BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

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Anna Sperotto


BC3 ikerlari ohia . Current BC3 Associate Researcher

Anna Sperotto

Ikerketa-lerro nagusia:
Integrated Modelling; Ecosystem Services; Water-Energy-Food nexus; climate change

Was employee in BC3 from 2021-02-01 to 2023-01-31

Short CV

Anna Sperotto is a Marie Slodowska Curie Fellow. Her current research work focused on the adoption of an Ecosystem Services based approach to better understand the critical interactions occurring between Water-Energy-Food sectors in a nexus perspective. To this end, particular emphasis is given to the application of integrated modelling bridging different disciplines and information sources, to understand and communicate the complex natural and human systems interactions, with the final aim to support natural resource management under uncertain and changing conditions. Anna has background in Environmental Sciences with a specialization in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (MSc, Cà Foscari University) and a PhD in Science and Management of Climate Change (Ca’Foscari University). She collaborated on several INTERREG (PROLINE-CE, TEACHER-CE, ORIENTGATE), H2020 (NEXOGENESIS) and FP7 (CLIM-RUN) projects. Since 2014 she is also scientifically affiliated with the Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) in Italy.

Journal Articles

  • 2024
  • Sambo, B., Sano, M., Sperotto, A., Zanetti, M., Torresan, S., Lambert, J.H., Linkov, I., Critto, A. 2024. Sensitivity analysis for a participatory approach to enhance the climate resilience of Venice, Italy. Risk Analysis. 44. (7) 1573-1585. DOI (10.1111/risa.14258).
  • 2023
  • Sambo, B., Bonato, M., Sperotto, A., Torresan, S., Furlan, E., Lambert, J.H., Linkov, I., Critto, A. 2023. Framework for multirisk climate scenarios across system receptors with application to the Metropolitan City of Venice. Risk Analysis. 43. (11) 2241-2261. DOI (10.1111/risa.14097).
  • 2022
  • Bonato, M., Sambo, B., Sperotto, A., Lambert, J.H., Linkov, I., Critto, A., Torresan, S., Marcomini, A. 2022. Prioritization of Resilience Initiatives for Climate-Related Disasters in the Metropolitan City of Venice. Risk Analysis. 42. (5) 931-952. DOI (10.1111/risa.13823).
  • Marco, Z., Elena, A., Anna, S., Silvia, T., Andrea, C. 2022. Spatio-temporal cross-validation to predict pluvial flood events in the Metropolitan City of Venice. Journal of Hydrology. 612. DOI (10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128150).

Affiliation previous to BC3

Pham, H. V., Sperotto, A., Furlan, E., Torresan, S., Marcomini, A., & Critto, A., 2021. Integrating Bayesian Networks into ecosystem services assessment to support water management at the river basin scale. Ecosystem Services, 50, 101300;
Pham H.V., Sperotto A.., Torresan S., Acuña V., Jorda-Capdevila D., Rianna G., Marcomini A., Critto A., 2019. Coupling scenarios of climate and land-use change with assessments of potential ecosystem services at the river basin scale. Ecosyst. Serv. 40;
Sperotto A., Molina J.-L., Torresan S., Critto A., Pulido Velazques M., Marcomini A., 2019. Water Quality Sustainability Evaluation under Uncertainty: A Multi-Scenario Analysis Based on Bayesian Networks. Sustainability, 11(17), 4764;
Sperotto A., Molina J.-L., Torresan, S., Critto A., Pulido Velazques M., Marcomini A., 2019. A Bayesian Networks approach for the assessment of climate change impacts on nutrients loadings. Environmental Science and Policy, vol.100, pp. 21-36 (ISSN 1462-9011);
Jaroslav M., Torresan S., Bosello F., Mistry M., Amadio M., Marzi S., Furlan E., Sperotto A., 2018. Climate risk index for Italy. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A), vol. 376, pp. 20170305 (ISSN 1364-503X);
Sperotto A., Molina J.-L., Torresan, S., Critto A., Marcomini A. ,2017. Reviewing Bayesian Networks potentials for climate change impacts assessment and management: A multi-risk perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 202, pp. 320–331, (ISSN 0301-4797);
Sperotto A., Torresan S., Gallina V., Coppola E., Critto A., Marcomini A., 2016. A multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate pluvial floods risk under changing climate: The case study of the municipality of Venice (Italy) in Science of The Total Environment, vol. 562, pp. 1031-1043 (ISSN 0048-9697);
Gallina V., Torresan S.; Critto A., Sperotto A., Glade T., Marcomini A., 2016. A review of multi-risk methodologies for natural hazards: Consequences and challenges for a climate change impact assessment in Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 168, pp. 123-32-132 (ISSN 0301-4797).
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