- Hasiera
- Pertsonak
Teresa Gimeno
BC3 ikerlari ohia
Ikerketa-lerro nagusia:
Plant ecophysiology
Was employee in BC3 from 2018-05-01 to 2022-12-31
Short CV
My main background is on plant ecophysiology, but I am skilled in additional disciplines including: plant-process modelling, spatial statistics, plant-soil interactions and dendroecology. I joined the BC3 in May 2018 as an Ikerbasque research fellow. From December 2014 to March 2018, I was based at the UMR ISPA at INRA Bordeaux (France), first funded by the IdEx program of the Université de Bordeaux and then by a Marie S. Curie research fellowship. Previously, I held a postdoctoral fellow of the Australian CSIRO and the Western Sydney University. During this stage, I had the opportunity to work in the world’s largest climate change experiment. The core of my research project during this stage consisted on quantifying the impact of elevated CO2 on the water balance of a native woodland. Before, I was in charge of the technical set up and site characterization for a European project assessing the effects of forest tree diversity on ecosystem services, during a postdoctoral stay at the University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC, Spain). I did my PhD at the former Institute of Natural Resources of the Spanish Scientific Council (CSIC), currently integrated within the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC), with several research stages in Spain and abroad, including Australia, Canada and the INRA-Nancy. During my PhD, I focused on the combined effects of climate change and changes in land use on native Mediterranean forests.
Journal Articles
- 2023
- Barbeta, A., Miralles, D.G., Mendiola, L., Gimeno, T.E., Sabaté, S., Carnicer, J. 2023. Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 128. (6) DOI (10.1029/2022JG007264).
- Gardner, A., Jiang, M., Ellsworth, D.S., MacKenzie, A.R., Pritchard, J., Bader, M.K.F., Barton, C.V.M., Bernacchi, C., Calfapietra, C., Crous, K.Y., Dusenge, M.E., Gimeno, T.E., Hall, M., Lamba, S., Leuzinger, S., Uddling, J., Warren, J., Wallin, G., Medlyn, B.E. 2023. Optimal stomatal theory predicts CO2 responses of stomatal conductance in both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees. New Phytologist. 237. (4) 1229-1241. DOI (10.1111/nph.18618).
- 2022
- De La Casa, J., Barbeta, A., Rodríguez-Uña, A., Wingate, L., Ogée, J., Gimeno, T.E. 2022. Isotopic offsets between bulk plant water and its sources are larger in cool and wet environments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 26. (15) 4125-4146. DOI (10.5194/hess-26-4125-2022).
- Gimeno, T.E., Stangl, Z.R., Barbeta, A., Saavedra, N., Wingate, L., Devert, N., Marshall, J.D. 2022. Water taken up through the bark is detected in the transpiration stream in intact upper-canopy branches. Plant Cell and Environment. 45. (11) 3219-3232. DOI (10.1111/pce.14415).
- Sabot, M.E.B., De Kauwe, M.G., Pitman, A.J., Ellsworth, D.S., Medlyn, B.E., Caldararu, S., Zaehle, S., Crous, K.Y., Gimeno, T.E., Wujeska-Klause, A., Mu, M., Yang, J. 2022. Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function. Plant Cell and Environment. 45. (9) 2744-2761. DOI (10.1111/pce.14376).
- 2021
- Camarero, J.J., Gazol, A., Linares, J.C., Fajardo, A., Colangelo, M., Valeriano, C., Sánchez-Salguero, R., Sangüesa-Barreda, G., Granda, E., Gimeno, T.E. 2021. Differences in temperature sensitivity and drought recovery between natural stands and plantations of conifers are species-specific. Science of the Total Environment. 796. DOI (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148930).
- Della Sala, P., Cilas, C., Gimeno, T.E., Wohl, S., Opoku, S.Y., Găinuşă-Bogdan, A., Ribeyre, F. 2021. Assessment of atmospheric and soil water stress impact on a tropical crop: the case of Theobroma cacao under Harmattan conditions in eastern Ghana. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 311. DOI (10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108670).
- Gimeno, T.E., Campany, C.E., Drake, J.E., Barton, C.V.M., Tjoelker, M.G., Ubierna, N., Marshall, J.D. 2021. Whole-tree mesophyll conductance reconciles isotopic and gas-exchange estimates of water-use efficiency. New Phytologist. 229. (5) 2535-2547-2547. DOI (10.1111/nph.17088).
