Seminario/Mintegia 19th March
Seminar / Mintegia / Seminario |
Putting the break on belching ruminants: strategies to reduce methane emissions
David R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Veterinary and Animal Nutritionist, graduated from Veterinary School, Córdoba University (Spain) in 1997. Dr. Yanez-Ruiz completed his phD in 2003 at Estacion Experimental del Zaidin (EEZ, Granada, Spain, CSIC), on the use of olive industry by-products in sheep and goats feeding. In 2003 he started a 4 years post-doctoral work at the Institute of Rural Sciences (University of Wales Aberystwyth, UWA, UK) in Prof. JamieNewbold´s group, a world leading scientist in the rumen ecology field. His work focused on the study of the processes of lipid bio-hydrogenation and H2 transfer in the rumen, mainly CH4 production. Together with Prof Newbold they started a research program thorugh a Marie Curie Grant on the effect of early life dietary interventions on function of the microbial population in laterlife, focusing in the effect on CH4. In 2007 Dr. Yanez-Ruiz was appointed as research scientist at EEZ (CSIC) in the Animal Nutrition Department as rumen ecologist. He is Associate Editor in the Journal ‘Animal Production Science’ (CSIRO, Austrlia) from 2008, a top class Journal in the Agriculture field. He is co-author of 3 invited reviews published between 2008 and 2010 and has published over 45 peer review papers in top quality journals. Dr. Yanez-Ruiz is coordinator of a FP7 European project: SMEthane: Technological platform to develop nutritional additives to reduce methane emissions from ruminants ( ) and is involved in other ongoing Europan projects: SOLID ( ), Glonal Network and Rumen Stability (both from FACCE-JPI program).
If you are interested in attending the Seminar, please register yourself clicking here |
19th March, 12:00, BC3 offices (Alameda Urquijo 4; 4º, Bilbao) * The Seminar will be in English. / Mintegia ingelesez burutuko da. / El seminario se realizará en inglés. |