. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2023.01.010).
  • Nkurunziza, A., Intwarinkase Mutaganzwa, D., Ndayitwayeko, W.M., Nkengurutse, J., Kaplin, B.A., Teixidor Toneu, I., Zafra-Calvo, N., Cuni-Sanchez, A. 2023. Local Observations of Climate Change and Adaptation Responses: A Case Study in the Mountain Region of Burundi-Rwanda. Land. 12. (2) DOI (10.3390/land12020329).
  • Reyes-García, V., Cámara-Leret, R., Halpern, B.S., O’Hara, C., Renard, D., Zafra-Calvo, N., Díaz, S. 2023. Biocultural vulnerability exposes threats of culturally important species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120. (2) DOI (10.1073/pnas.2217303120).
  • Rockström, J., Gupta, J., Qin, D., Lade, S.J., Abrams, J.F., Andersen, L.S., Armstrong McKay, D.I., Bai, X., Bala, G., Bunn, S.E., Ciobanu, D., DeClerck, F., Ebi, K., Gifford, L., Gordon, C., Hasan, S., Kanie, N., Lenton, T.M., Loriani, S., Liverman, D.M., Mohamed, A., Nakicenovic, N., Obura, D., Ospina, D., Prodani, K., Rammelt, C., Sakschewski, B., Scholtens, J., Stewart-Koster, B., Tharammal, T., van Vuuren, D., Verburg, P.H., Winkelmann, R., Zimm, C., Bennett, E.M., Bringezu, S., Broadgate, W., Green, P.A., Huang, L., Jacobson, L., Ndehedehe, C., Pedde, S., Rocha, J., Scheffer, M., Schulte-Uebbing, L., de Vries, W., Xiao, C., Xu, C., Xu, X., Zafra-Calvo, N., Zhang, X. 2023. Safe and just Earth system boundaries. Nature. 619. (7968) 102-111. DOI (10.1038/s41586-023-06083-8).
  • 2022
  • Amani, R.K., Riera, B., Imani, G., Batumike, R., Zafra-Calvo, N., Cuni-Sanchez, A. 2022. Climate Change Perceptions and Adaptations among Smallholder Farmers in the Mountains of Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Land. 11. (5) DOI (10.3390/land11050628).
  • Chaplin-Kramer, R., Brauman, K.A., Cavender-Bares, J., Díaz, S., Duarte, G.T., Enquist, B.J., Garibaldi, L.A., Geldmann, J., Halpern, B.S., Hertel, T.W., Khoury, C.K., Krieger, J.M., Lavorel, S., Mueller, T., Neugarten, R.A., Pinto-Ledezma, J., Polasky, S., Purvis, A., Reyes-García, V., Roehrdanz, P.R., Shannon, L.J., Shaw, M.R., Strassburg, B.B.N., Tylianakis, J.M., Verburg, P.H., Visconti, P., Zafra-Calvo, N. 2022. Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 6 (2) 118-119. DOI (10.1038/s41559-021-01605-x).
  • Cuni-Sanchez, A., Twinomuhangi, I., Aneseyee, A.B., Mwangi, B., Olaka, L., Bitariho, R., Soromessa, T., Castro, B., Zafra-Calvo, N. 2022. Everyday adaptation practices by coffee farmers in three mountain regions in Africa. Ecology and Society. 27. (4) DOI (10.5751/es-13622-270432).
  • 2021
  • Dawson, N.M., Coolsaet, B., Sterling, E.J., Loveridge, R., Gross-Camp, N.D., Wongbusarakum, S., Sangha, K.K., Scherl, L.M., Phan, H.P., Zafra-Calvo, N., Lavey, W.G., Byakagaba, P., Idrobo, C.J., Chenet, A., Bennett, N.J., Mansourian, S., Rosado-May, F.J. 2021. The role of indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation. Ecology and Society. 26. (3) DOI (10.5751/ES-12625-260319).
  • Echeverri, J., Cely‐gómez, A., Zafra‐calvo, N., González, J., Matallana‐tobón, C., Santamaría, M., Galán, S. 2021. Short communication: Application of site‐level assessment of governance and equity (sage) methodology to a candidate oecm: AndakÍ municipal natural park, caquetÁ, colombia. Parks. 27. (1) 85-90-90. DOI (10.2305/IUCN.CH.2021.PARKS-27-1JE.en).
  • Palomo, I., Locatelli, B., Otero, I., Colloff, M., Crouzat, E., Cuni-Sanchez, A., Gómez-Baggethun, E., González-García, A., Grêt-Regamey, A., Jiménez-Aceituno, A., Martín-López, B., Pascual, U., Zafra-Calvo, N., Bruley, E., Fischborn, M., Metz, R., Lavorel, S. 2021. Assessing nature-based solutions for transformative change. One Earth. 4 (5) 730-741-741. DOI (10.1016/j.oneear.2021.04.013).
