BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Farinós-Celdrán,P., Robledano-Aymerich,F., Carreño, M.F.,Martínez-López,J.
Spatiotemporal Assessment of Littoral Waterbirds for Establishing Ecological Indicators of Mediterranean Coastal Lagoons
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

Zafra-Calvo N., Pascual U., Brockington D., Coolsaet B., Cortes-Vazquez J.A., Gross-Camp N., Palomo I., Burgess N.D.
Towards an indicator system to assess equitable management in protected areas

Pascual, U., Palomo, I., Adams, W., Chan, K., Daw, T., Garmendia, E., Gómez-Baggethun, E., de Groot, R., Mace, G., Martín-López, B., Phelps, J.
Off-stage ecosystem service burdens: A blind spot for global sustainability
Environmental Research Letters

Hudson L.W., Newbold T., Contu S.,... Moreno Mateos D.,.... Purvis A.
The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project
Ecology and Evolution

Van de Ven, D.J., Fouquet, R.
Historical Energy Price Shocks and their Changing Effects on the Economy

Diaz-Balteiro L., de Jalón S.G.
Certifying forests to achieve sustainability in industrial plantations: Opinions of stakeholders in Spain

Krishna, V., Kubitza, C., Pascual, U., Qaim, M.
Land markets, Property rights, and Deforestation: Insights from Indonesia

Angarita-Baéz J.A., Pérez-Miñana E., Beltrán Vargas J.E., Ruiz Agudelo C.A., Paez Ortiz A., Palacios E., Willcock S.
Assessing and mapping cultural ecosystem services at community level in the Colombian Amazon
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management

Moreno-Mateos,D., Barbier,E.B., Jones,P.B, Jones,H.P., Aronson, J., López-López,J.A., McCrackin, M.L., Meli, P., Montoya, D., Benayas, J.M.R.
Anthropogenic ecosystem disturbance and the recovery debt
Nature Communications

Ciarreta A., Espinosa M.P., Pizarro-Irizar C.
Optimal regulation of renewable energy: A comparison of Feed-in Tariffs and Tradable Green Certificates in the Spanish electricity system
Energy Economics

Ulrich-Schad J.D., Garciá De Jalón S., Babin N., Pape A., Prokopy L.S.
Measuring and understanding agricultural producers' adoption of nutrient best management practices
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation

Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Díaz, S., Dziba, L., Prieur-Richaard, A-H, Subramanian, S.M.
Urgent need to strengthen the international commitment to IPBES
Nature Ecology & Evolution

Mul M., Pettinotti L., Amonoo N.A., Bekoe-Obeng E., Obuobie E.
Dependence of riparian communities on ecosystem services in Northern Ghana
IWMI Working Papers

González-Eguino, M., Neumann, M.B., Arto, I., Capellán-Perez, I., Faria, S.H.
Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean
Earth's Future

Sampedro, J.; Arto, I.; González-Eguino, M.
Implications of switching fossil fuel subsidies to solar: A case study for the European Union

Floress K, Garcia de Jalon S, Church SP, Babin N, Ulrich-Schad JD, Prokopy LS
Toward a theory of farmer conservation attitudes: Dual interests and willingness to take action to protect water quality
Journal of Environmental Psychology

Abadie, L.M., Goicoechea, N. and Galarraga, I.
Adapting the shipping sector to stricter emissions regulations: Fuel switching or installing a scrubber?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Villa,F., Balbi,S., Athanasiadis,I.N., Caracciolo, C.
Semantics for interoperability of distributed data and models: Foundations for better-connected information.

Roman De Lara, M.V., Sanz Sanchez, M.J. y Galarraga Gallastegui, I.
La COP22 de Marrakech confirma el compromiso mundial con la lucha contra el cambio climático

Sánchez Goñi M.F., Desprat S., Daniau A.-L., Bassinot F.C., Polanco-Martínez J.M., Harrison S.P., Allen J.R.M., Scott Anderson R., Behling H., Bonnefille R., Burjachs F., Carrión J.S., Cheddadi R., Clark J.S., Combourieu-Nebout N., Mustaphi C.J.C., Debusk
The ACER pollen and charcoal database: A global resource to document vegetation and fire response to abrupt climate changes during the last glacial period
Earth System Science Data

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