BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Pittel, K; Rubbelke, DTG
Transitions in the negotiations on climate change: from prisoner's dilemma to chicken and beyond
International Environmental Agreements-Politics Law And Economics

Fouquet, R. and P. J.G. Pearson
The Long Run Demand for Lighting: Elasticities and Rebound Effects in Different Phases of Economic Development
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy

Gallastegui, MC; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Galarraga, I
Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: a quantitative approach for Spain
Series-Journal Of The Spanish Economic Association

Pittel, K; Rubbelke, DTG
Decision processes of a suicide bomber-the economics and psychology of attacking and defecting
Defence And Peace Economics

Corbera, E; Pascual, U
Ecosystem Services: Heed Social Goals

Markandya, A.
Externalities from electricity generation and renewable energy. Methodology and application in Europe and Spain
Cuadernos Economicos de ICE

Martin-Ortega, J; Brouwer, R; Ojea, E; Berbel, J
Benefit transfer and spatial heterogeneity of preferences for water quality improvements
Journal Of Environmental Management

Jackson, LE; Pulleman, MM; Brussaard, L; Bawa, KS; Brown, GG; Cardoso, IM; de Ruiter, PC; Garcia-Barrios, L; Hollander, AD; Lavelle, P; Ouedraogo, E; Pascual, U; Setty, S; Smukler, SM; Tscharntke, T; Van Noordwijk, M
Social-ecological and regional adaptation of agrobiodiversity management across a global set of research regions
Global Environmental Change-Human And Policy Dimensions

Chiabai A, Platt S, Strielkowski W
Consumers' specifications and their preferences for tourism e-services
Economics and Management

Fouquet, R
Trends in income and price elasticities of transport demand (1850-2010)
Energy Policy

Ojea, E; Ghosh, RK; Agrawal, BB; Joshi, PK
Costing adaptation to climate change impacts in forest ecosystems A case study with experiences from India
International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

Galarraga, I., Lucas, J., Gonzalez-Eguino, M.
Evaluación económica del etiquetado de eficiencia energética: el caso de las lavadoras en España
Papeles de Economía Española

Chamorro, JM; Abadie, LM; de Neufville, R; Ilic, M
Market-based valuation of transmission network expansion. A heuristic application in GB

Foudi, S
The role of farmers' property rights in soil ecosystem services conservation

Ojea, E; Martin-Ortega, J; Chiabai, A
Defining and classifying ecosystem services for economic valuation: the case of forest water services
Environmental Science & Policy

Foudi, S; Erdlenbruch, K
The role of irrigation in farmers' risk management strategies in France


Pascual, U., Corbera, E
Payments for Environmental Services: Perspectives and innovative experiences for nature conservation and rural development
Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros

Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I.
The European Emission Trading Scheme: Implication for Long-Term Investment Valuation
Climate Change Economics (CCE)

Bosetti, V; Lubowski, R; Golub, A; Markandya, A
Linking reduced deforestation and a global carbon market: implications for clean energy technology and policy flexibility
Environment And Development Economics

Berbel, Martin-Ortega and Mesa
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Water-Saving Measures for the Water Framework Directive: the Case of the Guadalquivir River Basin in Southern Spain
Water Resources Management

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