  • 2020
  • Díaz S., Zafra-Calvo N., Purvis A., Verburg P.H., Obura D., Leadley P., Chaplin-Kramer R., De Meester L., Dulloo E., Martín-López B., Shaw M.R., Visconti P., Broadgate W., Bruford M.W., Burgess N.D., Cavender- Bares J., DeClerck F., Fernández-Palacios J.M., Garibaldi L.A., Hill S.L.L., Isbell F., Khoury C.K., Krug C.B., Liu J., Maron M., McGowan P.J.K., Pereira H.M., Reyes-García V., Rocha J., Rondinini C., Shannon L., Shin Y.-J., Snelgrove P.V.R., Spehn E.M., Strassburg B., Subramanian S.M., Tewksbury J.J., Watson J.E.M., Zanne A.E. 2020. Set ambitious goals for biodiversity and sustainability. SCIENCE. 370. (6515) 411-413. DOI (10.1126/science.abe1530).
  • Jacobs, S., Zafra-Calvo, N., Gonzalez-Jimenez, D., Guibrunet, L., Benessaiah, K., Berghöfer, A., Chaves-Chaparro, J., Díaz, S., Gomez-Baggethun, E., Lele, S., Martín-López, B., Masterson, V.A., Merçon, J., Moersberger, H., Muraca, B., Norström, A., O’Farrell, P., Ordonez, J.C., Prieur-Richard, A.H., Rincón-Ruiz, A., Sitas, N., Subramanian, S.M., Tadesse, W., van Noordwijk, M., Pascual, U., Balvanera, P. 2020. Use your power for good: Plural valuation of nature – the Oaxaca statement. Global Sustainability. 3 DOI (10.1017/sus.2020.2).
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Merçon, J., Martín-López, B., van Noordwijk, M., Mwampamba, T.H., Lele, S., Ifejika Speranza, C., Arias-Arévalo, P., Cabrol, D., Cáceres, D.M., O'Farrell, P., Subramanian, S.M., Devy, S., Krishnan, S., Carmenta, R., Guibrunet, L., Kraus-Elsin, Y., Moersberger, H., Cariño, J., Díaz, S. 2020. Plural valuation of nature for equity and sustainability: Insights from the Global South. Global Environmental Change. 63. DOI (10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102115).
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Geldmann, J. 2020. Protected areas to deliver biodiversity need management effectiveness and equity. Global Ecology and Conservation. 22. DOI (10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01026).
  • 2019
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Garmendia, E., Pascual, U., Palomo, I., Gross-Camp, N., Brockington, D., Cortes-Vazquez, J.A., Coolsaet, B., Burgess, N.D. 2019. Progress toward Equitably Managed Protected Areas in Aichi Target 11: A Global Survey. BioScience. 69. (3) 191-197-197. DOI (10.1093/biosci/biy143).
  • 2018
  • Moreaux, C., Zafra-Calvo, N., Vansteelant, N.G., Wicander, S., Burgess, N.D. 2018. Can existing assessment tools be used to track equity in protected area management under Aichi Target 11?. Biological Conservation. 224. 242-247-247. DOI (10.1016/j.biocon.2018.06.005).
  • 2017
  • Zafra-Calvo, N., Pascual, U., Brockington, D., Coolsaet, B., Cortes-Vazquez, J.A., Gross-Camp, N., Palomo, I., Burgess, N.D. 2017. Towards an indicator system to assess equitable management in protected areas. Biological Conservation. 211. 134-141-141. DOI (10.1016/j.biocon.2017.05.014).

Other Publications

  • 2018
  • Pascual. U., contribution to the document: “2018. Wellbeing: for whom and how? Ecosystems Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Policy and Practice Brief. March 2018”.

BC3 Working Papers & Policy Briefings

The opinions expressed at the information included in the personal web pages of the BC3 researchers, are responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3).