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Training and Capacity building
BC3 has made a great effort to develop a training programme that attracts junior researchers to the centre. In the last years BC3 has carried out the following training activities:
- Hosting Institution
and Supervision of Postdoctoral researchers.
- Hosting institution
and Supervision of PhD students.
- Hosting institution
and Supervision of Master’s students.
- Hosting institution
and Supervision of Bachelors’ students.
- Participation in
Doctorates, Master’s Courses and lectures in different national
and international universities.
- BC3’s annual Summer School.
The school is designed to cover in three days the main scientific topics
and recent views on climate change taking a multidisciplinary approach. This
summer school is organized in collaboration with the University of the Basque
Country, in the framework of its summer courses.
- International Spring University on
Ecosystem Services Modelling. The International Spring University is an
annual intensive course addressing primarily young scientists and policy
analysts. It teaches the use of coupled human-environmental models for
research, policy and management to address and solve sustainability problems.
- Climate Change Seminar Programme. The aim of the seminar
programme is to contribute to climate change knowledge through a series of
lectures provided by national or international experts in the field.
- BC3’s Training Programme for
employees. BC3 employees have the
opportunity to develop professional capabilities and skills aligned with their
scientific or managerial needs through BC3’s training programme. This programme
provides internal and external courses in specific climate change topics,
scientific tools, software, programming languages, time management and
productivity, leadership and other relevant topics.
BC3 continuously reinforces its efforts to create the best framework for all its researchers, to improve the conditions for the incorporation of researcher and to contribute to enhance the attractiveness of the research career in the European Research Area according to the principles and recommendations of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. BC3 was recognized in 2015 by European Commissison with the “HR Excellence in Research” award for its Human Resources Management. BC3’s HR Management Plan provides a set of tools to guarantee a stimulating and fair working environment at the centre, to motivate people and improve their productivity, and to maintain a highly qualified team abreast of international developments in the research fields relevant to the scientific work of the centre.