BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Galparsoro, I; Borja, A; Kostylev, VE; Rodriguez, JG; Pascual, M; Muxika, I
A process-driven sedimentary habitat modelling approach, explaining seafloor integrity and biodiversity assessment within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Estuarine Coastal And Shelf Science

Ruiz, AR; Pascual, U; Romero, M
An exploratory spatial analysis of illegal coca cultivation in Colombia using local indicators of spatial association and socioecological variables
Ecological Indicators

Pascual, M; Borja, A; Galparsoro, I; Ruiz, J; Mugerza, E; Quincoces, I; Murillas, A; Arregi, L
Total fishing pressure produced by artisanal fisheries, from a Marine Spatial Planning perspective: A case study from the Basque Country (Bay of Biscay)
Fisheries Research

Mundaca, L; Markandya, A; Norgaard, J
Walking away from a low-carbon economy? Recent and historical trends using a regional decomposition analysis
Energy Policy

Misselbrook, T; del Prado, A; Chadwick, D
Opportunities for reducing environmental emissions from forage-based dairy farms
Agricultural And Food Science

Abadie, LM; Galarraga, I; Rubbelke, D
An analysis of the causes of the mitigation bias in international climate finance
Mitigation And Adaptation Strategies For Global Change

Galarraga, I, Abadie, L.M and Ansuategi, A.
Efficiency, effectiveness and implementation feasibility of energy efficiency rebates: The “Renove” plan in Spain
Energy Economics

Finus, M; Rubbelke, DTG
Public Good Provision and Ancillary Benefits: The Case of Climate Agreements
Environmental & Resource Economics

Rubbelke, D; Vogele, S
Short-term distributional consequences of climate change impacts on the power sector: who gains and who loses?
Climatic Change

Del Prado, A; Crosson, P; Olesen, JE; Rotz, CA
Whole-farm models to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and their potential use for linking climate change mitigation and adaptation in temperate grassland ruminant-based farming systems

Bateman, IJ; Harwood, AR; Mace, GM; Watson, RT; Abson, DJ; Andrews, B; Binner, A; Crowe, A; Day, BH; Dugdale, S; Fezzi, C; Foden, J; Hadley, D; Haines-Young, R; Hulme, M; Kontoleon, A; Lovett, AA; Munday, P; Pascual, U; Paterson, J; Perino, G; Sen, A; Sir
Bringing Ecosystem Services into Economic Decision-Making: Land Use in the United Kingdom

van Vliet, MTH; Vogele, S; Rubbelke, D
Water constraints on European power supply under climate change: impacts on electricity prices
Environmental Research Letters

Bateman, IJ; Harwood, AR; Mace, GM; Watson, RT; Abson, DJ; Andrews, B; Binner, A; Crowe, A; Day, BH; Dugdale, S; Fezzi, C; Foden, J; Hadley, D; Haines-Young, R; Hulme, M; Kontoleon, A; Lovett, AA; Munday, P; Pascual, U; Paterson, J; Perino, G; Sen, A; Sir
Ecosystem Services: Nature's Balance Sheet Response

Vogele, S; Rubbelke, D
Decisions on investments in photovoltaics and carbon capture and storage: A comparison between two different greenhouse gas control strategies

Krishna, VV; Drucker, AG; Pascual, U; Raghu, PT; King, EDIO
Estimating compensation payments for on-farm conservation of agricultural biodiversity in developing countries
Ecological Economics

Zorita, I; Solaun, O; Borja, A; Franco, J; Muxika, I; Pascual, M
Spatial distribution and temporal trends of soft-bottom marine benthic alien species collected during the period 1989-2008 in the Nervion estuary (southeastern Bay of Biscay)
Journal Of Sea Research

Rubbelke, D; Vogele, S
Effects of carbon dioxide capture and storage in Germany on European electricity exchange and welfare
Energy Policy

Rincón, A., Pascual., U., Flantua, S
Examining spatially varying relationships between coca crops and associated factors in Colombia, using geographically weight regression
Applied Geography

Chiabai, A; Paskaleva, K; Lombardi, P
e-Participation Model for Sustainable Cultural Tourism Management: a Bottom-Up Approach
International Journal Of Tourism Research

Markandya, A., González-Eguino, M., Escapa
From shadow to Green: linking environmental fiscal reforms and the informal economy
Energy Economics

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