- Hasiera
- Pertsonak
Federico Cardona
BC3 ikerlari ohia
Ikerketa-lerro nagusia:
Stakeholder participation in environmental decision-making processes
Was employee in BC3 from 2016-02-03 to 2017-12-31
Short CV
Federico Cardona holds a Bachelor´s degree in Marine Science from the University of Cadiz and a Ph.D. in Integrated Coastal Zone Management from the University of the Balearic Islands. His thesis, for which he received a local government commendation, focused on the role of small scale fisheries, and was as much a socio-economic resource management study as one of ecology and sustainability.
During his Ph.D. he completed his studies with an overseas studies program, which allow him to work at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (James Cook University – Townsville, Australia), the Unit of Maritime Economy and Low (Ifremer - Brest, France) and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Biology (Bergen University- Bergen, Norway). He also worked alongside the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM-FAO) working groups.
In 2012 he moved to Dublin (Ireland), where joined AquaTT, a non-profit organization which focuses on science dissemination and knowledge, being the dissemination work-package leader in three different EU funded projects (SOCIOC, ECsafeSEAFOOD and Seafare). Back to Spain in 2014 he joined the University of Cadiz as EU project officer before moving to Bilbao where currently works for the Basque Centre for Climate Change, being the Focal Point in Spain of the Support Team of the Atlantic Action Plan.
His main interest is the stakeholder participation in environmental decision-making processes. The main areas of research are ecosystems governance frameworks, stakeholder involvement systems, institutional interactions in global environmental governance, science communication and knowledge transfer. Hi current areas of applied research focus on collecting social and economic information about resource users in support of natural resources management, survey design and implementation, economic impact analysis and communication programs.