BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


Attaining Sustainable Services from Ecosystems ASSETS logo

The ASSETS project aims to explicitly quantify the linkages between ecosystem services that affect – and are affected by – food security and nutritional health for the rural poor at the forest-agricultural interface. The project proposes to integrate a suite of complexity tools and cutting edge models with more traditional participatory assessments in the field within a modified version of the Drivers-Pressures-States-Impacts-Response methodological framework to: identify how dynamic stocks and flows of ecosystem services at the landscape scale translate to local-level nutritional diets and health; and inform policy makers on how future land use and climate change will affect both food security and the ecosystem services associated with it.


Start date: April 2013

End date: April 2016

Funded by: ESPA Programme (Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation)

Partners involved in the ASSETS project:

University of Southampton (United Kingdom) - Coordinator
University of Dundee (United Kingdom)
Conservation International (USA)
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change (Spain)
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (Colombia) 
Chancellor College (Malawi) 

Key people involved in BC3:

Dr. Ferdinando Villa
Dr. Stefano Balbi
Dr. Elena Pérez Miñana 

Website: espa-assets.org/

NERC logo

This project is funded by the
UK Natural Environment 
Research Council.


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