- Poyatos R., Granda V., Flo V., Adams M.A., Adorján B., Aguadé D., Aidar M.P.M., Allen S., Alvarado-Barrientos M.S., Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Aparecido L.M., Altaf Arain M., Aranda I., Asbjornsen H., Baxter R., Beamesderfer E., Berry Z.C., Berveiller D., Blakely B., Boggs J., Bohrer G., Bolstad P.V., Bonal D., Bracho R., Brito P., Brodeur J., Casanoves F., Chave J., Chen H., Cisneros C., Clark K., Cremonese E., Dang H., David J.S., David T.S., Delpierre N., Desai A.R., Do F.C., Dohnal M., Domec J.-C., Dzikiti S., Edgar C., Eichstaedt R., El-Madany T.S., Elbers J., Eller C.B., Euskirchen E.S., Ewers B., Fonti P., Forner A., Forrester D.I., Freitas H.C., Galvagno M., Garcia-Tejera O., Ghimire C.P., Gimeno T.E., Grace J., Granier A., Griebel A., Guangyu Y., Gush M.B., Hanson P.J., Hasselquist N.J., Heinrich I., Hernandez-Santana V., Herrmann V., Hölttä T., Holwerda F., Irvine J., Na Ayutthaya S.I., Jarvis P.G., Jochheim H., Joly C.A., Kaplick J., Kim H.S., Klemedtsson L., Kropp H., Lagergren F., Lane P., Lang P., Lapenas A., Lechuga V., Lee M., Leuschner C., Limousin J.-M., Linares J.C., Linderson M.-L., Lindroth A., Llorens P., López-Bernal Á., Loranty M.M., Lüttschwager D., MacInnis-Ng C., Maréchaux I., Martin T.A., Matheny A., McDowell N., McMahon S., Meir P., Mészáros I., Migliavacca M., Mitchell P., Mölder M., Montagnani L., Moore G.W., Nakada R., Niu F., Nolan R.H., Norby R., Novick K., Oberhuber W., Obojes N., Oishi A.C., Oliveira R.S., Oren R., Ourcival J.-M., Paljakka T., Perez-Priego O., Peri P.L., Peters R.L., Pfautsch S., Pockman W.T., Preisler Y., Rascher K., Robinson G., Rocha H., Rocheteau A., Röll A., Rosado B.H.P., Rowland L., Rubtsov A.V., Sabaté S., Salmon Y., Salomón R.L., Sánchez-Costa E., Schäfer K.V.R., Schuldt B., Shashkin A., Stahl C., Stojanovic M., Suárez J.C., Sun G., Szatniewska J., Tatarinov F., TesaÅ M., Thomas F.M., Tor-Ngern P., Urban J., Valladares F., Van Der Tol C., Van Meerveld I., Varlagin A., Voigt H., Warren J., Werner C., Werner . 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: The SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data. 13. (6) 2607-2649. DOI (10.5194/essd-13-2607-2021).
- 2020
- Barbeta, A., Gimeno, T.E., Clavé, L., Fréjaville, B., Jones, S.P., Delvigne, C., Wingate, L., Ogée, J. 2020. An explanation for the isotopic offset between soil and stem water in a temperate tree species. New Phytologist. 227. (3) 766-779-779. DOI (10.1111/nph.16564).
- Bastias, C.C., Truchado, D.A., Valladares, F., Benavides, R., Bouriaud, O., Bruelheide, H., Coppi, A., Finér, L., Gimeno, T.E., Jaroszewicz, B., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Selvi, F., De la Cruz, M. 2020. Species richness influences the spatial distribution of trees in European forests. Oikos. 129. (3) 380-390-390. DOI (10.1111/oik.06776).
