BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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  4. BC3 seminars: Prof. Kii Hayashi and Prof. Makoto Oba ,5th of September 2016, 15:00, BC3 offices

Klimagune Summer School Training Caravan Seminars UPV BC3

BC3 seminars: Prof. Kii Hayashi and Prof. Makoto Oba ,5th of September 2016, 15:00, BC3 offices

Seminar / Mintegia / Seminario


Demand and supply assessment of ecosystem services in the case of Japan


Prof. Kiichiro Hayashi, Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Division of Systems Research, Nagoya University, (Japan).
Prof. Makoto Oba
, Principal Researcher of National Institute for Environmental Studies (Japan).


This study focuses on the assessment of the provisioning potential of ecosystem services(ESs) and the demand assessment of ESs by GIS. The case study was conducted in Aichi prefecture, Japan, focusing on forest ESs. First, spatial distributions of forest ecosystem services were estimated by using process models at regional-scale. The process-based ecosystem model predicts quantitatively material cycles and growth of biomass with change of forest management. Second the demand and beneficiary spatial distributions were estimated by several questionnaire surveys. The study site included not only source forest towns but also surrounding municipalities for beneficiary distribution mapping. Third these results were overlying by utilizing GIS. After overlaying each ES map, the ES demand and supply relation were studied. Based on the results, a low-carbon policy can be suggested for promoting energy-use of woody biomass and carbon stock of buildings in socio-system.


Lecturers´ Biodata

Kiichiro Hayashi Personal Web Page: http://profs.provost.nagoya-u.ac.jp/view/html/100002276_en.html

Professor Hayashi is a professor of Nagoya University, EcoTopia Science Institute, Japan.
His major is environmental policy and environmental assessment including biodiversity/ecosystem service assessment.

Makoto Oba Personal Web Page:  https://www.nies.go.jp/researchers-e/203808.html






If you are interested in attending the Seminar, please sen us an email to events@bc3research.org 

5th September, 15:00-16:00 BC3 offices 

* The Seminar will be in English. / Mintegia ingelesez burutuko da. / El seminario se realizará en inglés.


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