Seminars & Other Activities
BC3 Seminars: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer - November 27th
Title: Vertical Fiscal Externalities and the Environment
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer (Chair of Economic Policy Department of Economics, University of Oldenburg)
November 27th, 12:00 - 13:00, BC3 offices
Doctoral Course: Trade, Environment and Growth

This course in jointly organized and financed by the Doctoral Program in Economics (Instruments of the Economic Analysis), the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the Research group on Economics and the Environment (UPV/EHU, Gobierno Vasco, IT-799-13).
Description of the Course
This course applies input-output analysis to issues on trade, on environment, and on growth. For the production of commodities and services, industries depend on other industries for their intermediate products. More and more, such linkages between industries cross borders. Input-output analysis is a tool that takes such inter-dependencies in the production structure into full account. It has been applied to a wide variety of topics, ranging from agricultural and development economics to disciplines dealing with energy and environmental issues. The course will focus on three of such topics.
Typical questions are the following. How much high-skilled labor in the US is involved in satisfying the demand for cars by households in Australia, reflecting trade in production factors? What is the greenhouse gas footprint of China, or how large are the Chinese "exports" of greenhouse gas emissions? What percentage of the growth in German GDP between 1995 and 2009 was due to the increased household consumption in the rest of the EU? To analyze these questions, the World Input-Output Database will be used.
Joint Seminar Programme EHU-BC3: 1st seminar 5th of February, 2015
What seaweeds are telling us on climate change?: A view from a local to a European perspective.
Lecturer: Jose M. Gorostiaga, PhD Marine Botanist Laboratory of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology University of the Basque Country
BC3 Seminars: Jose A. Fernandes, MSc, PhD - January 9th
Title: End-to-end assessment of ocean warming and acidification on fisheries: from experiments and models to economic and social impacts
Lecturer: Jose A. Fernandes, MSc, PhD (Plymouth Marine Laboratory).
January 9th, 12:00 - 13:00, BC3 offices
BC3 Seminars: Dr. Dae-Jin Lee - December 11th
Title: Environmental and ecological modeling with non-parametric smoothing techniques
Lecturer: Dr. Dae-Jin Lee (BCAM - Basque Center of Applied Mathematics).
December 11th, 12:00 - 13:00, BC3 offices
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