BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Galarraga, I; Ansuategi, A
The future of old industrial regions in a carbon-constrained world
Climate Policy

Ojea, E; Ruiz-Benito, P; Markandya, A; Zavala, MA
Wood provisioning in Mediterranean forests: A bottom-up spatial valuation approach
Forest Policy And Economics

Garmendia, E., Mariel, P., Tamayo, I., Aizpuru, I., Zabaleta, A.
Assessing the effect of alternative land uses in the provision of water resources: Evidence and policy implications from southern Europe
Land Use Policy

Abdullah, S; Markandya, A
Rural electrification programmes in Kenya: Policy conclusions from a valuation study

Gallejones, P; Castellon, A; del Prado, A; Unamunzaga, O; Aizpurua, A
Nitrogen and sulphur fertilization effect on leaching losses, nutrient balance and plant quality in a wheat-rapeseed rotation under a humid Mediterranean climate
Nutrient Cycling In Agroecosystems

Garmendia, E; Gamboa, G
Weighting social preferences in participatory multi-criteria evaluations: A case study on sustainable natural resource management
Ecological Economics

C. Figuières, S.Leplay, E. Midler and S. Thoyer
The REDD Scheme to Curb Deforestation: a Well-designed System of Incentives?
Strategic Behavior and the Environment

Johnson, G.W., Bagstad, K., Snapp, R., Villa, F
Service Path Attribution Networks (SPANs): A Network Flow Approach to Ecosystem Service Assessment
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems

Buchholz, W; Cornes, R; Rubbelke, D
Matching as a cure for underprovision of voluntary public good supply

Van Vliet, N. Mertz, O., Heinimann, A., Langanke, T., Adams, C., Messerli, P., Leisz, S., Pascual, U., Schmook, B., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Castella, J-C., Jørgensen, L., Birch-Thomsen, T.., Hett, C., Bech-Bruun, T., Ickowitz, A., Chi Vu, KI., Yasuyuki, K., F
Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment
Global Environmental Change

Brander, LM; Brauer, I; Gerdes, H; Ghermandi, A; Kuik, O; Markandya, A; Navrud, S; Nunes, PALD; Schaafsma, M; Vos, H; Wagtendonk, A
Using Meta-Analysis and GIS for Value Transfer and Scaling Up: Valuing Climate Change Induced Losses of European Wetlands

Ziegler, AD; Phelps, J; Yuen, JQ; Webb, EL; Lawrence, D; Fox, JM; Bruun, TB; Leisz, SJ; Ryan, CM; Dressler, W; Mertz, O; Pascual, U; Padoch, C; Koh, LP
Carbon outcomes of major land-cover transitions in SE Asia: great uncertainties and REDD plus policy implications
Global Change Biology

Kaysara Khatun
Reform or reversal: implications of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on land use, land use change, and forestry (LULUCF) in developing countries
Conservation Letters

Markandya, A and P. Nunes
Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on the Socioeconomics and Management of Bioprospecting
International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics

Hoyos, D; Mariel, P; Pascual, U; Etxano, I
Valuing a Natura 2000 network site to inform land use options using a discrete choice experiment: An illustration from the Basque Country
Journal Of Forest Economics

Melanie Heugues
Endogenous Timing in Pollution Control: Stackelberg versus Cournot-Nash Equilibria
Strategic Behavior and the Environment


Markandya.A ,Ponczek.V. and Yi.S
What are the Links between Aid Volatility and Growth
The Journal of Developing Areas

Fouquet, R
Long run trends in energy-related external costs
Ecological Economics

Del Prado, A; Misselbrook, T; Chadwick, D; Hopkins, A; Dewhurst, RJ; Davison, P; Butler, A; Schroder, J; Scholefield, D
SIMSDAIRY: A modelling framework to identify sustainable dairy farms in the UK. Framework description and test for organic systems and N fertiliser optimisation
Science Of The Total Environment

Wegner, G; Pascual, U
Cost-benefit analysis in the context of ecosystem services for human well-being: A multidisciplinary critique
Global Environmental Change-Human And Policy Dimensions

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