BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Chiabai, A., Spadaro, J.V., Neumann, M.B.
Valuing deaths or years of life lost? Economic benefits of avoided mortality from early heat warning systems
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change

Galán E., Llonch P., Villagrá A., Levit H., Pinto S., Del Prado A.
A systematic review of non-productivity-related animal-based indicators of heat stress resilience in dairy cattle
PLoS One

Jongyeol Lee, Chul-hee Lim, Gang Sun Kim, Anil Markandya, Sarwat Chowdhury, Sea Jin Kim, Woo-Kyun Lee, Yowhan Son
Economic viability of the national-scale forestation program: The case of success in the Republic of Korea
Ecosystem Services, Volume 29, Part A, February 2018, Pages 40-46

Martinez-Harms, M.J., Gelcich, S., Krug, R.M., Maseyk, F.J.F., Moersberger, H., Rastogi, A., Wambugu, G., Krug, C.B., Spehn, E.M., Pascual, U.
Framing natural assets for advancing sustainability research: translating different perspectives into actions
Sustainability Science

Dick J., Turkelboom F., Woods H., Iniesta-Arandia I., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Bezák P., Mederly P., Leone M., Verheyden W., Kelemen E., Hauck J., Andrews C., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baró F., Barton D.N., Berry P., Bugter R., Carvalho L., Czúcz B., Dunf
Stakeholders' perspectives on the operationalisation of the ecosystem service concept: Results from 27 case studies
Ecosystem Services

Zabaleta A., Garmendia E., Mariel P., Tamayo I., Antiguedad I.
Land cover effects on hydrologic services under a precipitation gradient
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Kay S, Crous-Durán J, García de Jalón S, Graves A, Palma JHN, Szerencsits E, Weibel R, Herzog F
Landscape-scale modelling of agroforestry ecosystems services: A methodological approach

Espinosa M.P., Pizarro-Irizar C.
Is renewable energy a cost-effective mitigation resource? An application to the Spanish electricity market
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Saarikoski H., Primmer E., Saarela S.-R., Antunes P., Aszalós R., Baró F., Berry P., Blanko G.G., Goméz-Baggethun E., Carvalho L., Dick J., Dunford R., Hanzu M., Harrison P.A., Izakovicova Z., Kertész M., Kopperoinen L., Köhler B., Langemeyer J., Lapola D
Institutional challenges in putting ecosystem service knowledge in practice
Ecosystem Services

Rasmussen, L., Coolsaet, B., Martin, A., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Ryan, C.
Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification
Nature Sustainability

Garcia-Muros X. and Gonzalez-Eguino,
Análisis de una reforma fiscal ambiental para España con devoluciones para todos los hogares
Papeles de Economía Española

Santini F., Ferrio J.P., Here? A.-M., Notivol E., Piqué M., Serrano L., Shestakova T.A., Sin E., Vericat P., Voltas J.
Scarce population genetic differentiation but substantial spatiotemporal phenotypic variation of water-use efficiency in Pinus sylvestris at its western distribution range
European Journal of Forest Research

Dulce Flores-Rentería, Ana Rincón, Teresa Morán-López, Ana-Maria Here?, Leticia Pérez-Izquierdo, Fernando Valladares, Jorge Curiel Yuste
Habitat fragmentation is linked to cascading effects on soil functioning and CO2 emissions in Mediterranean holm-oak-forests

Abadie, L.M.
Sea level damage risk with probabilistic weighting of IPCC scenarios: An application to major coastal cities
Journal of Cleaner Production

Lauria, V., Das, I., Hazra, S., Cazcarro, I., Arto, I., Kay, S., Ofori-Danson, P., Ahmed, M., Hossain, M.A.R., Barange, M., Fernandes, J.A.
Importance of fisheries for food security across three climate change vulnerable deltas
Science of the Total Environment

García de Jalón S, Iglesias A, Neumann, M
Responses of sub-Saharan smallholders to climate change: strategies and drivers of adaptation

Furlan E., Torresan S., Ronco P., Critto A., Breil M., Kontogianni A., Garmendia M., Pascual M., Sauzade D., Skourtos M., Marcomini A.
Tools and methods to support adaptive policy making in marine areas: Review and implementation of the Adaptive Marine Policy Toolbox
Ocean and Coastal Management

Rodrigo Vargas, Enrique Sánchez-Cañete P. Penélope Serrano-Ortiz , Jorge Curiel Yuste , Francisco Domingo , Ana López-Ballesteros, Cecilio Oyonarte
Hot-Moments of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Water-Limited Grassland
Soil Systems

Polanco-Martínez, J.M., Caballero-Alfonso, A.M.,Ganzedo, U.,Castro-Hernández, J.J.
A reconstructed database of historic bluefin tuna captures in the Gibraltar Strait and Western Mediterranean
Data in Brief

Wunder, S., Brouwer, R., Engel, S., Ezzine de Blas, D., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Pinto, R.
From principles to practice in paying for nature’s services
Nature Sustainability

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