- Jiang, M., Medlyn, B.E., Drake, J.E., Duursma, R.A., Anderson, I.C., Barton, C.V.M., Boer, M.M., Carrillo, Y., Castañeda-Gómez, L., Collins, L., Crous, K.Y., De Kauwe, M.G., dos Santos, B.M., Emmerson, K.M., Facey, S.L., Gherlenda, A.N., Gimeno, T.E., Hasegawa, S., Johnson, S.N., Kännaste, A., Macdonald, C.A., Mahmud, K., Moore, B.D., Nazaries, L., Neilson, E.H.J., Nielsen, U.N., Niinemets, Ü., Noh, N.J., Ochoa-Hueso, R., Pathare, V.S., Pendall, E., Pihlblad, J., Piñeiro, J., Powell, J.R., Power, S.A., Reich, P.B., Renchon, A.A., Riegler, M., Rinnan, R., Rymer, P.D., Salomón, R.L., Singh, B.K., Smith, B., Tjoelker, M.G., Walker, J.K.M., Wujeska-Klause, A., Yang, J., Zaehle, S., Ellsworth, D.S. 2020. The fate of carbon in a mature forest under carbon dioxide enrichment. Nature. 580. (7802) 227-231-231. DOI (10.1038/s41586-020-2128-9).
- Nelson, J.A., Pérez-Priego, O., Zhou, S., Poyatos, R., Zhang, Y., Blanken, P.D., Gimeno, T.E., Wohlfahrt, G., Desai, A.R., Gioli, B., Limousin, J.M., Bonal, D., Paul-Limoges, E., Scott, R.L., Varlagin, A., Fuchs, K., Montagnani, L., Wolf, S., Delpierre, N., Berveiller, D., Gharun, M., Belelli Marchesini, L., Gianelle, D., Šigut, L., Mammarella, I., Siebicke, L., Andrew Black, T., Knohl, A., Hörtnagl, L., Magliulo, V., Besnard, S., Weber, U., Carvalhais, N., Migliavacca, M., Reichstein, M., Jung, M. 2020. Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology. 26. (12) 6916-6930-6930. DOI (10.1111/gcb.15314).
- Yang, J., Medlyn, B.E., De Kauwe, M.G., Duursma, R.A., Jiang, M., Kumarathunge, D., Crous, K.Y., Gimeno, T.E., Wujeska-Klause, A., Ellsworth, D.S. 2020. Low sensitivity of gross primary production to elevated CO2 in a mature eucalypt woodland. Biogeosciences. 17. (2) 265-279-279. DOI (10.5194/bg-17-265-2020).
- 2019
- Barbeta, A., Jones, S.P., Clavé, L., Wingate, L., Gimeno, T.E., Fréjaville, B., Wohl, S., Ogee, J. 2019. Unexplained hydrogen isotope offsets complicate the identification and quantification of tree water sources in a riparian forest. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 23. (4) 2129-2146-2146. DOI (10.5194/hess-23-2129-2019).
- Gimeno, T.E., Saavedra, N., Ogée, J., Medlyn, B.E., Wingate, L. 2019. A novel optimization approach incorporating non-stomatal limitations predicts stomatal behaviour in species from six plant functional types. Journal of Experimental Botany. 70. (5) 1639-1651-1651. DOI (10.1093/jxb/erz020).
- Yang, J., Duursma, R.A., De Kauwe, M.G., Kumarathunge, D., Jiang, M., Mahmud, K., Gimeno, T.E., Crous, K.Y., Ellsworth, D.S., Peters, J., Choat, B., Eamus, D., Medlyn, B.E. 2019. Incorporating non-stomatal limitation improves the performance of leaf and canopy models at high vapour pressure deficit. Tree Physiology. 39. (12) 1961-1974-1974. DOI (10.1093/treephys/tpz103).
- 2018
- Gimeno, T.E., McVicar, T.R., O'Grady, A.P., Tissue, D.T., Ellsworth, D.S. 2018. Elevated CO2 did not affect the hydrological balance of a mature native Eucalyptus woodland. Global Change Biology. 24. (7) 3010-3024-3024. DOI (10.1111/gcb.14139).
Book chapters
- 2020
- Fernando Valladares, Silvia Matesanz, Oscar Godoy, Teresa Gimeno. 2020 Cambio climático y sistemas naturales/Climate change and natural systems. In: J. M. Cuadrat Prats, M. A. Sánchez, S. M. Vicente Serrano, S. Lanjeri, M. De Luis Arrillaga y J. C. González Hidalgo. In: Clima, sociedad y medio ambiente/Climate, society and environment. Asociación Española de Climatología. ISBN 978-84-1340-183-6.