BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Polanco-Martínez J.M., Fernández-Macho J., Neumann M.B., Faria S.H.
A pre-crisis vs. crisis analysis of peripheral EU stock markets by means of wavelet transform and a nonlinear causality test
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Santini F., Ferrio J.P., Here? A.-M., Notivol E., Piqué M., Serrano L., Shestakova T.A., Sin E., Vericat P., Voltas J.
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water-use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range
European Journal of Forest Research

Dulce Flores-Rentería, Ana Rincón, Teresa Morán-López, Ana-Maria Here?, Leticia Pérez-Izquierdo, Fernando Valladares, Jorge Curiel Yuste
Habitat fragmentation is linked to cascading effects on soil functioning and CO2 emissions in Mediterranean holm-oak-forests

Jacobs, S., Martín-López, B., Barton, D. N., Dunford, R., Harrison, P. A., Kelemen, E., ... & Kopperoinen, L.
The means determine the end – Pursuing integrated valuation in practice
Ecosystem Services

García de Jalón S, Iglesias A, Neumann, M
Responses of sub-Saharan smallholders to climate change: strategies and drivers of adaptation

García-Llorente, M ., Harrison,P.A., Berry, P., Palomo, I., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Montes, C., García del Amo, D., Martín-López,B.
What can conservation strategies learn from the ecosystem services approach? Insights from ecosystem assessments in two Spanish protected areas

Jones H.P., Jones P.C., Barbier E.B., Blackburn R., Rey Benayas J.M., Holl K.D., McCrackin M., Meli P., Montoya D., and Moreno Mateos D.
Restoration and repair of Earth’s damaged ecosystems

Furlan E., Torresan S., Ronco P., Critto A., Breil M., Kontogianni A., Garmendia M., Pascual M., Sauzade D., Skourtos M., Marcomini A.
Tools and methods to support adaptive policy making in marine areas: Review and implementation of the Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox
Ocean and Coastal Management

Rodrigo Vargas, Enrique Sánchez-Cañete P. Penélope Serrano-Ortiz , Jorge Curiel Yuste , Francisco Domingo , Ana López-Ballesteros, Cecilio Oyonarte
Hot-Moments of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Water-Limited Grassland
Soil Systems

Markandya A., Dhavala K., Palma A.
The role of flexible biofuel policies in meeting biofuel mandates
Aims Energy 6(3): 530–550

Campbell, M., Edwards, W., Magrach, A., Alamgir, M., Porolak, G., Mohandass, D., Laurance, W.F
Edge disturbance drives liana abundance increase and alteration of liana-host tree interactions in tropical forest fragments
Ecology and Evolution

Mohan G., Longo A., Kee F.
The effect of area based urban regeneration policies on fuel poverty: Evidence from a natural experiment in Northern Ireland
Energy Policy

Flores-Rentería D., Curiel Yuste J., Valladares F., Rincón A.
Soil legacies determine the resistance of an experimental plant-soil system to drought

Alvarez-Rodriguez U., Sanz M., Lamata L., Solano E.
Quantum Artificial Life in an IBM Quantum Computer
Scientific Reports

Román, M.V., Arto. I., Ansuategi, A.
Why do some economies benefit more from climate finance than others? A case study on North-to-South financial flows
Economic Systems Research

Doukas , H., Nikas, A., González-Eguino, M., Arto, I., Anger-Kraav, A.
From Integrated to Integrative: Delivering on the Paris Agreement

Pettinotti L., de Ayala A., Ojea E.
Benefits from water related ecosystem services in Africa and climate change
Ecological Economics

Galarraga, Ibon; Sainz de Murieta, Elisa; Markandya, Anil; Abadie, Luis
Addendum to 'Understanding risks in the light of uncertainty: low-probability, high-impact coastal events in cities
Environmental Research Letters

Here? A.-M., Kaye M.W., Granda E., Benavides R., Lázaro-Nogal A., Rubio-Casal A.E., Valladares F., Curiel Yuste J.
Tree vigour influences secondary growth but not responsiveness to climatic variability in Holm oak

Buchanan, G. M., Beresford, A. E., Hebblewhite, M., Escobedo, F. J., De Klerk, H. M., Donald, P. F., Escribano, P., Koh, L. P., Martinez-Lopez, J., Pettorelli, N., Skidmore, A. K., Szantoi, Z., Tabor, K., Wegmann, M., Wich, S.
Free satellite data key to conservation

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