BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Shumilova, O., Tockner, K., Gurnell, A.M., Langhans, S.D., Righetti, M., Lucía, A., Zarfl, C.
Floating matter: a neglected component of the ecological integrity of rivers
Aquatic Sciences

Abadie, L.M., Goicoechea, N.
Powering newly constructed vessels to comply with ECA regulations under fuel market prices uncertainty: Diesel or dual fuel engine?
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Ellis, E.C., Pascual, U., Mertz, O.
Ecosystem services and nature’s contribution to people: negotiating diverse values and trade-offs in land systems
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability

Olga Kiuila, Anil Markandya and Milan Scasny
Taxing air pollutants and carbon individually or jointly: results from a CGE model enriched by an emission abatement sector
Economic Systems Research

Sami Domisch, Martin Friedrichs, Thomas Hein, Florian Borgwardt, Annett Wetzig, Sonja C. Jähnig, Simone D. Langhans
Spatially-explicit species distribution models: a missed opportunity in conservation planning?

Polanco-Martínez, J. M.
Dynamic relationship analysis between NAFTA stock markets using nonlinear, nonparametric, non-stationary methods
Nonlinear Dynamics

Román de Lara, M.V., Arto, I., Ansuategi, A.,
International trade and the distribution of economy-wide benefits from the disbursement of climate finance
Climate and Development

María Fernanda Sánchez Goñi, Patrizia Ferretti, Josué M. Polanco-Martínez, Teresa Rodrigues, Montserrat Alonso-Garcíae, Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Tovar, Javier Dorador, Stéphanie Desprat
Pronounced northward shift of the westerlies during MIS 17 leading to the strong 100-kyr ice age cycles

García de Jalón S, González del Tánago M, García de Jalón D
A new approach for assessing natural patterns of flow variability and hydrological alterations: the case of the Spanish rivers
Journal of Environmental Management

Santos-Martín, F., Zorrilla-Miras,P.,Palomo, I., Montes,C., Benayas,J.,Maes, J.
Protecting nature is necessary but not sufficient for conserving ecosystem services: A comprehensive assessment along a gradient of land-use intensity in Spain
Ecosystem Services

Martín-López B.; Leister I.; Cruz P.L.; Palomo I.; Grêt-Regamey A.; Harrison P.A.; Lavorel S.; Locatelli B.; Luque S.; Walz A.
Nature?s contributions to people in mountains: A review
PLoS One

Forouli, A., Doukas, H., Nikas, A., Sampedro, J., Van de Ven, D.-J.
Identifying optimal technological portfolios for European power generation towards climate change mitigation: A robust portfolio analysis approach
Utilities Policy

Arce, M.I., Mendoza-Lera, C., Almagro, M., Catalán, N., Romaní, A.M., Martí, E., Gómez, R., Bernal, S., Foulquier, A., Mutz, M., Marcé, R., Zoppini, A., Gionchetta, G., Weigelhofer, G., del Campo, R., Robinson, C.T., Gilmer, A., Rulik, M., Obrador, B., Sh
A conceptual framework for understanding the biogeochemistry of dry riverbeds through the lens of soil science.
Earth-Science Reviews

Domisch, S., et al.
Social equity shapes zone-selection: Balancing aquatic biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services delivery in the trans-national Danube River Basin
Science of the Total Environment


Abadie, L.M., Chamorro, J.M.
Physical adequacy of a power generation system: The case of Spain in the long term

Crous-Duran J.; Graves A.R.; Garcia-De-Jalón S.; Paulo J.A.; Tomé M.; Palma J.H.N.
Assessing food sustainable intensification potential of agroforestry using a carbon balance method
iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry

Albizua, A., Corbera, E., Pascual, U.
Large-scale Irrigation Impacts Socio-cultural Values: An Example from Rural Navarre, Spain

Dilekli N.; Cazcarro I.
Testing the SDG targets on water and sanitation using the world trade model with a waste, wastewater, and recycling framework

Curiel Yuste, J., Flores-Rentería, D., García-Angulo, D., Here?, A.-M., Brag?, C., Petritan, A.-M., Petritan, I.C.
Cascading effects associated with climate-change-induced conifer mortality in mountain temperate forests result in hot-spots of soil CO2 emissions

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