EHUko eta BC3-ko Mintegien Programa 2013
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen EHU-UPV eta BC3-ren programa bateratu honek klima-aldaketari buruzko jakintzarako ekarpenak egin nahi ditu, arloko aditu ospetsuek emandako zenbait hitzaldiren bitartez.
2013n, hamar mintegi egingo dira, gutxi gorabehera. Programa bera mintegi bakoitzari buruzko informazio zehatzaren arabera eguneratuko da.
- December 10th
"Coping with and Adapting to Global Change. Challenge for Society, Households and Individuals".
Lecturer: Barbora Duzi- PhD Student, Global Change Research Centre The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
"Household Adaptation Strategies to Climate Extremes and Population
Consequences in Rural Areas in the Czech Republic".
Lecturer: Robert Stojanov. Dr. en Geografía Medioambiental. Global Change
Research Center, The Academy of Sciences. Rep. Checa.
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- December 5th
"Effects of international trade of food and feed and human diet shifts on food security and environmental safety: global and regional perspectives".
Lecturer: Dr. Luis Lassaletta. UMR Sisyphe, CNRS/Université Pierre et Marie Curie,Paris (France).
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- October 3rd
"Biodiversity for Transgenics? Pursuit of Indian Farmers for Higher-Yielding, Lower-Risk Production Alternatives".
Lecturer: Dr. Vijesh V. Krishna, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany
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- September 26th
"Experiment on non-governmental norm enforcement (presentation of planned design)".
Lecturer: Dr. Christiane Reif, Researcher at Centre for European Economic Research, Department of Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management (Germany).
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- August 30th
"Re-examining the Past and Rethinking the Future at Mount Mulanje Forest Reserve, Malawi: New Directions for Local Engagement ".
Lecturer: Mary C. Thompson, (Bioversity International)
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- June 5th
"Innovation and Aesthetics of On-Site Solar."
Lecturer: Amelia Amon (Alt.Technica, Ltd., New York, NY, USA)
- June 4th
"Integrated challenges to achieving global prosperity for everyone: energy, climate, economics, and resources."
Lecturer: Prof. Tyler Volk (Dept. of Biology, NYU, New York, NY, USA)
- April 10th
"Study of mechanisms of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture at different scales."
Lecturer: Dr. Laura Cardenas - Rothamsted Research
- April 4th
"Improving Global Public Goods Supply Through Conditional Transfers - The International Adaptation Transfer Riddle."
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel - Ifo Institute for Economic Research, Munich (Head of Department Energy, Environment and Exhaustible Resources)
- January 14th
"Useful work accounting in Portugal from 1856 to 2009. Intensities and recent European patterns."
Lecturer: André González Cabrera Honório Serrenho (PhD student and researcher) - IN+, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, and Department of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon
Oso garrantzitsua:
Mintegiak Sarrikon egingo dira (Agirre Lehendakaria 83). Hilero, horri buruzko informazio zehatza bidaliko dugu posta elektronikoz.