BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai


Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe's 2050 climate targets Cecilia logo rgb 130x91px

The EU wants to transform itself to a low-carbon economy by mid-century. This transformation process will require an overhaul of the European economy, affecting a range of sectors – not only power generation, industry and transport, but also agriculture, construction or finance. Governing this transformation process is a huge challenge – stimulating the necessary innovations, ensuring public support, encouraging the needed investments, creating the right infrastructure, and avoiding lock-in into old, carbon-intensive technologies.

To manage this transformation, a range of policy instruments is required. The existing mix of climate policy instruments needs to be scaled up drastically to initiate the necessary changes.  But as the scale and scope of instruments increases, it becomes more important to understand and to manage their interaction, as do constraints on the political, legal and administrative feasibility. Policy solutions that have worked well in an economic niche are not necessarily suited to guide economic development on a broad scale; instruments that have co-existed well on a small scale may conflict when scaled up to an economywide level. To evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness, policy instruments cannot be viewed in isolation; understanding and managing their interaction becomes key.




The CECILIA2050 project has been set up to address this challenge: to understand how policy instruments work in interaction, what factors determine their performance, and how the European climate policy instrument mix should evolve to guide the transformation to a low-carbon economy. The project will describe ways to improve the economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness of the instrument mix, and to address constraints that limit their performance or feasibility. These include public acceptance, availability of finance and the physical infrastructure, but also the administrative and legal framework.

Start date: October 2012

End date: September 2015

Call: FP7-ENV-2012-one-stage (European Commission)

Partners in the CECILIA2050 consortium:

Ecologic Institut (Germany) - Coordinator
UCL Energy Institute, University College London (United Kingdom)
LU-CML, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Charles University Environment Centre (Czech Republic)
GWS Institute for Economic Structures Research (Germany)
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (France)
Warsaw Ecological Economics Centre, University of Warsaw (Poland)
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change (Spain)
Università di Ferrara (Italy) 

Key people involved in BC3:

Prof. Anil Markandya 
Dr. Mikel González 
Dr. Luis Rey 
Dr. Iñaki Arto

Results: The principal objectives of the CECILIA2050project are:

  • Assess the existing European climate policy instrument mix to understand its effects and limitations.
  • Establish GHG emissions reduction scenarios for 2030 –2050, in line with the EU’s goal of achieving a low-carbon economy, and develop instrument scenarios for meeting these goals.
  • Define pathways for moving towards an optimal instrument mix
  • Recommend options for policy makers to help achieve EU climate policy objectives.

Website: cecilia2050.eu

Twitter: @EUClimatePolicy 

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