BC3. Basque centre for climate change – Klima aldaketa ikergai

  1. Hasiera
  2. Argitalpenak


Galarraga, I, González-Eguino, M and Markandya, A.
Willingness to pay and price elasticities of demand for energy-efficient appliances: combining the hedonic approach and demand systems
Energy Economics

Bardt, Hubertus, Lars P. Feld, Kai A. Konrad, Marcel Thum, Wolfgang Buchholz, Dirk Rübbelke, Christian Hey, Karin Holm-Müller, Michael Weber, Rüdiger Pethig, Joachim Weimann and Timo Goeschl
Emissionsvermeidung oder Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Welche Zukunft hat die Klimapolitik?
ifo Schnelldienst

Ojea, E; Loureiro, ML
Identifying the scope effect on a meta-analysis of biodiversity valuation studies
Resource And Energy Economics

Martinez, GS; Imai, C; Masumo, K
Local Heat Stroke Prevention Plans in Japan: Characteristics and Elements for Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change
International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health

Abadie, LM; Chamorro, JM; Gonzalez-Eguino, M
Optimal Abandonment of EU Coal-fired Stations
Energy Journal

Narloch, U; Drucker, AG; Pascual, U
Payments for agrobiodiversity conservation services for sustained on-farm utilization of plant and animal genetic resources
Ecological Economics

Halsnaes, K; Markandya, A; Shukla, P
Introduction: Sustainable Development, Energy, and Climate Change
World Development

Pascual, U., Corbera, E
Payments for Environmental Services: Perspectives and innovative experiences for nature conservation and rural development
Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros

Abadie, L.M., Galarraga, I.
The European Emission Trading Scheme: Implication for Long-Term Investment Valuation
Climate Change Economics (CCE)

Berbel, Martin-Ortega and Mesa
A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Water-Saving Measures for the Water Framework Directive: the Case of the Guadalquivir River Basin in Southern Spain
Water Resources Management

Bosetti, V; Lubowski, R; Golub, A; Markandya, A
Linking reduced deforestation and a global carbon market: implications for clean energy technology and policy flexibility
Environment And Development Economics

Galarraga, I; Heres, DR; Gonzalez-Eguino, M
Price premium for high-efficiency refrigerators and calculation of price-elasticities for close-substitutes: a methodology using hedonic pricing and demand systems
Journal Of Cleaner Production

Rubbelke, D; Vogele, S
Impacts of climate change on European critical infrastructures: The case of the power sector
Environmental Science & Policy

Gonzalez-Eguino, M
The cost of mitigating climate change: an applied general equilibrium models analysis
Revista De Economia Aplicada

Pascual, U., Narloch, U., Nordhagen, S., Drucker, A.
The economics of agrobiodiversity conservation for food security under climate change
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales

Abadie, LM; Chamorro, JM
Valuing Expansions of the Electricity Transmission Network under Uncertainty: The Binodal Case

Buchholz, W; Cornes, R; Rubbelke, D
Interior matching equilibria in a public good economy: An aggregative game approach
Journal Of Public Economics

Markandya, A; Ortiz, RA
Beyond Current Practices The Role of the External Costs of Carbon in Climate Decision Making
Journal Of Industrial Ecology

Gonzalez-Eguino, M
The importance of the design of market-based instruments for CO2 mitigation: An AGE analysis for Spain
Ecological Economics


Martin-Ortega, J; Berbel, J
Using multi-criteria analysis to explore non-market monetary values of water quality changes in the context of the Water Framework Directive
Science Of The Total Environment

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